Hi Folks!
Found this over at another site - this is direct from Mike Gummelt at Raven and is a more complete vehicle template file for Jedi Academy.
He also states that passengers are always never drawn!! And max-passengers is 8. Vehicles are limited to two types of weapons currently.
Here we go - this is big, so you may want to print it out to read it!
{"name", VFOFS(name), VF_LSTRING}, //unique name of the vehicle
//general data
{"type", VFOFS(type), VF_VEHTYPE}, //what kind of vehicle
{"numHands", VFOFS(numHands), VF_INT}, //if 2 hands, no weapons, if 1 hand, can use 1-handed weapons, if 0 hands, can use 2-handed weapons
{"lookPitch", VFOFS(lookPitch), VF_FLOAT}, //How far you can look up and down off the forward of the vehicle
{"lookYaw", VFOFS(lookYaw), VF_FLOAT}, //How far you can look left and right off the forward of the vehicle
{"length", VFOFS(length), VF_FLOAT}, //how long it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving?
{"width", VFOFS(width), VF_FLOAT}, //how wide it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving?
{"height", VFOFS(height), VF_FLOAT}, //how tall it is - used for body length traces when turning/moving?
{"centerOfGravity", VFOFS(centerOfGravity), VF_VECTOR},//offset from origin: as a modifier on that dimension (-1.0f is all the way back, 1.0f is all the way forward)
//speed stats
{"speedMax", VFOFS(speedMax), VF_FLOAT}, //top speed
{"turboSpeed", VFOFS(turboSpeed), VF_FLOAT}, //turbo speed
{"speedMin", VFOFS(speedMin), VF_FLOAT}, //if < 0, can go in reverse
{"speedIdle", VFOFS(speedIdle), VF_FLOAT}, //what speed it drifts to when no accel/decel input is given
{"accelIdle", VFOFS(accelIdle), VF_FLOAT}, //if speedIdle > 0, how quickly it goes up to that speed
{"acceleration", VFOFS(acceleration), VF_FLOAT}, //when pressing on accelerator
{"decelIdle", VFOFS(decelIdle), VF_FLOAT}, //when giving no input, how quickly it drops to speedIdle
{"throttleSticks", VFOFS(throttleSticks), VF_BOOL},//if true, speed stays at whatever you accel/decel to, unless you turbo or brake
{"strafePerc", VFOFS(strafePerc), VF_FLOAT}, //multiplier on current speed for strafing. If 1.0f, you can strafe at the same speed as you're going forward, 0.5 is half, 0 is no strafing
//handling stats
{"bankingSpeed", VFOFS(bankingSpeed), VF_FLOAT}, //how quickly it pitches and rolls (not under player control)
{"pitchLimit", VFOFS(pitchLimit), VF_FLOAT}, //how far it can roll forward or backward
{"rollLimit", VFOFS(rollLimit), VF_FLOAT}, //how far it can roll to either side
{"braking", VFOFS(braking), VF_FLOAT}, //when pressing on decelerator
{"mouseYaw", VFOFS(mouseYaw), VF_FLOAT}, // The mouse yaw override.
{"mousePitch", VFOFS(mousePitch), VF_FLOAT}, // The mouse yaw override.
{"turningSpeed", VFOFS(turningSpeed), VF_FLOAT}, //how quickly you can turn
{"turnWhenStopped", VFOFS(turnWhenStopped), VF_BOOL},//whether or not you can turn when not moving
{"traction", VFOFS(traction), VF_FLOAT}, //how much your command input affects velocity
{"friction", VFOFS(friction), VF_FLOAT}, //how much velocity is cut on its own
{"maxSlope", VFOFS(maxSlope), VF_FLOAT}, //the max slope that it can go up with control
{"speedDependantTurning", VFOFS(speedDependantTurning), VF_BOOL},//vehicle turns faster the faster it's going
//durability stats
{"mass", VFOFS(mass), VF_INT}, //for momentum and impact force (player mass is 10)
{"armor", VFOFS(armor), VF_INT}, //total points of damage it can take
{"shields", VFOFS(shields), VF_INT}, //energy shield damage points
{"shieldRechargeMS", VFOFS(shieldRechargeMS), VF_INT},//energy shield milliseconds per point recharged
{"toughness", VFOFS(toughness), VF_FLOAT}, //modifies incoming damage, 1.0 is normal, 0.5 is half, etc. Simulates being made of tougher materials/construction
{"malfunctionArmorLevel", VFOFS(malfunctionArmorLevel), VF_INT},//when armor drops to or below this point, start malfunctioning
{"surfDestruction", VFOFS(surfDestruction), VF_INT},
//visuals & sounds
{"model", VFOFS(model), VF_LSTRING}, //what model to use - if make it an NPC's primary model, don't need this?
{"skin", VFOFS(skin), VF_LSTRING}, //what skin to use - if make it an NPC's primary model, don't need this?
{"g2radius", VFOFS(g2radius), VF_INT}, //render radius (really diameter, but...) for the ghoul2 model
{"riderAnim", VFOFS(riderAnim), VF_ANIM}, //what animation the rider uses
{"droidNPC", VFOFS(droidNPC), VF_LSTRING}, //NPC to attach to *droidunit tag (if it exists in the model)
{"radarIcon", VFOFS(radarIconHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP}, //what icon to show on radar in MP
{"dmgIndicFrame", VFOFS(dmgIndicFrameHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP}, //what image to use for the frame of the damage indicator
{"dmgIndicShield", VFOFS(dmgIndicShieldHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP},//what image to use for the shield of the damage indicator
{"dmgIndicBackground", VFOFS(dmgIndicBackgroundHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP},//what image to use for the background of the damage indicator
{"icon_front", VFOFS(iconFrontHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP}, //what image to use for the front of the ship on the damage indicator
{"icon_back", VFOFS(iconBackHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP}, //what image to use for the back of the ship on the damage indicator
{"icon_right", VFOFS(iconRightHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP}, //what image to use for the right of the ship on the damage indicator
{"icon_left", VFOFS(iconLeftHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP}, //what image to use for the left of the ship on the damage indicator
{"crosshairShader", VFOFS(crosshairShaderHandle), VF_SHADER_NOMIP}, //what image to use as the crosshair
{"shieldShader", VFOFS(shieldShaderHandle), VF_SHADER}, //What shader to use when drawing the shield shell
//individual "area" health -rww
{"health_front", VFOFS(health_front), VF_INT},
{"health_back", VFOFS(health_back), VF_INT},
{"health_right", VFOFS(health_right), VF_INT},
{"health_left", VFOFS(health_left), VF_INT},
{"soundOn", VFOFS(soundOn), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when get on it
{"soundOff", VFOFS(soundOff), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when get off
{"soundLoop", VFOFS(soundLoop), VF_SOUND},//sound to loop while riding it
{"soundTakeOff", VFOFS(soundTakeOff), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when ship takes off
{"soundEngineStart",VFOFS(soundEngineStart),VF_SOUND_CLIENT},//sound to play when ship's thrusters first activate
{"soundSpin", VFOFS(soundSpin), VF_SOUND},//sound to loop while spiraling out of control
{"soundTurbo", VFOFS(soundTurbo), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when turbo/afterburner kicks in
{"soundHyper", VFOFS(soundHyper), VF_SOUND_CLIENT},//sound to play when hits hyperspace
{"soundLand", VFOFS(soundLand), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when ship lands
{"soundFlyBy", VFOFS(soundFlyBy), VF_SOUND_CLIENT},//sound to play when they buzz you
{"soundFlyBy2", VFOFS(soundFlyBy2), VF_SOUND_CLIENT},//alternate sound to play when they buzz you
{"soundShift1", VFOFS(soundShift1), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when changing speeds
{"soundShift2", VFOFS(soundShift2), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when changing speeds
{"soundShift3", VFOFS(soundShift3), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when changing speeds
{"soundShift4", VFOFS(soundShift4), VF_SOUND},//sound to play when changing speeds
{"exhaustFX", VFOFS(iExhaustFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //exhaust effect, played from "*exhaust" bolt(s)
{"turboFX", VFOFS(iTurboFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //turbo exhaust effect, played from "*exhaust" bolt(s) when ship is in "turbo" mode
{"turboStartFX", VFOFS(iTurboStartFX), VF_EFFECT}, //turbo start effect, played from "*exhaust" bolt(s) when ship is in "turbo" mode
{"trailFX", VFOFS(iTrailFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //trail effect, played from "*trail" bolt(s)
{"impactFX", VFOFS(iImpactFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //impact effect, for when it bumps into something
{"explodeFX", VFOFS(iExplodeFX), VF_EFFECT}, //explosion effect, for when it blows up (should have the sound built into explosion effect)
{"wakeFX", VFOFS(iWakeFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //effect it makes when going across water
{"dmgFX", VFOFS(iDmgFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //effect to play on damage from a weapon or something
{"injureFX", VFOFS(iInjureFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //effect to play on partially damaged ship surface
{"noseFX", VFOFS(iNoseFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //effect for nose piece flying away when blown off
{"lwingFX", VFOFS(iLWingFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //effect for left wing piece flying away when blown off
{"rwingFX", VFOFS(iRWingFX), VF_EFFECT_CLIENT}, //effect for right wing piece flying away when blown off
// Weapon stuff:
{"weap1", VFOFS(weapon[0].ID), VF_WEAPON}, //weapon used when press fire
{"weap2", VFOFS(weapon[1].ID), VF_WEAPON},//weapon used when press alt-fire
// The delay between shots for this weapon.
{"weap1Delay", VFOFS(weapon[0].delay), VF_INT},
{"weap2Delay", VFOFS(weapon[1].delay), VF_INT},
// Whether or not all the muzzles for each weapon can be linked together (linked delay = weapon delay * number of muzzles linked!)
{"weap1Link", VFOFS(weapon[0].linkable), VF_INT},
{"weap2Link", VFOFS(weapon[1].linkable), VF_INT},
// Whether or not to auto-aim the projectiles at the thing under the crosshair when we fire
{"weap1Aim", VFOFS(weapon[0].aimCorrect), VF_BOOL},
{"weap2Aim", VFOFS(weapon[1].aimCorrect), VF_BOOL},
//maximum ammo
{"weap1AmmoMax", VFOFS(weapon[0].ammoMax), VF_INT},
{"weap2AmmoMax", VFOFS(weapon[1].ammoMax), VF_INT},
//ammo recharge rate - milliseconds per unit (minimum of 100, which is 10 ammo per second)
{"weap1AmmoRechargeMS", VFOFS(weapon[0].ammoRechargeMS), VF_INT},
{"weap2AmmoRechargeMS", VFOFS(weapon[1].ammoRechargeMS), VF_INT},
//sound to play when out of ammo (plays default "no ammo" sound if none specified)
{"weap1SoundNoAmmo", VFOFS(weapon[0].soundNoAmmo), VF_SOUND_CLIENT},//sound to play when try to fire weapon 1 with no ammo
{"weap2SoundNoAmmo", VFOFS(weapon[1].soundNoAmmo), VF_SOUND_CLIENT},//sound to play when try to fire weapon 2 with no ammo
// Which weapon a muzzle fires (has to match one of the weapons this vehicle has).
{"weapMuzzle1", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[0]), VF_WEAPON},
{"weapMuzzle2", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[1]), VF_WEAPON},
{"weapMuzzle3", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[2]), VF_WEAPON},
{"weapMuzzle4", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[3]), VF_WEAPON},
{"weapMuzzle5", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[4]), VF_WEAPON},
{"weapMuzzle6", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[5]), VF_WEAPON},
{"weapMuzzle7", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[6]), VF_WEAPON},
{"weapMuzzle8", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[7]), VF_WEAPON},
{"weapMuzzle9", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[8]), VF_WEAPON},
{"weapMuzzle10", VFOFS(weapMuzzle[9]), VF_WEAPON},
// The max height before this ship (?) starts (auto)landing.
{"landingHeight", VFOFS(landingHeight), VF_FLOAT},
//other misc stats
{"gravity", VFOFS(gravity), VF_INT}, //normal is 800
{"hoverHeight", VFOFS(hoverHeight), VF_FLOAT}, //if 0, it's a ground vehicle
{"hoverStrength", VFOFS(hoverStrength), VF_FLOAT}, //how hard it pushes off ground when less than hover height... causes "bounce", like shocks
{"waterProof", VFOFS(waterProof), VF_BOOL}, //can drive underwater if it has to
{"bouyancy", VFOFS(bouyancy), VF_FLOAT}, //when in water, how high it floats (1 is neutral bouyancy)
{"fuelMax", VFOFS(fuelMax), VF_INT}, //how much fuel it can hold (capacity)
{"fuelRate", VFOFS(fuelRate), VF_INT}, //how quickly is uses up fuel
{"turboDuration", VFOFS(turboDuration), VF_INT}, //how long turbo lasts
{"turboRecharge", VFOFS(turboRecharge), VF_INT}, //how long turbo takes to recharge
{"visibility", VFOFS(visibility), VF_INT}, //for sight alerts
{"loudness", VFOFS(loudness), VF_INT}, //for sound alerts
{"explosionRadius", VFOFS(explosionRadius), VF_FLOAT},//range of explosion
{"explosionDamage", VFOFS(explosionDamage), VF_INT},//damage of explosion
//new stuff
{"maxPassengers", VFOFS(maxPassengers), VF_INT}, // The max number of passengers this vehicle may have (Default = 0).
{"hideRider", VFOFS(hideRider), VF_BOOL}, // rider (and passengers?) should not be drawn
{"killRiderOnDeath", VFOFS(killRiderOnDeath), VF_BOOL},//if rider is on vehicle when it dies, they should die
{"flammable", VFOFS(flammable), VF_BOOL}, //whether or not the vehicle should catch on fire before it explodes
{"explosionDelay", VFOFS(explosionDelay), VF_INT}, //how long the vehicle should be on fire/dying before it explodes
//camera stuff
{"cameraOverride", VFOFS(cameraOverride), VF_BOOL},//override the third person camera with the below values - normal is 0 (off)
{"cameraRange", VFOFS(cameraRange), VF_FLOAT}, //how far back the camera should be - normal is 80
{"cameraVertOffset", VFOFS(cameraVertOffset), VF_FLOAT},//how high over the vehicle origin the camera should be - normal is 16
{"cameraHorzOffset", VFOFS(cameraHorzOffset), VF_FLOAT},//how far to left/right (negative/positive) of of the vehicle origin the camera should be - normal is 0
{"cameraPitchOffset", VFOFS(cameraPitchOffset), VF_FLOAT},//a modifier on the camera's pitch (up/down angle) to the vehicle - normal is 0
{"cameraFOV", VFOFS(cameraFOV), VF_FLOAT}, //third person camera FOV, default is 80
{"cameraAlpha", VFOFS(cameraAlpha), VF_FLOAT}, //fade out the vehicle to this alpha (0.1-1.0f) if it's in the way of the crosshair
{"cameraPitchDependantVertOffset", VFOFS(cameraPitchDependantVertOffset), VF_BOOL}, //use the hacky AT-ST pitch dependant vertical offset
//Turret 1
{"turret1Weap", VFOFS(turret[0].iWeapon), VF_WEAPON},
{"turret1Delay", VFOFS(turret[0].iDelay), VF_INT},
{"turret1AmmoMax", VFOFS(turret[0].iAmmoMax), VF_INT},
{"turret1AmmoRechargeMS", VFOFS(turret[0].iAmmoRechargeMS), VF_INT},
{"turret1YawBone", VFOFS(turret[0].yawBone), VF_LSTRING},
{"turret1PitchBone", VFOFS(turret[0].pitchBone), VF_LSTRING},
{"turret1YawAxis", VFOFS(turret[0].yawAxis), VF_INT},
{"turret1PitchAxis", VFOFS(turret[0].pitchAxis), VF_INT},
{"turret1ClampYawL", VFOFS(turret[0].yawClampLeft), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to turn left
{"turret1ClampYawR", VFOFS(turret[0].yawClampRight), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to turn right
{"turret1ClampPitchU", VFOFS(turret[0].pitchClampUp), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to title up
{"turret1ClampPitchD", VFOFS(turret[0].pitchClampDown), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to tilt down
{"turret1Muzzle1", VFOFS(turret[0].iMuzzle[0]), VF_INT},
{"turret1Muzzle2", VFOFS(turret[0].iMuzzle[1]), VF_INT},
{"turret1TurnSpeed", VFOFS(turret[0].fTurnSpeed), VF_FLOAT},
{"turret1AI", VFOFS(turret[0].bAI), VF_BOOL},
{"turret1AILead", VFOFS(turret[0].bAILead), VF_BOOL},
{"turret1AIRange", VFOFS(turret[0].fAIRange), VF_FLOAT},
{"turret1PassengerNum", VFOFS(turret[0].passengerNum), VF_INT},//which number passenger can control this turret
{"turret1GunnerViewTag", VFOFS(turret[0].gunnerViewTag), VF_LSTRING},
//Turret 2
{"turret2Weap", VFOFS(turret[1].iWeapon), VF_WEAPON},
{"turret2Delay", VFOFS(turret[1].iDelay), VF_INT},
{"turret2AmmoMax", VFOFS(turret[1].iAmmoMax), VF_INT},
{"turret2AmmoRechargeMS", VFOFS(turret[1].iAmmoRechargeMS), VF_INT},
{"turret2YawBone", VFOFS(turret[1].yawBone), VF_LSTRING},
{"turret2PitchBone", VFOFS(turret[1].pitchBone), VF_LSTRING},
{"turret2YawAxis", VFOFS(turret[1].yawAxis), VF_INT},
{"turret2PitchAxis", VFOFS(turret[1].pitchAxis), VF_INT},
{"turret2ClampYawL", VFOFS(turret[1].yawClampLeft), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to turn left
{"turret2ClampYawR", VFOFS(turret[1].yawClampRight), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to turn right
{"turret2ClampPitchU", VFOFS(turret[1].pitchClampUp), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to title up
{"turret2ClampPitchD", VFOFS(turret[1].pitchClampDown), VF_FLOAT}, //how far the turret is allowed to tilt down
{"turret2Muzzle1", VFOFS(turret[1].iMuzzle[0]), VF_INT},
{"turret2Muzzle2", VFOFS(turret[1].iMuzzle[1]), VF_INT},
{"turret2TurnSpeed", VFOFS(turret[1].fTurnSpeed), VF_FLOAT},
{"turret2AI", VFOFS(turret[1].bAI), VF_BOOL},
{"turret2AILead", VFOFS(turret[1].bAILead), VF_BOOL},
{"turret2AIRange", VFOFS(turret[1].fAIRange), VF_FLOAT},
{"turret2PassengerNum", VFOFS(turret[1].passengerNum), VF_INT},//which number passenger can control this turret
{"turret2GunnerViewTag", VFOFS(turret[1].gunnerViewTag), VF_LSTRING},