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Samuel Dravis

Latest Posts

Page: 21 of 56
Posted in: Rulez Shmulez
 Samuel Dravis
02-18-2007, 4:14 AM
That's a chastity belt, folks! And no, rules are made to be ignored. I will now demonstrate by talking about the awesomeness of Dead or Alive's "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)" ( song. QUALITY!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Location Location Location
 Samuel Dravis
02-18-2007, 3:22 AM
lol @ jmac bye grey!...  [Read More]
Posted in: HEROES (of the Lucas Forum)
 Samuel Dravis
02-15-2007, 9:25 AM
X-ray vision. Definitely X-ray vision. :naughty:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Letters from Dark. Oh, how fun.
 Samuel Dravis
02-15-2007, 8:19 AM
I have gaim. davin, you actually looked it up? FOR SHAME!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Yes.......
 Samuel Dravis
02-13-2007, 9:11 AM
Hey, at least they don't squirt you in the face with fetal pig juices. A definite bonus....  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
 Samuel Dravis
02-17-2007, 3:15 AM
Most likely not, but that's because I seem to be having a good life. In case of an economic downturn, and with no dependents, I may be forced to join a cult in order to keep my self-esteem high, and I'll might consider your offer of doing homework. :...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
 Samuel Dravis
02-14-2007, 6:08 PM
I arbtirally accept something. I prefer the Holy Book over Kant. The Holy Book tells me to obey it by stating that I am indeed weak and patheic, that in fact, I have no value, and that's about it. Kant talks about the respect of humanity, and how gre...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
 Samuel Dravis
02-13-2007, 3:13 AM
I'm not following you here.If I may - He means that maths is just a way of labeling things. The number "2" is a label for what we percieve to be 2 objects. Without our labels, the number of objects doesn't go away, it's just not labeled....  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
 Samuel Dravis
02-13-2007, 1:28 AM
Please note, Samuel Dravis and Achilles, that I do believe in science and trust in it. Just repeating it again, I guess.Noted. :) Because...well...I have no reason to believe in anything else to be quite honest. Skepticism rules the day once again.I...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
 Samuel Dravis
02-12-2007, 8:53 PM
I just noticed I didn't respond to these earlier, so sorry about that. I wasn't ignoring them, I just got distracted by your random engine idea. :) Well, to me, the burden of proof is not on me to come up with a Method, but rather on you to prove t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
 Samuel Dravis
02-12-2007, 7:05 PM
Then we have different ideas of God then. I see God as being the Prime Mover, the greatest of all things. He is all-knowing...unless he wants to not be all-knowing. Again, I got no proof for this, but this is the idea by which I operate by.I'm not su...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
 Samuel Dravis
02-12-2007, 5:28 PM
My definition of God is a being that has total, unlimited contorl over everything and anything. He's all-powerful, and the creator of, well, everything. Since God creates everything, he has the power to do what he wants, and could theortically decide...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
 Samuel Dravis
02-12-2007, 4:25 PM
To me, I think God has the power to do anything, even do stuff that is totally illogical. He, for example, can create a stone so heavy that even he cannot lift it. He's all-powerful, he should be able to break his own rules, right? But if God in fac...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
 Samuel Dravis
02-12-2007, 3:24 PM
God doesn't want to know. It would upset the purpose of making the RICE in the first place. :xp:Knowing everything is one of the attributes of God, remember? It's hard to figure how he could know everything yet clearly not know it - a logical contrad...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
 Samuel Dravis
02-12-2007, 3:11 PM
Easy. The Random Intelligent Creation Engine. You are God and you create something that randomly chooses everything. Why? Because you're God, and you like randomness for some reason. You decide to make sure that it is TRULY random. You press the but...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
 Samuel Dravis
02-12-2007, 2:48 PM
So that's where that 90% rule comes in. Well, then again, that preacher may end up speaking about the Rule of Five, and then try to come up with some way of arguing that it's not really "by random chance" that everything is related to 5, bu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
 Samuel Dravis
02-12-2007, 11:05 AM
And this is why I dislike science. Science claims that it can find the truth. Well, then. Prove it. Prove to me that the world revolves around the Sun. Okay, you got some stats, observations and such. Prove to me that those stats, observations, se...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
 Samuel Dravis
02-10-2007, 8:40 PM
Answer: Discordianism ( (religion disguised as satire disguised as religion), and the Law of Fives.Your example of the law of fives does indeed fit my 90% requirement. I suppose I should have specified that...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethics and Religion
 Samuel Dravis
02-08-2007, 5:49 PM
Well, see if an athiest ask's me to proove God exsists I ask why must I proove he exsists and challenge them to proove he doesnt exsist. Essentially its the same argument as I would challenge a scientist who doesnt believe in God to proove that God d...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rock, Paper, Scissors
 Samuel Dravis
02-12-2007, 11:10 PM
The explosion puts out the fire anyway....  [Read More]
Posted in: Rock, Paper, Scissors
 Samuel Dravis
02-11-2007, 8:52 PM
The plague mutates into more humans and then infects itself with frankenstein's precious bodily fluids, thereby becoming communists....  [Read More]
Posted in: Rock, Paper, Scissors
 Samuel Dravis
02-10-2007, 7:29 PM
Grandpa gets abducted by monstrous aliens!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dreamfall: The longest Journey
 Samuel Dravis
02-14-2007, 5:50 PM
I am resurrecting this thread because I thought Dreamfall was great too. The "combat system" was MEH though. It would have been fine to just leave out....  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
 Samuel Dravis
02-13-2007, 6:59 AM
#1859 If you ever wanted to hear something beautiful, this is it. This is IT. I was keeping track of this movie because I really, really loved Requiem's soundtrack, and Clint Mansell...  [Read More]
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