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Posted in: Mature Roleplayer
06-26-2003, 2:41 AM
My chosen PA on Starsider is The Monastery. I have not chosen a PA on Sunrunner....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mature Roleplayer
05-27-2003, 3:21 PM
Well, Wraith, it's still funnier than hell. I still chuckle when I read it, cuz I can hear Porkin's voice saying it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mature Roleplayer
05-25-2003, 8:53 PM
I like the one he's got now. Kind of a smart ass take on when Neo was first getting approached, before he knew his life was all a dream. Oh, and locked a thread down I posted on the general board to bring people to Swediot's Cantina o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mature Roleplayer
05-07-2003, 4:20 PM
I am a mature roleplayer on the west coast, looking for an RP PA with older, mature members. This is in no way a dis against the younger players. In fact, two of the most gifted roleplayers I have ever known were 17 yrs old and 21 yrs old. This is...  [Read More]
Posted in: RPG forum rules. And Characjter info.
05-23-2003, 1:12 AM
For those of you not allergic to geocities, the bio of Danyx Jayde:  [Read More]
Posted in: cantina name votin
05-28-2003, 5:35 PM
Mine too....  [Read More]
Posted in: Swediot's Cantina
05-28-2003, 7:52 PM
The blond puts her hand over her mouth to hide her burst of laughter, knowing the sound of it will be hidden in the noise of the cantina. "I was saying, are you ready for another round?" she chuckles at Ellam, "And that was a smooth...  [Read More]
Posted in: Swediot's Cantina
05-28-2003, 4:25 PM
Danyx follows Ellam's gaze at the zabraks, "no, if you mean those two, though eventually their kind will no doubt seek my help. I've been training, living really, as a scout of sorts. I know Naboo and Rori like the back of my hand, so taking tou...  [Read More]
Posted in: Swediot's Cantina
05-28-2003, 2:04 PM
OOC: Tag: Back to wombat (sorry Danyx) As long as you are responding to someone else's tag or starting your own tag, you are fine, darlin'. My tagging Wombat just means that it's his turn to talk to me and no one else can butt into that conversatio...  [Read More]
Posted in: Swediot's Cantina
05-28-2003, 12:03 AM
"No, no, not rich, comfortable, but not rich." replied Danyx to Ellam. "My father is a politician, a liason between a city on Naboo and the Imperium. We're from Kadaara. My mother is a scientist there. They were too busy to deal with a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Swediot's Cantina
05-27-2003, 8:02 PM
"Actually, I'm a scout of sorts. I was raised, um, rather sheltered, and so I'm out exploring what I've missed in the galaxy. Gathering information, taking deliveries, it gives me an excuse to travel while getting paid to do it," she replie...  [Read More]
Posted in: Swediot's Cantina
05-27-2003, 3:18 PM
Scanning the bar, she answers Ellam, "Busy is good, especially when you are looking for information to sell, or a delivery deal to make. Are you from this planet?" tag: wombat...  [Read More]
Posted in: Swediot's Cantina
05-24-2003, 11:09 PM
OOC: Yes, Swediot, it IS your bar, and I spelled it wrong. We aren's stealing your idea, we are promoting it. We've decided that a bunch of us want to hang out on a semi-regular basis drinking your swill and getting together, so I started this thread...  [Read More]
Posted in: Swediot's Cantina
05-23-2003, 10:04 PM
The woman pulled her cloak back by putting her hand on her hip under it, exposing her blaster. She didn't want anyone mistaking she was not a cantina-fly willing to make any tips horizontally. She walked passed the weathered human with a nod, looke...  [Read More]
Posted in: Swediot's Cantina
05-23-2003, 4:22 PM
The female human closes her eyes and rolls them back under the lids to clear the dust and adjust to the dimmer light of the cantina she's just stepped into. She steps away from the path in front of the entrance and looks around. (note: using the T...  [Read More]
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