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Originally posted by Winperator [B]here is my question: bofer i tryed to map with the JK2R i mapped with Worldcraft for Half-Life... in my JK2-Map i want to build a 360° arch... in Worldcraft i used the "arch-tool" but i don't know how to...  [Read More]
I will likely make the tuts downloadable when they are all complete. I am going back and revising them fairly often, so this will likely be a good distance in the future. I will be making tuts on all the things you described, but I am going to finis...  [Read More]
Well, you need to first realize that patches aren't technically curves... they are just highly triangulated (that's probably not the right word) surfaces. Thus, in the game, sometimes two patches up next to each other won't have their triangles match...  [Read More]
I made a brush, copied it, put it right on top of the other, covered it with trigger, made it a trigger push, made another bush and made it a target whatever it was, then linked it with the ctrl k, the line even showed up to show that they were linke...  [Read More]
It will also happen if you put an invisible shader on top of it (for example - slick). If you're referring to the bespin air vents, I think they have invisible curves inside the actual curves covered with system/slick Not 100% sure on that though....  [Read More]
Neh, as far as I know, they're all just square caulk pipes with bevels inside to give the appearance of a pipe. Just use my arched-ceiling in a hallway tutorial and double it to encompass the entire hallway. And as for Derisor, you need usables! :)...  [Read More]
1) No real good shader-coding tutorials that I know of except for the shader manual itself. 2) Yes... with shaders. :p 3) Do you mean actual fog or fog shaders? Actual fog (as in, the fog inside water), there aren't individual particles, so you just...  [Read More]
Well, the sliders in the Yavin Trial level were all done with scripting. :D As for the map, not bad... definitely a good start. But I did notice a couple of things. For one, there's a grate in the floor in between rooms with what looked like HOM be...  [Read More]
Create a func_door in SP and see what the FORCE_ACTIVATE checkbox adds for spawnflags. It is also talked about in the help box. Then use that value on your MP map. Although I'm not entirely sure that that specific key works in MP... haven't tried it...  [Read More]
Oh really? Such as what? And I assume you're using the SP entity help files, because the MP entity help files are incomplete. :)...  [Read More]
All the possible keys for entities are listed in the little gray box in the entity panel... :) And I'll be writing that tutorial myself later - thanks though. :D...  [Read More]
Don't know scripting, sorry. :D Learning it now myself. Read the ICARUS manual - that'll get you started. Though I do know if you want to have a script start when an NPC is spawned, you can set the key spawnscript and a value. If you want a script t...  [Read More]
It's all just randomly acquired bits and pieces of information about Radiant and mapping. :) Just a good memory more than anything else. Anyone can make a great map in the Q3A engine - it just takes actually taking the time to learn the ins and outs...  [Read More]
Any time you want to tell the difference, press CTRL+D and all the Detail Brushes will disappear. Anything left is (obviously) Structural. :)...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Derisor I build a door according to the info you gave in the tutorial but there is one problem. As soon as I put the area portal inside the door brush, I now get a wacky HOM effect instead of a door. What did I do wrong ? That...  [Read More]
The smallest tunnel Kyle can duck through is 48 units heigh by 36 units wide. Thanks! Useful information. :) Exactly how you put chaulk on the nonvisible sides of any patch mesh? You don't! Patches are technically only textured on one side, so the e...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Master Xavier ALL i find in procject settings is the path'ways and a list of goop, I can't find SP entities anywhere? :eek: :confused: :eek: But if you look in the project settings, you should see SP_Entities.def (by default) i...  [Read More]
You need to have caulk behind it... somewhere. Specifically where doesn't matter in terms of visual quality, but you will want to make that space appropriately sized (be it big or small) to make your compile times as fast as possible. That is of cou...  [Read More]
I made a cool pipe that the player can jump down from tzhe starting point. It is a cylinder and not capped. The pipe is 8 feet in diameter (64 units) and Kyle floats nicely over it without falling in. From the top view he is pulling a neat aeriel stu...  [Read More]
Originally posted by The_Preacher god knows where those sparklies have come from, as i have virtually everything you cant see caulked. Well there's your problem. EVERYTHING you can't see should be caulked. :p btw. is there a jedi mapping irc channe...  [Read More]
You don't. :) fx_runners are used as described in You never get to actually see anything in Radiant except for the fx_runner. Only way to figure out which EFX you want is to experiment a...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Darkpetzi I guess the answer to your question is : to have nicer curves and much more beautiful lightnings. Am I right, Rich ? Mostly, yup. And also because the Curves tutorials are primarily to get you to learn how to use cur...  [Read More]
Because if you didn't, the engine would draw that surface behind the curve (even though you wouldn't be able to see it). Remember (and I'm sure you read the compiling tutorial), the VIS process completely ignores curves - thus anything behind a curve...  [Read More]
Eh... kinda. I would suggest making light-emitting shaders that look like they have light sources inside them. That gives the most realistic effect. You can see an example of light-emitting shaders with... oh, every light in duel_kamino. :D...  [Read More]
Trees are models. :) Find the model and reference it from your assets0.pk3 by using: Skies, you just apply to the faces you want to appear as skies:  [Read More]
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