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Gamer over.... some people had some trouble understanding the meaning of "FFA", and had tro be booted... gg anyways Kvan: 58- 24- 10 Rommel: 47- 49- 18 x-wing guy: 28- 42- 5 Flyboy: 8- 59- 10 "Jared": 0- 16- 6 gg guys!... [Read More]
It's sorta like a... name- a computers name. To join: start JK, click multiplay, click TCP/IP for directplay, type in join my game... :D... [Read More]
If you can figure out how, join my GB game @ EDIT: Masta... I'll need you ;) EDIT: Okay, they must be to afraid to show... game canceled :(... [Read More]
Nobody seems to be going for my JK ( game, so shall I host some GB instead? I'll keep the JK game up, in case anyone changes their mind...... [Read More]