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The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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Thanks for the command monsoontide, was fun to toy around with it. :) However I probably didnt make myself clear enough. I sort of meant is it possible to get the the thing to hover at varying heights in the game. So if you were to look up or press...  [Read More]
Great model. Is there anyway you can get it to levitate higher similar to the movies, or is it impossible without the sdk?...  [Read More]
Well Hiryu swift said that he's fixed the lambda shuttle to allow 3 people in it, 2 people controlling side turrets.  [Read More]
Thanks for the command monsoontide, was fun to toy around with it. :) However I probably didnt make myself clear enough. I sort of meant is it possible to get the the thing to hover at varying heights in the game. So if you were to look up or press...  [Read More]
Great model. Is there anyway you can get it to levitate higher similar to the movies, or is it impossible without the sdk?...  [Read More]
Well Hiryu swift said that he's fixed the lambda shuttle to allow 3 people in it, 2 people controlling side turrets.  [Read More]
Posted in: Wall Grab and CLINGing?
10-04-2003, 3:28 PM
They might have had debugmelee on or something, not sure. But are you saying, they could do it, while you couldnt. If so, No idea. :o...  [Read More]
Posted in: What we really need from Raven
10-03-2003, 5:00 AM
I agree, however it seems from what i've seen anybody the slightest sort of constructive criticism or ideas how to make the game better seems to get shot down on this board quite frequently and told to 'adapt to the game' :rolleyes: . But yeah, I agr...  [Read More]
What I think would be cool to see in the next installment is location hit force powers, probably the best title for it anyway. So say you pull someone while targetting their legs rather than their entire body being pulled back you pull their legs out...  [Read More]
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