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Originally posted by skywalker19 looking great guys,although on mar's face,the nose looks a tad big,probably just me :p keep up the good work,cant wait! :D Yeah I agree about the nose, I'll see what I can do. Mars out!...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Toonces I think there has been a little major confusion going on, Arco was origionally skining Obi, but he's been really bogged down so I wasn't sure if he had the time to finish Obi. I'll get this cleared up, I just think it wa...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Arco er i don't know why you are confused dude. I have always been doing obi... since the begining. I just got bogged down with other ****. But i am making some time to get my older projects finished off. Simple. Arco:deathii:...  [Read More]
That is a good tip. Very smart, I'll have to try it. Hey... your doing Obi now:confused: :eek: I guess I'm confused... Mars out....  [Read More]
Originally posted by Arco update. I am getting there not to worry... hope you guys like. There is probly more tweeks to be done... but the guy has such a "nonperson" face........  [Read More]
Originally posted by Hekx Noxu Very very very nice :thumbsup: If only I could marry the model :( P.S. Mars, love your ObiVM skin:), gonna make any updates to it or are you working more on a skin for the Obi model? well.... no I dont plan anymore...  [Read More]
Originally posted by frendon I think that if the extension is changed to txt it won't work either, Geocities just doesn't support remote link to pics, BTW great work Toonces and Marz!!! I agree that it still needs some more tweaking, but is lookin...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Toonces I didn't mean to offend you, I was simply expressing my oppinion about photo sourced skins. I'm not knocking you as an artist, that was about as far from my intent as possible. I simply prefer from scratch, hand painted...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Toonces I'm still making geometric changes, I'm just waiting on Arco before I do any more. Not to take anything away from Mars's skin, it's very good, but I just prefer painted faces rather than photosourced. keo, quick questio...  [Read More]
Originally posted by JEDI_Anakin_S It's not. The one you're working on is basically a version of Obi-Wan by Jolts. Jolts pushed some verts around to try and make it look more like Anakin. It's good, but it's definitely not Tercero's. And seks, fo...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Toonces Sorry mars, I haven't been able to take any screenies for you, I'll take some tonight and post them. The skin looks really good, the only thing I question is the very slight pinkish hue on the clothing for the default Ob...  [Read More]
Originally posted by seks03 are there going to be multiple tuants or just one? and Marz are you going to do a anakin of your own or take over tercero? great to hear that this model is almost out.... you guys work fast. Im not sure if the "Ter...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Pnut_Master My god..this model is finally done..Thank you god I CANT WAIT FOR THE ROBED VERSION MARZ YOU KICK @SS And thx to the excellent modellers who modelled the damn thing :p Well I'd like to say that its done, but the...  [Read More]
Well the skin is finished, I just sent it to Toonces. Here is what you will see. 1) Unrobed version 2) Robed 3) Sith Varient (With black robe) 4) Red/Blue team varient (Both represent Obi as a Imperial or Rebel force adept.) I chose to drop the Anak...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Deetox187 Heh yeah i already had it worked out with Toonces that i was doing the sounds, i did them for Mace and Qui-Gon also. :) As for setting up the pk3 in the final stages i doubt Toonces would need me for that but if so i'...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Arco well I think any sounds would be helpful. Anyway My skin is getting there and the tweaks toonces and me are doing are really halping the model pop. I should have some screens of the body (which will be an edited mace windu...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Deetox187 Just finished up the sounds for Obi-Wan, sorry it took so long i've been a little busy. Originally i was going to include a bunch of taunts and stuff from Ep2 but i decided not to use very many cause i wanted it to s...  [Read More]
Hey Deetox, Yeah we want sounds for this model, I just e-mailed Toonces. If your interested in doing the taunts set up, e-mail Toonces or post here. I dont know if we have anyone lined up, at any rate we would love to look over anything that you may...  [Read More]
Originally posted by t3rr0r the tunic looks peach coloured... it's really off-white. You have quite a clean photo, a lot of my photo sources show a d...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Arco hey mars not bad but there is problems that come with photosourcing (which is why I don't do it) your hues are way off.... He needs to be more pasty faced and put some colour variation in there. Also it looks like he lacks...  [Read More]
I just got an excellent idea! Im gonna do a "Dark apprentice" Varient... With a Black robe. The robe seems to cause a lot of clipping, but if Obi's outfit was all black, it would be less apparent. Mars out!...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Obiwan ep1/ep2 & Anakin ep2 by Jolts
11-03-2002, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by JEDI_Anakin_S Mars, you have any screenshots you want to share? :D You know im embarrased to say this, but I dont have any webspace to link my images to:( Otherwise I would have tons. I have been relying on Toonces to put them...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Obiwan ep1/ep2 & Anakin ep2 by Jolts
11-02-2002, 1:58 PM
Hey Jolts, Just finished my final skins for Obi (the Tex model), so I should be able to devote my time fully for your Anakin model. I still need Toonces to send me the glm and texture flats. He must be hella' busy, cuz I havent heard from him most th...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Obiwan ep1/ep2 & Anakin ep2 by Jolts
10-31-2002, 9:52 AM
Just got reply, Toonces says that he will send me some stuff soon. Can't wait to skin him. Maybe me and Gray can work on this together. Mars out!...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Obiwan ep1/ep2 & Anakin ep2 by Jolts
10-28-2002, 7:57 PM
Jolts, This is looking really good, I'd love to skin him. I talked to toonces about morphing his Obi model to Anakin. It looks like all the major characters are gonna come out together. This is truly a cool moment. It's amazing how these models have...  [Read More]
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