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Page: 65 of 164
Posted in: Rise of the Shadow Squadron
02-11-2003, 7:42 PM
Tel: *immediately* Investigate. Sure! We're on it. We won't let you down, General. Undercover, yeah, we're all over it. *notices everyone staring at her* What? Can't a girl have a little spirit around here?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rise of the Shadow Squadron
02-07-2003, 9:00 PM
((Scar: oh, was confused by your style :p lol ;) DSS: Erm...wasn't the only Gammorean pilot EVER Piggy?)) *Tel elbows Raziel, amused* Hush, they're going to think you're xenophobic. *winks, then looks around a little more nervously* We should sit d...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
02-13-2003, 10:04 PM
((Scar, why don't you bloody have Vorador walk in? :p Unless you have a special reason for this, which I doubt :p)) K'Warra: So young, yet already so violent. *walks after Vertmor into the dining hall*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
02-13-2003, 3:12 AM
((OOS: Hey DSS :D One thing though, don't control other people's characters ;) not even cold-in-spine-ness. btw: assuming that since you said "man" then Raziel (nice name reusage ;)) isn't a vampire)) K'Warra: My patience is wearing thin...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
02-12-2003, 4:22 AM
K'Warra: Noted. *walks in the room after Vertmor*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
02-10-2003, 9:50 PM
((Scar, we can't post every step the character takes ;P nor do we know the mansion's scenery ;))) *K'Warra and the girl keep following Vertmor*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
02-08-2003, 7:31 PM
((Then why is Vertmor talking about opening the door? K'Warra didn't ask to go in that room, he asked Vertmor to accompany him upstairs (so if there's traps, Vertmor will get caught in them too)))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
02-07-2003, 8:38 PM
((OOS: Ummm...did Vertmor enter the room and close the door or just close the door?))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
02-07-2003, 1:51 AM
Girl: *to Itrok* Kid? *smiles* You're hardly older than me. *K'Warra looks with interest at the vampires in the room before the door shuts* So this breed doesn't just live on blood. They require actual flesh. K'Warra: How about I continue to distr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
02-11-2003, 8:45 PM
((lol - okay :D)) *Rwos and the man face off. Rwos keeps his lightsword up and on guard. The man has his crossbow aimed at Rwos, but makes no move to fire it* Rwos: Your prey? Man: I was warned of you. I was told you were formidable opponents. Rw...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
02-11-2003, 12:57 AM
((Hence why I said it was a glitch in the system, R15 :p The NRI has an extradimensional branch? Bout time :D ;) And well LOOKY HERE - it's none other than Beler Jil himself :D Yes, yes, I'll post as Rwos as soon as I can bloody well finish figuri...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
02-10-2003, 4:01 AM
((Not quite heaven and hell, at least not all of them. However I get the idea some of the lower planes are like hell and some of the higher like heaven. I'm just saying don't think of it too Biblically. Scar: Complain in the Help and Feedback center...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
02-08-2003, 8:32 PM
((Scar: A) Sejiko reverted to Farran because he was knocked unconscious. B) The vampire drained Farran of blood. Farran is (almost) completely normal. At least, he has normal life energy. [Not that I care about your vampire remanifesting, just sayi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
02-07-2003, 9:57 PM
((Okay @ Scar By the way if the Irvines have their bodies back, doesn't the vampire/demon thingy need to possess some other dead body? Well since the Republic is at war with the Seperatist. Then perhaps the Republic assumed that the militant force...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
02-07-2003, 2:02 AM
((OOS: Whu? Ummm...if I'm not mistaken I don't think lightsabers can curve...:rolleyes: *shrugs* BD: Yes, but was a war declared when Darth Maul showed up in TPM? Who exactly are they declaring war on? A stray ship that showed up and briefly attacke...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
02-13-2003, 3:30 AM
Guy: I'm a Shadow, Heimdall. As such I have certain...ties that I can exploit for times like this. I know a place. How soon? If we use my ship, then pretty fast. If you want to use that thing - *comes to a stop seeing the Asgardried* I, uhh, have abs...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
02-12-2003, 9:04 PM
Raschel: *to Orthos* Are you feeling okay? ...You don't look so good. Guy: *to Heimdall, walking through the portal* Well, as I was saying. I have access to some really cream-of-the-crop technology, including medical supplies. If that's enchanted po...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
02-12-2003, 4:33 AM
*Marin pulls the others up and demorphs. The group carefully steps over the fallen pieces of wall and ceiling on their way out* Guy: *to Heimdall* I don't think you can cure that wound...that poison looked, uh, how to put this. Enchanted. Marin: I...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
02-10-2003, 9:55 PM
*Orthos' blade slows and stops, some invisible force obstructing its pathway. Misae rips her lightsaber out of the beast's heart with the Force* Misae: DIE!! *Misae feels a surge of dark energy flow through her as her anger gets the better of her....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
02-10-2003, 3:33 AM
((You're only making yourself look stupid(er - j/k :D :p) :rolleyes: btw: Deac, Orthos as well as Heimdall and Misae are currently in sideways gravity along with the beast ;))) *Marin finishes shapeshifting. She is now a deep black, strange creatu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
02-08-2003, 7:35 PM
((? guess Scar deleted his post :p)) *Misae sees her lightsaber is still embedded in the glowing device, and reaches out with the Force to shove it further in. The monster slows, causing it to just miss biting Orthos in half. Marin finish...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
02-07-2003, 8:40 PM
*Misae picks up her lightsaber again and Force-throws it into the monster's heart, piercing the glowing object inside it. The monster stiffens and creaks*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Six: Postlude to Holocaust Part II
02-07-2003, 2:19 AM
*The creature roars at Orthos and shoots flame at him again. It flies around him and lands again, lashing out with its tail...only to be find it landing inside the gravity room, falling upwards towards the ceiling. Confused, it rights itself and hiss...  [Read More]
Posted in: Epic RPG
02-10-2003, 1:50 AM
((lol - what is he/she advertising anyway? Did I miss something? *merges double postage*))...  [Read More]
((Well unstickying now. Too cluttery. ^.^ However I'll resticky it if armie posts here and asks it ;)))...  [Read More]
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