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Posted in: Rodians are Green, Twi'leks are blue....
05-14-2003, 7:16 PM
No the "things coming out of their heads" will not be able to be different than the color of their... um "skin" But they should have blue - green - purple... - representing through. But I really doubt that they will have anything...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Yuuzhan Vong
05-13-2003, 10:02 PM
I remember seeing somewhere other than the ususal races there will only be the ones that will show up at the theme parks like jaba and the jawas and other creatures but they are totaly out of place in this game....  [Read More]
HERE HERE! And I'm pretty sure that they will allow us to edit it... If not someone will start the revolutions... then reloaded it... and then it will be backwards... lol (get it tehehe) Being able to edit the game sells copies.......  [Read More]
Has this thred died... anymore comments questions anyone or is everyone going to  [Read More]
Also the fact that the sixth neo could be a wildcard by freeing smith... all of the other programs are still there and everything isn't reset everytime.. with smith being freed from the matrix.. his objective in life is to once and for all kill neo!...  [Read More]
See most of my thinking comes from the little chat between neo and the archey... See when the archey said: The first matrix I designed was quite naturally perfect; it was a work of art, flawless, sublime. A triumph equaled only by its monumental fai...  [Read More]
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