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Posted in: LOADING TIMES: if you have slow loads, read this
05-04-2002, 4:59 AM
Dell P IV 1.5GHZ 256 MB ram, 40 GB hard drive.... My save files got progressivley bigger and bigger. And it would take me 5 minutes to load up a level in the Asteroid Base. Here was my process: 1) Uninstall JKII 2) DEFRAG the hard drive 3) Reinst...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strategy Guide #1: Galak Fyyar (SPOILERS!!!)
05-04-2002, 4:42 AM
Ok...First I tried using the Heavy repeater secondary fire to drop the sheilds and then to saber him once I get him down... Didn't work. I spent most of the force speed closing distance and I ended up running out of ammo and getting wated by his gre...  [Read More]
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