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Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
11-06-2001, 5:58 PM
Originally posted by Eets'chula *Eet'shula brings forth the 35,000 credits that the council provided* "How much will the adjustments cost, Watto?" "Uh, he said that the deal for the fighters is exactly how he said it would be. . ....  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
11-05-2001, 3:14 PM
"Umm, Watto? I think your backdoor is that way. . ." I snicker to myself as Watto fumbles around with his datapad. . ....  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
11-04-2001, 3:10 PM
I wait patiently for Watto to figure out how to drop a dice. . ....  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
11-01-2001, 4:43 PM
"Yes, lets hear a, ahem, reasonable price, Watto." I then turn to Utinni and whisper, "I can reprogram that droid brain you know! I just need a bit of time and a decent computer!" :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
10-29-2001, 7:03 PM
"I don't know about our repair man here, but I can use computers pretty well. I'll check for ship dealers. . . unless of course you want to give it a go, Vulcanis. . ."...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
10-29-2001, 3:21 PM
I step over to where Utinni is working on the droid. "If you wanna hook him up to this computer, I'll rewrite him nice and neat. This computer's pretty old, but I should be able to do it. :)" Just drag 'im over here. . ." I wait for Ut...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
10-27-2001, 1:38 AM
"Sorry, I'm fresh out of submisive droid brains." :D "Eets, why do we want to go to a junk dealer?" :confused:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
10-22-2001, 6:48 PM
"Alright, Vulcanis. If you can fix it, I can use it. It's pretty bad though. . ." I watch over his shoulder seeing what it was that I couldn't fix. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
10-20-2001, 11:35 AM
"Sure, we'll accept any help offered. :) How much do you know about repair? If you can get this thing working, I'm certain that I could use it." I step back from the computer, waiting for him to answer....  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
10-19-2001, 3:08 PM
I keep working, a bit puzzled as to why it's taking me so long to get this thing working. . . :confused:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
10-18-2001, 7:18 PM
I start working on the computer, first checking to see if the power supply is functioning, and then moving on to the internal circuits and diodes (it sounded cool ok?). :D Hmm. . . My assesment of this computer is. . ....  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange things happening on tatooine
10-15-2001, 2:22 PM
"Hmm, I've used computers before, but I'm not very good at them. . Perhaps I could offer moral support. . ." *ponders. . . then hits himself on the head!* :thrawn2: "Wait a sec! Did you guys say computer? I'm good at computers! Sorry...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
10-29-2001, 3:28 PM
Hey Chris! What about the other ones in my sig! My Bin Ladin, my Death Star exploding, my Charric. . . and I think there's one more. . . Anyway, can you add them?...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
10-13-2001, 5:43 PM
Well Chris, what do you think of. . . THIS? :D Is it cool or what?! :D :D :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: New smileys!
10-12-2001, 11:21 PM
VERY cool, Eet! :D BTW Chris, what do you think of the Bin Ladin and Yoda w/ Saber smileys? Are they good enough to be posted?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange Things Happening on Tatooine II
11-13-2001, 6:38 PM
"I'll go with you." I say as I catch up to Gabree and the rest. "Gabree, are you single by any chanc--What? I'm asking an honest question! Fine. . . Sorry, Gabree. :(" Hmph, well you can't blame me for asking. . . :D Lol. . ....  [Read More]
Posted in: Strange Things Happening on Tatooine II
11-12-2001, 3:59 PM
Aurawn :thrawn2: As Nasina'k moves to join Eets and Gabree, he bumps me and I wake up. "Oop, what-err, no I'm awake, I'm awake!" I nudge Gilgamoor and look around. I notice Eets going with Gabree and wonder: "So wait, who's going wher...  [Read More]
Posted in: Here's a hilarious joke!
11-08-2001, 6:04 PM
Originally posted by darthfergie Oh my goodness...PEOPLE IT IS JUST A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes: MAN, all this flaming and fuss over this joke he got in his e-mail...:rolleyes: GUYS! SAY THIS WITH ME: IT IS A JOKE! J-O-K-E, JOKE! WHAT is the bi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Here's a hilarious joke!
11-07-2001, 3:01 PM
Alright, ahem. . . The year is 2104. A father and son are walking though New York City, while on vacation. They soon come upon a huge memorial, and the son asks, "Daddy, what is this memorial for? "Well son, you see, about a hundred years...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Battle of Vonta IV
11-06-2001, 8:40 PM
The Chiss are omnipotent! :thrawn2: The Chiss are onmiscient! :thrawn2: The Chiss are onmipresent! :thrawn2: Does that answer your question? :D :thrawn2:  [Read More]
Posted in: The Battle of Vonta IV
11-06-2001, 7:40 PM
Suddenly you are hard of breathing. . . Yes, that's right, I'm a DARK Jedi. A malevolent laugh fills the room. "Mwahhaahahaha!" Your molars explode one by one, and then you eyes burst from their sockets. "MWahahahahahahahahaaaaa!"...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Battle of Vonta IV
11-05-2001, 3:12 PM
BUT, the Imperials only THOUGHT that they had an alliance with the Chiss. I, Thrawn, order my Chiss Jedi to remove the fields around the AT-AT's and put all their effort into shielding the Rebels!!! My squadron complies with ruthless efficiency, now...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Battle of Vonta IV
11-04-2001, 3:17 PM
The blast is deflected by a mysterious FORCEfield, as a strange Chiss craft soars overhead. It seems the Rebels have allied with the Chiss! A dozen Chiss fighters are now mercilessly blasting stormies and AT-AT's! FAADOOOOOOOOMMM! Another AT-AT hits...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nominations and's how it works !
11-04-2001, 3:06 PM
Three cheers for Tie Guy! :D I agree with Tie. Tirion, you are arguing against Tie Guy his person, instead of arguing against his ideas, or for your ideas. If you are really such an upstanding guy (which it think is true), then why don't you give all...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forum Mods, please read
10-15-2001, 3:38 PM
Looks VERY cool!!! I'd make the blue a bit darker. . . More like a Imperial navy blue. . . :D...  [Read More]
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