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Gaelin Masek

Latest Threads

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Posted in: Town Plans
 Gaelin Masek
07-20-2002, 2:19 AM
I can't remember whether you guys had any plans for an Associates sorta town, but I would take a look at this if you haven't already. Vagabond's Rest will be a player made town consisting of several PA's, its for...  [Read More]
Posted in: Naming Bombshell - As Posted on News
 Gaelin Masek
06-26-2002, 2:59 AM
This has may have been discussed already but I need to know, is this for real? If you do not know what I mean check out the news entitles "Whoa.." at So now everybody has to have a unique first name? is that wha...  [Read More]
Posted in: A Few Questions
 Gaelin Masek
06-19-2002, 2:33 AM
Hey, some of you may have seen me posting on the General forums lately. I'm kinda new to the forums and brand new to MMORPG's. I've seen Wraith talking about The Associates a few times and I thought he was a pretty cool guy so I should check it out...  [Read More]
Posted in: "Oona Choota Solo?"
 Gaelin Masek
06-07-2002, 4:37 PM
Languages. I've read all the FAQ's and I still do not understand how they work, I think I asked this somewhere else but seeing as I do not remember where, here is as good as any :) I know there is a linguistic skill, so each species must speak diffe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cloning Stations
 Gaelin Masek
06-05-2002, 4:34 PM
Something that the FAQ's I have read are not entirely clear on. It says you chould save your attributes and the like at a clonsing station. Your items can be insured. So is this only for when you die, or would you have have to save at a Cloning Stat...  [Read More]
A report submitted by a Lieutenant Drenarb Xchiline after a successful military operation. --------------- Members present: Surface Marshall Torynn Vidi Lieutenant Jaysen Highwind Lieutenant Drenarb Xchiline Sergeant Ralth Striklore Sentinel (First...  [Read More]
Posted in: Our PA Hall is up, come visit us.
 Gaelin Masek
07-15-2003, 9:13 PM
Now that our PA Hall is built on Naboo's moon of Rori, the Guardians is looking for good, honourable members who will fight under our banner. Think you have what it takes? Visit us on Rori at: 3977 -628, or check out our website at:  [Read More]
Posted in: DUTY vs. HEROISM
 Gaelin Masek
07-08-2003, 8:55 AM
DUTY vs. HEROISM The concepts DUTY and HEROISM are both closely linked and yet separated by a great distance. The word DUTY is defined as an act or a course of action that is required of one by position, social custom, or law. It is also defined as...  [Read More]
Posted in: PvP or just a round of RP? Have it all.
 Gaelin Masek
06-27-2003, 7:30 AM
The Guardians. We at the Guardians have done our very best to attract every type of profession and player type that we can. Socializer - Join us on our dozens of forums at , get to know everybody and make new fri...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Guardians - Libertas. Ara. Amplus.
 Gaelin Masek
06-22-2003, 6:56 PM
It took me sometime to find a suitable topic for this post, an effective method to relay the message of our cause. However I found it, in one word: Freedom. However clichй it may sound, its significance and meaning has been enough to inspire some...  [Read More]
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