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Posted in: joining torso to legs? help please...
12-18-2002, 9:40 PM
Thanks Blood Riot, that helps quite a bit, so basically its areas where the body would be Dismembered, IE: the arms, legs and hip? thank you anyway, hope alll goes well, yours faithfully Craig _______________ Sevled's Lair (http://www.angelfire....  [Read More]
Posted in: joining torso to legs? help please...
12-18-2002, 8:54 PM
ok the situation is...basically, on models, if you view them in a wire frame, they have basically an internal face going across the hip area? just wondering if it actually is needed..and if so how many faces should it be? if you someone can help it...  [Read More]
Posted in: can someone comment my model?
12-17-2002, 8:18 PM
:confused: oh my god its done it again :swear: ok try this link, if it doesent work you can see it by going through my site :) front view smoothed ( sorry about this, yours fai...  [Read More]
Posted in: can someone comment my model?
12-17-2002, 8:05 PM
Sure, heres the pic wen cloned fully and smoothed off (idnt like looking at it like this but hey) >>>>>>>>Head-frontview-smooth shded ( Actually, im aimi...  [Read More]
Posted in: can someone comment my model?
12-17-2002, 11:26 AM
its not based on anyone really, just a made up person im affraid :) but ill try and post more pictures up once i do some more to it...thank you for replying anyway... if anyone else would like to comment on it feel free to do so, yours faithfully,...  [Read More]
Posted in: can someone comment my model?
12-17-2002, 10:58 AM
sorry the picture "model-2" wasent rite..heres the correct link>> ihope neway :) Model-front-view ( thx again...  [Read More]
Posted in: can someone comment my model?
12-17-2002, 10:52 AM
ok, just wanted to know what people think of this model iam making, oh btw this is my first attemtp at making a full scale model so it might be a bit shoddy:) "Model" ( &am...  [Read More]
ok thank you Sith that helps me alot now :p ican actually keep going ahead without feeling bad about my model having no eye haha well hope everything goes well on ur projects, and thanks again its alot of help glad you replied :) yours faithfully...  [Read More]
thank you for your comment on the model :) its appreciated, if anyone can help me, id be very thankfull for your support... yours faithfully craig x Sevled's Lair (  [Read More]
ok, ihave made my first model of a head, on here>> Head-Model ( im just confused on how to attach the eyeball...should i collapse the eyes vertices to the eye lids, or leave it seperate....or wo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Custom model for a custom character....
12-18-2002, 8:47 AM
Dude that rocks! its brilliant i need to say more :) I can see you a good drawer then from the pictures you posted, it must help to model things a bit more if you have references... well, hope everything stays well, everything im thinking is posit...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wip: Shaak Ti
12-15-2002, 9:43 PM
i must say that is extremely brilliant for an hours work! it would take me ages to do wot you have done.... well hope eveything goes along Toonces and take your time no rush is needed isay, after all your already bring out three models close to each...  [Read More]
Posted in: Plo Koon Model!
07-01-2002, 4:20 AM
"Well that was the latest word from the maker of Plo Koon. And the polycount comes in below specs at 2,991 polys. Simply Amazing! " from Kinja himself in the reply just above your Klorel, ilove this moddelling stuff just makes u feel good...  [Read More]
Posted in: Plo Koon Model!
06-30-2002, 11:00 PM
imust say Kinja that is very good, give my respect to your "master" for me if you can, thanks again for helping me out and giving me some advice in my thread really appreciated it, im gonna try to learn GMAX as milkshape is out of its expir...  [Read More]
Posted in: Plo Koon Model!
06-27-2002, 4:07 AM
iknow u'll probably be annoyed me asking you, but can you somehow get me to start modelling, ineed to get better at it, but i really dont get how some people do it just over nite, yes of course practis but ive dun litle things like half a head and a...  [Read More]
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