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Posted in: Beyond the Crystal Edge
09-18-2003, 9:44 AM
im swichting through names so i hope you dont mind) rick didnt answer but he smiledwhen shado came in(im not good at makiiiing villains srry)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Beyond the Crystal Edge
09-16-2003, 5:34 PM
(by the way i ment to say i triped on hero) sorry i was just exploreing i like to do thaat...  [Read More]
Posted in: Beyond the Crystal Edge
09-16-2003, 9:20 AM
rick was the first one to wake up and he decided to explore he almost tripep on britanny then he did trip on the loud thummp woke shado up......  [Read More]
Posted in: Beyond the Crystal Edge
09-15-2003, 9:39 AM
(sorry i havvent been wrighting on vacation)rick figued it would be good to go to sleep so he did...  [Read More]
Posted in: Beyond the Crystal Edge
09-10-2003, 7:13 PM
rick did not know what to say so he just stood there...  [Read More]
Posted in: Beyond the Crystal Edge
09-09-2003, 11:24 PM
now rick really didnt have any frienind so he fowllowed brittany and saw her and shadow talking hero noticed him and looked at him but he just stayed there......  [Read More]
Posted in: Beyond the Crystal Edge
09-09-2003, 9:37 AM
he mentioned somithing about a fiance when me were talking ...are you?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Beyond the Crystal Edge
09-08-2003, 9:40 PM
rick just stared a her and then shado and then her and then shado and then her he was so damn confused humiliated to say to britany what just happend?!?!?!?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Beyond the Crystal Edge
09-08-2003, 7:35 PM
whaen rick, shado, and hero were about to leave as soon as rick turned aroud to leave he and britany almost bonked (i love that word bonked bonked bonked ....) heads together all three said hello and hero cooed a little...  [Read More]
Posted in: Beyond the Crystal Edge
09-08-2003, 9:34 AM
your a jedi also he replied i would find it odd that you didnt know...  [Read More]
Posted in: Beyond the Crystal Edge
09-07-2003, 10:34 PM
a jedi named rick ulo who happened to see the "crime" who also happened to know a friend who had been studying gizka decided to lend a helping hand _=court=_ rick and his friend entered with everyone thinking what the hell well he and his f...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG forum rules. And Characjter info.
09-16-2003, 4:17 PM
rpgs:all name: rick ulo age:27 profesion:traveler race: humon description:rick was a compationit traveler who seemed to get in lots of fights when he was travelling he was told he waas force sensitive by a mystirious jedi who quickly left. he be...  [Read More]
Posted in: theater
09-19-2003, 1:15 AM
name: rick ulo ocupation: jedi/traveller race:human backround: rick left his family when he was 12 and his father gave him a highly modified light reapeating blaster he mastered and modified the blaster and then one day when he was18 a jedi offere...  [Read More]
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