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Charmin Deluxe

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Posted in: The Clonetrooper has a new look!
 Charmin Deluxe
04-04-2003, 5:14 AM
Originally posted by Bart Skywalker How do you get the model to pose for map objects. I've tried moving the parts in Milkshape, but there is always clipping. By the way, great looking models! just a little bit rotating and moving ... and that's it...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Clonetrooper has a new look!
 Charmin Deluxe
04-01-2003, 12:17 PM
first of all a great model and a nice skin! but there is still an error ... i used this model to make a statue of it and use it in my map  [Read More]
Posted in: Radiant Editor Resources and Links
 Charmin Deluxe
04-10-2003, 7:11 AM
#73  [Read More]
hmm strange, why the hell do I ALWAYS have the problems others don't have ;D ok thank you. p.s. nehm mal mein icq request plz an ;)...  [Read More]
right...  [Read More]
ok, i'll try my best :) I'm using max 5.1. i've uploaded the model with xsi again: doesn't have any1 a sample animated model 4 me?...  [Read More]
hab ich jetz gemacht aber funzt immer noch nich. hab die genaue fehlermeldung und das model mal geuppt. edit: mir is aufgefallen das ich beim model vergessen hat nachm lц...  [Read More]
ich kann dir das model ja mal schicken. aber ich hab das so gelinkt: wingl3 (das is der дьЯerste bone) zu l2 und den zu l1 das selbe mit den rwing bones. und dann hab ich rwing1 und lwing1 zu skeleton_root gelinkt. ich probiers nochma mit komple...  [Read More]
wow hдtte nicht gedacht das sich der meister persцnlich meldet ;) ich hab alles nach deinem tutorial befolgt, hab den pelvis und den pelvisend gemacht und animiert. das hat auch wunderbar geklappt. jetz hab ich aber beim animierten model 2 "fl...  [Read More]
After getting a non animated vehicle in game i tried it with animations. it's a really simple model with a really simple animation , so that's shouldn'tt be the prob i think. but why the hell do i get this error? Bone 13 ("root") exists mo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Skeleton model from q3 :)
 Charmin Deluxe
05-31-2003, 8:24 AM
I were bored because of mapping all the time on a clanmap. so this model converting was a work for a change. but hey if you want q3 model convertings i will make some after map release :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Skeleton model from q3 :)
 Charmin Deluxe
05-29-2003, 4:54 PM
ok ready for download at  [Read More]
Posted in: Skeleton model from q3 :)
 Charmin Deluxe
05-29-2003, 12:14 PM
Ok many bugs are fixed an release is near ...  [Read More]
Posted in: Skeleton model from q3 :)
 Charmin Deluxe
05-28-2003, 2:39 PM
It's just a work of yesterday evening .. but there's a problem i didn't thought to get it ... look here:  [Read More]
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