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Posted in: Cameo of Star Destroyers?
05-17-2002, 1:23 AM
Hey folks: Is it just me, or do the clone transport ships seen at the end of the movie portray a strong resemblance to the soon-to-arise Star Destroyers? Maybe thats what they started as; mere transport ships. Cool stuff.... do you agree with me?...  [Read More]
No complaints here. Just waiting for the next installment. Star Wars: Episode III: Padme Does the Nasty The galaxy is in immediate danger... Meanwhile, in Padme's chamber... :) -Stan ===========================...  [Read More]
Posted in: What do you expect from Episode 3?
05-17-2002, 1:21 AM
I foresee: The joining of the clone army and the Separatists. Thus- forming the Empire. Yoda and Ben going into hiding after ensuring the safety of baby Luke and Leia. The relationship between Anakin and Palpatine 'budding'. The change from DROID...  [Read More]
Posted in: Soundtrack
05-17-2002, 1:17 AM
Although the Episode I Soundtrack was certainly a masterpiece, it should not have been duplicated as much as it was in Episode II. During the whole battle with the clones, and also with the execution, Episode I suspense music was heard. No major co...  [Read More]
Posted in: Three words about Star Wars II
05-17-2002, 1:10 AM
Nice post. I was trying to figure out just HOW Yoda moved that fast--- did the force accelerate his movement? Or is he naturally that fast? You guys are right: Yoda finally displays all the traits we traditionally see in a Jedi Knight. "Size...  [Read More]
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