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Ulic and Cay

Latest Activity

Posted in: A Voice Actor Casting Call for K2RP
 Ulic and Cay
09-18-2007, 4:31 AM
I need a woman to voice an NPC, Lieutenant Yima, for a quest I'm restoring for K2RP. If anyone is interested, please PM me and we'll work out the details. Thanks to anyone interested in advance....  [Read More]
Posted in: A death animation that won't kill my NPC?
 Ulic and Cay
09-17-2007, 7:58 PM
The fight plays! Thank you so much! But there's a new problem now. Apparently the dialog nodes after the fight don't play. This prevents the last stage of my script from firing and leaves the fadeout set and the player in total darkness. I know the l...  [Read More]
Posted in: A death animation that won't kill my NPC?
 Ulic and Cay
09-16-2007, 10:10 PM
Yeah that's almost what's supposed to happen. The order of the fades is a little confused. It should look like this: 1. Give Czerka guard a blaster, fade to black to cover up the close and lock of the airlock door 2. Warp Atollo to the waypoint with...  [Read More]
Posted in: A death animation that won't kill my NPC?
 Ulic and Cay
09-16-2007, 1:24 AM
Because I couldn't get the "OnDialog" for my NPC to work I tried setting up a trigger that will fire the dialog (making the PC the conversation owner) when the PC gets near the NPC. Here's the script: void main() { if ((GetGlobalNumber(&quo...  [Read More]
Posted in: A death animation that won't kill my NPC?
 Ulic and Cay
09-13-2007, 8:37 PM
I'll address these in bullet points in the order you suggested them. I've got the dialog set up correctly with the correct speaker's tag in the Speaker field. (I don't need to have something in the Listener field for the replies do I?) I don't think...  [Read More]
Posted in: A death animation that won't kill my NPC?
 Ulic and Cay
09-13-2007, 2:18 AM
That didn't do it either. Still the same problem. I tried it a few different ways; having the placeable already in the module, creating it by tweaking the ondialog script above, having it launch a different dialog, all to no avail....  [Read More]
Posted in: A death animation that won't kill my NPC?
 Ulic and Cay
09-12-2007, 10:11 PM
When I try and compile it it has a problem with line 54: "Undeclared Identifier" oIntruder = ST_GetNearestEnemy(); Can you give me that sub string?...  [Read More]
Posted in: A death animation that won't kill my NPC?
 Ulic and Cay
09-12-2007, 9:33 PM
Yeah I can't get it to work at all. Its that same problem I described before, nothing is selectable and the conversation won't fire. Do you think its a problem with my dialog, which will fire fine if I leave the default ondialog script alone, or is i...  [Read More]
Posted in: A death animation that won't kill my NPC?
 Ulic and Cay
09-12-2007, 8:07 PM
That's what I thought and I tried that, having your second script fire for that NPC's "on dialog", and I couldn't get it to work. It didn't fire the conversation, it just made it impossible to bring up the menu or interact with anything lik...  [Read More]
Posted in: A death animation that won't kill my NPC?
 Ulic and Cay
09-12-2007, 6:41 PM
I thought about that and tried something similar. I created a placeable where my NPC was but I couldn't select it, only my NPC. I may have done something wrong though. Is that what you're suggesting I do? Create a placeable near my NPC and have it fi...  [Read More]
Posted in: A death animation that won't kill my NPC?
 Ulic and Cay
09-12-2007, 4:52 AM
Is there a death animation that won't kill my NPC? I have the script below fire several times during a dialog that I initiate with my "210_Atallo" character. At some point during the conversation I jump him elsewhere and show him being kill...  [Read More]
That one's got it, thanks. I did have to tweak the void ST_JumpToPoint() subscript though. It didn't seem to ever make it to the ActionStartConversation line. void ST_JumpToPoint(string sWP, object oJumper=OBJECT_SELF) { AssignCommand(oJumper, JumpT...  [Read More]
Thanks, that approach seems to work far more reliably than what I was doing but it still will fail occasionally. It seems that if I'm jumping them to a waypoint that is line of sight its fine but if the waypoint its blocked by a wall it can be a prob...  [Read More]
Edit: Woops, don't know how this got here. Can someone please move this to the Holowan Laboratories section? My mistake. Mod note: Moved. :) ~M I, for the life of me, can't get the GetFirstPC and GetNextPC functions to work reliably like I want t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Some questions about the maps
 Ulic and Cay
08-18-2007, 6:20 PM
Using DSTONEY's maps and modules would be easy enough but I already went to the trouble of creating and aligning my own maps so there really isn't any need. I was just asking because I was curious about how the game functions not because I was curren...  [Read More]
Posted in: Some questions about the maps
 Ulic and Cay
08-18-2007, 5:32 AM
well I've run as far to the "left" of an area as I can and used the "whereami armband" to get my location thinking that the X coordinate I got might be the value I needed for WorldPT1X. That didn't work for me, and the values that...  [Read More]
Posted in: Some questions about the maps
 Ulic and Cay
08-17-2007, 3:50 PM
So has anyone figured out how to determine all the WorldPt and MapPt coordinates? Actually can someone tell me what the MapPt coordinates are for? Pavlos DSTONEY I'm looking at you there. I just guessed and that takes a hell of a long time, it also s...  [Read More]
The stand alone install is still available however if you plan on installing the K2RP it is not needed as the two projects have been merged....  [Read More]
Posted in: Module Editor Map Requests
 Ulic and Cay
08-30-2007, 6:37 PM
I saw that Fred was posting again, even talking about resuming development if there was enough community interest. If he is back, does anyone know if he is accepting new maps?...  [Read More]
Oh right... My mistake. :-)...  [Read More]
Actually having 8 as a waitflag will do something. I changed the delay from 4 to -1 but left 8 as the waitflag and it just skipped the scene. I didn't investigate further so I'm not sure if having anything in the waitflag field with -1 in the delay f...  [Read More]
I don't think WaitFlags 8 or 10 do anything in that cutscene. The game goes thorugh the nodes without a noticable delay. After removing the WaitFlags the cutscene played the same as before. I didn't notice a change either but well they were there......  [Read More]
I came across those values in attwarn.dlg in 306NAR_dlg.erf...  [Read More]
I see, I've always just scripted fades, KT is more user friendly than KGff. Also, I've seen WaitFlags set to 8 and 10 before, any idea what those values are doing?...  [Read More]
Does anyone have a list of the integers that the "FadeType" function supports and what those integers do? While I'm asking questions... I don't suppose anyone knows what the "WaitFlags" field is for......  [Read More]