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The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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Posted in: WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model
06-25-2002, 2:23 PM
Oh man those shots make it look even better than the ones you posted earlier!!! amazing!!! *sighs and lies back content that this is one model being done well*...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model
06-24-2002, 4:29 AM
That's because it hasn't been skinned yet. For an unskinned model, it's very good indeed. Think before you criticise, please....  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model
06-19-2002, 8:49 AM
Yea, ET as in Spielberg's short extra-terrestrial with a finger/forehead and telephone fetish. You've got to admit there's an amazingly strong resemblance between him and our Sidious, perhaps they're really the same person. Or something. Or perhaps I...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model
06-19-2002, 7:35 AM
Hmm, I never knew ET was a Sith lord....  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Count Dooku model (with cape ;) )
06-19-2002, 5:52 PM
It's gonna take longer than a few hours... the model hasn't got any animations yet remember?...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Count Dooku model (with cape ;) )
06-17-2002, 6:26 PM
Ohh man!!! The skin is *perfect*!! Exactly what I imagine a younger version of Dooku would look like. Just make sure you get the animations right-- he's a very lordly character so he's got to have a noble, powerful stance. None of this slouchiness we...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Count Dooku model (with cape ;) )
06-17-2002, 5:44 AM
Well like the Yokel, I only saw the film, didn't read the novels or anything. However it was quite clear to me that Sifo Dyas was not Dooku. For a start, Kenobi obviously recognised who Dooku was, but in his report he never stated that Dooku was Sifo...  [Read More]
Posted in: g_sabermorerealistic in SP
11-13-2003, 12:50 PM
My dismemberment works perfectly well in SP and MP, I'm not sure which exact command does it but try putting all of these in your autoexec.cfg in your base folder. Copy + paste so you don't make any typos... helpusobi 1 set g_sabermorerealistic 2 se...  [Read More]