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Darth NeoVenom

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Posted in: The Vampire Wars - Part1 - The Shadows of York
 Darth NeoVenom
04-26-2004, 8:24 PM
(Out of Character: I'm assuming that the vampire can't catch the scent of the werewolf because of the gernades.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After eating and getting there injections, Maximus lead a gr...  [Read More]
In Dark Shadows NeoVenom and the other Lycans start to have dinner. NeoVenom speaks out to the group in front of him. "Just to inform everyone, we have made an alliance with the lizardmen. I don't know where this alliance stands at now, so stil...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Vampire Wars - Part1 - The Shadows of York
 Darth NeoVenom
04-19-2004, 12:01 AM
In Dark Shadows After travelling for a few minutes, NeoVenom and the others made it to the front doors of Dark Shadows. After the steel doors opened, Zeno and Draco proceeded to the medical center to get the throwing stars taken out as NeoVenom went...  [Read More]
NeoVenom was about to kill Tais, but soon caught the scent of vampires from the distance. Not only one, but many because of the strong scent. NeoVenom changed back to his normal form, as well as Zeno and Draco. Zeno clutched his chest in pain as NeoV...  [Read More]
In the sewer tunnels One of the stars hits Zeno in the shoulder while the other stabbed into his chest. NeoVenom pulled out the knife and tossed it to the side. The silver burned his hand, but he didn't care. Draco quickly pounces at Tais while he w...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Vampire Wars - Part1 - The Shadows of York
 Darth NeoVenom
04-17-2004, 12:28 AM
The train station's back area One of the Dark Hunters was dead on the floor as well as Peters, Smith, Bickler, and Jones. Two of the Dark Hunters eyes changed bright blue as they changed into their true Lycan forms. Ziltro and the others fire upon t...  [Read More]
(Out of Character: They did actually plant the gernades while they were moving, so techincally, the liquid sticked to them. If you read the post before this one and the other one, I wrote "Ziltro, a pureblood, and the other members of the Shadow...  [Read More]
In the sewer tunnels Seeing the opportunity NeoVenom, Draco, and Zeno pounced on Tais while his was busy firing upon the ledge. NeoVenom came from behind, Draco came from the left side, and Zeno came from the right side. In the train station's back...  [Read More]
Miles away from their base, Ziltro, a pureblood, and the other members of the Shadow Hunters, half purebloods and half turned, toss several small gas gernades into several holes and tunnels. Once the liquid in these new gernades are exposed to air, i...  [Read More]
The dark sewers tunnels and smell provided NeoVenom, Zeno, and Draco to flee. "We will feast on their bloods." NeoVenom says thru clenched teeth. They were tired of running. All three tossed their guns and clothes to a ledge that was above...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Vampire Wars - Part1 - The Shadows of York
 Darth NeoVenom
04-15-2004, 12:55 PM
NeoVenom took a quick glance to the back and notice that the vampires were still after them. One they reached a long narrow passage way, NeoVenom says to Zeno and Draco, "Now we lose them...". With that said, they picked up tremendous speed...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Vampire Wars - Part1 - The Shadows of York
 Darth NeoVenom
04-14-2004, 10:11 PM
NeoVenom, Zeno, and Draco walked towards the same route they took towards the palace. NeoVenom stood dead in his tracks. "What's wrong sir?" asks Draco. "I caught sometime. Scents of vampires." NeoVenom growled and drew out his gu...  [Read More]
NeoVenom nods and says, "Whatever helps us avenge my kind is useful." Looking around, NeoVenom continues to speak. "I don't know if you heard, but one of my kind has fallen to the hands of a vampire. Do you have any information on who...  [Read More]
"I've came with my guns and two of my men for my safety." NeoVenom said "As you already know, my name is NeoVenom, leader of the Shadow Hunters. You have request to see me, so here I am." NeoVenom slightly bows his head to show re...  [Read More]
"Alright. Zeno......Draco, follow me. The rest of you return to base." NeoVenom, Zeno, and Draco followed Sshaka as the rest went thru the very same door in which they arrived at the train station. "Alright, we ready to go." NeoVe...  [Read More]
"Only me?" NeoVenom asks. "How can I trust you?" His men looked upon Sshaka angrily as they pointed their guns. NeoVenom motioned his men to put down their guns. He took steps closer to Sshaka. "How do I know this isn't a tra...  [Read More]
"Who shot him?" NeoVenom questions his men. "Peters? Did you?" he look at Peters angrily. "Not me sir." Peters replies quickly. NeoVenom looks down at the dead body of the lizardman. "What are they? They look like...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Vampire Wars - Part1 - The Shadows of York
 Darth NeoVenom
04-14-2004, 12:49 PM
Travelling thru a narrow hallway leading to three doorways, NeoVenom lifts up his left hand indicating for his group to stop. Peters(X), a turned member of the Shadow Hunters, questions NeoVenom, "What is wrong sir?" NeoVenom sniffs the air...  [Read More]
At one of the main sewer gates, NeoVenom escorted a group of ten Shadow Hunters. "Tonight, we will avenge those of our kind that have been slaughtered. Tonight, we shall feast on the blood of our enemies. Tonight, it is war. Move cautiously and...  [Read More]
After placing the saddle, Zenphes mounts the black stallion. He kicks his legs gently, so that the stallion could move. Zenphes then heads off to the direction of Link, Sheik, and Hal....  [Read More]
Zenphes dropped the saddle that was in his hand. "What the..?" He said. "So your Princess Zelda? I apologize." He bows down on one knee to show Zelda respect. "What brings you here?" He then looks at Tathar, "Same g...  [Read More]
Zenphes looks in all direction and says, "Where is the...". He stops talking as he sees Tathar. "Ehhh, whose that over there?" Zenphes says to Link and Hal. He pretend as if he hasn't seen Tathar and enters the ranch's house to ge...  [Read More]
"Name's Zenphes." Zenphes replied. He then spots the stallion he wishes to mount. "Be right back..." Zenphes said as he approached the stallion slowly. As he got closer and closer, Zenphes says to the stallion, "Easy boy, eas...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Matrix: Virus
 Darth NeoVenom
04-18-2004, 11:37 PM
"I don't know." NeoVenom said with a puzzled look on his face. "We should just go. We are basically wasting time." NeoVenom then stood at the ramp seeing if the others are coming....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Matrix: Virus
 Darth NeoVenom
04-14-2004, 12:35 AM
NeoVenom responded to Selene, "The ship is ready to go, but we are still waiting to see if the others will join us." He then lets go of the switch of the comlink and looks back at Jokemaster and Beth. "Let's wait for five more minutes...  [Read More]
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