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The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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Posted in: Episode II World Premiere
05-16-2002, 8:50 PM
I've just been to watch Episode II on it's first day of release in the UK, and I must say I was impressed. However, I don't have a clue where George Lucas ever got the idea that Natalie Portman can act. There were a few funny moments, however unint...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's your favorite scene in empire strikes back?
10-14-2001, 7:59 PM
So...Anyone have a favourite scene from my favourite film in the trilogy (Episode 1 doesn't quite count as a film- Star Wars is still a trilogy)- 'Return of the Jedi'? Mine is the entire Endor space battle, especially the shots of X Wings flying in...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's your favorite scene in empire strikes back?
10-02-2001, 4:39 PM
Okay-dokay. ------------------ That Farrow bloke you executed today, are you sure he's dead? Well, I chopped his head off, that usually does the trick....  [Read More]
Posted in: What's your favorite scene in empire strikes back?
10-02-2001, 9:33 AM
My favourite bit is when the smug Star Destroyer captain says, 'Good, Our first catch of the day'. And then is promptly silenced by two blasts from an enormous ion cannon, shutting down his ship and letting the first transport get away. One thing, t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why won't Aeron get on the Otana?
10-06-2001, 10:11 PM
Does that apply to wingman skill in the single player mission mode? ie I am Ace 1st now, will my wingmen be Ace 1st in the tours of duty? ------------------ That Farrow bloke you executed today, are you sure he's dead? Well, I chopped his head off,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why won't Aeron get on the Otana?
10-06-2001, 4:40 PM
Okay-dokay, done it and downloaded it. Cheers, Battledog....  [Read More]
Posted in: Why won't Aeron get on the Otana?
10-03-2001, 3:30 PM
Somebody please help me...What is the 2.02 patch? ------------------ That Farrow bloke you executed today, are you sure he's dead? Well, I chopped his head off, that usually does the trick....  [Read More]
Posted in: Why won't Aeron get on the Otana?
10-02-2001, 4:35 PM
Hell's bells, it's done it again! There must be a glitch in my version of the game, cos I've just tried to play the mission where you download the flight co-ordinates from the dreadnaut, then you hyper into an Imperial target practice area instead....  [Read More]
Posted in: Why won't Aeron get on the Otana?
09-17-2001, 7:44 PM
Thanks everyone, I played the mission, and for some reason, this time around Aeron got on the ship straight away. Last time, I waited for ages (well, as long as I could before I was obliterated by TIEs, despite shooting at them from the turret). Must...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why won't Aeron get on the Otana?
09-16-2001, 11:32 AM
Hello all, I'm new here, and I'd like to ask a question about a mission which is extremely annoying. For me, anyway. I can't remember the number of the mission, but I'll give you a description. It's the one where you fly the Otana to rescue Aeron fr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Another difficult level
10-02-2001, 7:40 PM
And another thing, about the single player melee missions: How on Earth do you disable a SSD? I've tried everything, from Ion cannons to Ion pulse warheads, but I can only get the sys down to 33%. Why? WHY???...  [Read More]
Posted in: Another difficult level
10-02-2001, 9:27 AM
Hello everybody, I wonder if you could ofer some advice yet again. I've had a root through the other posts, and I'm quite sure no-one has asked for help on this mission before. It's the one where you have to recapture the Azzameen Home base. You are...  [Read More]