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Posted in: Broken rotation - follow up from e-varmints tut
05-23-2011, 9:52 PM
Quote from original post: North is "up" on the mini-map in most of the modules, and most characters face North when you enter a 0,1. One module (I forget which) is rotated so that E or W is "up", and some characters, such as Zax,...  [Read More]
Posted in: what are the guidlines around porting?
05-21-2011, 9:02 PM
Porting is porting. You're still porting something from K1 to K2. Even if you do change it....  [Read More]
Posted in: How would I combine this two scripts?
05-20-2011, 11:19 AM
I'm using this script here: #include "k_con_talkedto" int StartingConditional() { return GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(GetFirstPC(), "jebord_robe")); } And it's returning this error: Function "StartingConditional&qu...  [Read More]
Posted in: How would I combine this two scripts?
05-19-2011, 11:04 PM
I want to add these two scripts together: int StartingConditional() { return GetIsObjectValid(GetItemPossessedBy(GetFirstPC(), "jebord_robe")); } along with the already-made-"conditional" script: k_con_talkedto Thanks!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Issues using the DLGEditor v2.3.2
05-19-2011, 10:54 PM
You're most welcome. Don't hesitate to PM me if you have any other questions. I'll try my best to answer them :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Issues using the DLGEditor v2.3.2
05-19-2011, 1:41 PM
If it's a certain script you're after, then you open up the Sourced script with KotoR tool (or extract it and open it up with notepad). You'll find the contents of the script in there. Alternatively, if you just want the already compiled script, extr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Issues using the DLGEditor v2.3.2
05-19-2011, 12:43 PM
Haha, I can't believe someone else made the very same mistake I made. The DLGEditor is used to edit the dialog files. You can find both dialog files and source (also compiled) scripts with KotoR Tool which you can download here: http://kotortool.sta...  [Read More]
Posted in: Setting a spawn point in a custom module
05-19-2011, 1:34 PM
Thanks TimBob, I've only ever played K2 once and wasn't aware of that. It's added now though :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Setting a spawn point in a custom module
05-19-2011, 7:20 AM
Setting the spawn point in a custom module: Here is a short tutorial on how to set/change where you spawn in your custom module in 5 easy steps. I will show you how to extract the required file and edit it accordingly. Requirements: KotoR Tool kgf...  [Read More]
Posted in: Script to remove an NPC
05-18-2011, 11:27 AM
The script gave me a few errors, but for others looking, I found this one to work perfectly: void main() { object oGoodbye; oGoodbye = GetObjectByTag("npc_tag_here"); DelayCommand(1.0, DestroyObject(oGoodbye)); } Thanks TimBob....  [Read More]
Posted in: Script to remove an NPC
05-18-2011, 4:56 AM
Thanks, TimBob, I'll try it later on tonight. This script stops the party selection popping up when I recruit my NPC: void main() { ActionPauseConversation(); object oGoodbye; oGoodbye = GetObjectByTag("my_npc_tag"); SetGlobalFadeOut(1.0...  [Read More]
Posted in: Script to remove an NPC
05-17-2011, 10:59 PM
I want to make a script and attach it to a dialog that will remove an NPC from the same module I'm in, but remove him during the conversation without the annoying "Global Fadeout". Thanks....  [Read More]
Posted in: Changing the spawn point in a module
05-15-2011, 10:05 AM
Is there a way to change where you spawn in a module? Script? GIT file? Thanks....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Kotor] The Jedi Civil War
05-22-2011, 10:19 AM
I Know you guys want to see some screenshots. This. When you start a TC, make sure you post screenies! I found that out really quickly. Post a screenshot, even if it's not much, it will spike peoples interest and keep them coming back for more....  [Read More]
Posted in: Need help with Booleans
05-15-2011, 8:43 PM
Thanks for the reply, you've cleared a lot up for me. Much appreciated :)...  [Read More]
Beta's have been sent out to those chosen. Depending on when they all get back to me, is when you'll be able to download it publicly. I would like to take this chance to thank everyone who has made this mod possible. The scripters who have cured my h...  [Read More]
Only the Enclave as of now. I'm releasing it in parts, the Enclave is only the introduction. You should get a good 15 minutes of out it....  [Read More]
Just a little update; progress was really slow across the weekend, like expected, but I've at least managed to get most of the scripts done and polished. Beta versions will be sent out to the beta testers in the next 24 hours for sure and hopefully i...  [Read More]
I'll definitely be looking forward to the release and use of this mod. You wont have to wait long. Before I started the mod, I wanted to release it in parts, so players would be able to play through each part while waiting for the next. The Enclave...  [Read More]
Dak kindly offered to reskin the Enclave for me and I must say, the results are amazing. Check out this beautiful piece of work:  [Read More]
Thanks everyone - I just fixed up the original post with all the changed plots/ideas. For the beta testing, I'm HOPING I'll be able to get it out to you all in a couple of days. The only things I have left to do are: -The meeting with you, Belcamero...  [Read More]
Images are fine here....  [Read More]
As promised, here is an update with screenies. Progress slowed over the weekend due to real life comittments, which will impact every weekend, but I have made good with the time that I had. Master Hanhar will now give you your first assignment after...  [Read More]
Posted in: Torgruta Skin feedback
05-17-2011, 5:48 AM
I've never been a fan for skinning/modelling, so I stay clear of the threads. But I've been hearing a lot of this Torguta skin and thought I'd give it a read, and wow. It's bleedin' amazing. This has a definite place in my KOTOR folder. Keep up the g...  [Read More]
Posted in: Populate Function
05-19-2011, 10:56 PM
Just to clarify, you didn't put multiple copies of the script in the Override did you?...  [Read More]
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