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Latest Threads

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Posted in: WIP : GreyScale
03-16-2003, 2:50 PM
Since my last map, padme's sleeping quters has sort of died, I have decided to start on something new and sort of different. The reasons why the padme map wont be released is because: 1- I formated my comp forgetting to back up the .map and... 2- so...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP Padme's Sleeping Quaters?
01-04-2003, 8:48 AM
So here it is, this is only after an hour and halfs work, and iv managed to get the floor complete. Or nearly complete since i don't have the right textures. Iv only manged to find one referance picture which is this, \0/ (  [Read More]
Posted in: Presents for all \0/
11-10-2002, 4:02 PM
Well hello all... Well I'v been working on my little map pack for some time now, and I think it has come to the time where I get a public responce on what I have produced... Thses are the first 4 maps I have ever made for any game, so you can't real...  [Read More]
Posted in: My questions....
04-27-2002, 4:13 PM
Ok my first question for this thread is probaly a really stupid question, but... how do I get my grid size back to normal (grid 4).. I changed it to size 2 and now i cant get it back to 4. Each time I try to change it changes the left colum thing (I...  [Read More]
Posted in: again a question..
04-25-2002, 7:04 PM
Hi again.. yet another question has appeard... is it possible to create a dome shape ceiling. If so could someone please guide me through this process.. If it isnt possible, is there anyway to make the illusion that the ceiling is a dome?...  [Read More]
Posted in: n00b question...
04-25-2002, 3:53 PM
Hello all.. first I am a n00b to this JK2 Radient thing, i have expiremented with it for a few hours and manged to make a few things nothing major. But here is my question, is it possible to fit a texture onto a brush without the texture being to b...  [Read More]
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