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Page: 58 of 164
Posted in: Middle-Earth Rpg
03-29-2003, 8:40 PM
((Could you maybe start off the RPG for everyone?))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Weirdest Star Wars species?
04-02-2003, 5:18 AM
They're all weird. But I think the weirdest are those pink and brown and red things - what did they call them? "Humans"? ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Notice to all n00bs and scum of the earth...
04-02-2003, 5:11 AM
Shhh, don't tell him that ^_~...  [Read More]
Posted in: Notice to all n00bs and scum of the earth...
03-29-2003, 4:41 AM
Oi....  [Read More]
Posted in: I declare Flarestar to be sacred territory
04-02-2003, 4:49 AM
Oi. What Wraithy said :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Lost Mines of Inthenkar
04-02-2003, 5:22 AM
Jalil: So where are we going?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Lost Mines of Inthenkar
03-29-2003, 8:46 PM
((LOL :D ;) :p)) Jalil: Dismembered Ewok aye? Probably named from its effects on small animals. Can you turn it down, please? No cut of treasure is worth this......  [Read More]
Posted in: The Lost Mines of Inthenkar
03-26-2003, 1:42 AM
Jalil: I'm Jalil Kress, mercenary. And you?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Lost Mines of Inthenkar
03-23-2003, 11:18 PM
Jalil: Dead member's families? *mutters* Gee, he's optomistic......  [Read More]
Posted in: Rise of the Shadow Squadron
04-03-2003, 9:46 PM
((Basic speaking Wookies? Something's off there ;) ...Wookie starfighters? o.O)) Tel: So...we leaving soon or what, boss?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rise of the Shadow Squadron
03-26-2003, 11:48 PM
Tel: So, the mission? ...yeah....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
04-03-2003, 9:57 PM
((OOS: Deac, you just confused the bloody hell out of me :D)) Man: ((heretofore known as Crossbow Man, since Deac called his man "Man" too ;))) I don't understand...why does the Starkiller associate with vampires and demons? K'Warra: I'm...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
04-03-2003, 1:29 AM
K'Warra: *exasperated* This is amusing and all, but can we move on? We're none of us getting any younger! Or older, in my case, but I think you get the--- *An arrow suddenly sticks through his chest* K'Warra: Come on! How long is it going to be be...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
03-25-2003, 6:48 PM
K'Warra: I think that's a question only our friend here with the bad teeth can answer. *to Vertmor* Well? *At that moment an arrow impales Vertmor's shoulder*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
03-24-2003, 7:55 PM
((Well. It's the Cantina-verse. It's eons in the past on the planet Mrear. But it's at its core a fantasy-style universe. 1. Instead of the Force, there is magic. There are no Jedi nor their ancestors or relatives...except the Starkillers. 2. You'l...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
04-03-2003, 3:54 PM
((I shpuld point out that if it's godmoding to kill your knights then it's godmoding to kill Scar's vamps (or mine...however I think I removed mine from this particular situation) That said, Scar: the way you went about killing Flax' knights was pur...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
04-01-2003, 11:51 PM
((Scar: There isn't any such thing as a katana-saber. There are katanas and there are sabers. Not katana-sabers. By the way it's confusing when you call Irvine "Grendal"...and are you going to post anything about the Imperial Council anyt...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
03-31-2003, 9:04 PM
*Rwos points out the hotel window* Jewel of the galaxy. It's right here...we're on it. Coruscant. *turns* I guess I should explain. There's this prophecy about something called the Troklon. A sequence of events and people. Part of the prophecy is som...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
03-30-2003, 8:58 PM
((BD, what exactly are the abilites of your knights? Also vampires don't generally burst into flames when beheaded))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
03-29-2003, 7:53 PM
((LOL! Erm, Deac, Rwos' ship is a small fighter, fitting two people plus a small "bed" in the back. (where Rwos once put Deac, and where Deac now put Terisaan) No washroom ;) BD: Gonna post to PtH?)) Space Rwos: Heh. Just stuff I picke...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
03-29-2003, 2:29 AM
((OOS: Red Flag No. 1: Ravan isn't an Uber Jedi. You've made that extremely clear. However remembering what happened with Kur, (normal Jedi to godlike in two breaths) this merits a red flag ;) Red Flag No. 2: Your 'angel-like beings' couldn't have...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
03-27-2003, 11:25 PM
((Scar: ...Why would it have? Also, um, Scar, that would be the reverse. My vamps do not have any innate magical ability (unless it carried over from the human like Kvana) while your vampires have Dark Gifts, and magic abilites like teleportation, s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
03-26-2003, 11:46 PM
((;) @ Battledog btw, careful on the vamp killing. They're really Scar's and my characters, firstly, and I think I've indicated quite a bit that even "baby" vamps are not so weak/stupid that Hal and Kal could casually kill seven on their w...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
03-24-2003, 10:30 PM
((OOS: BD: Since in this universe there isn't a heaven and hell with gateways in the real world...I'll assume that means hell dimension, and one of the much-vaunted higher planes)) Coruscant, Alley *Kvana glances over Hal's armor again and narrows...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
03-24-2003, 12:10 AM
Ulna Shardes Tarl: Create new ones? They will be here in hours. Or less. Councilman: They have their entire fleet coming after this one planet...they weren't interested in that before...why are they... Ghenn: The time for wondering is past! We mus...  [Read More]
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