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Posted in: Saber Realistic Combat code?
04-22-2002, 9:06 AM
For Dismemberment information look into these threads.... SP: MP:  [Read More]
Posted in: Sticky request: Dismemberment
04-10-2002, 9:12 AM
Could some admin please make the following thread a sticky one: Because searching is (or was?) not functional, and people post before they search :( Thanks a lot Mad...  [Read More]
Posted in: JK2 game suggestions
04-04-2002, 9:48 PM
Hi there! I have an idea for JK2 MP: Not only have a jk2mpconfig.cfg, but also an autoexecmp.cfg and leave autoexec.cfg for SP only. Unfortunately I can not find a feedback address (besides tech support) in the manual and don't know which forum to...  [Read More]
Posted in: how to get dismemberment to work?
04-07-2002, 11:41 AM
Have a look at the small 16Kb file from it contains an easy to use config file, which also explains how you get dismemberment with ease and why it has to be this way. It doesn't modify any original game data, so you still...  [Read More]
It's meant for the european version (english, francais, deutsch), just give it a try and make sure you READ the readme AND the config files. To de-install you can just delete the three files again. It should also work with the U.S. version as I assu...  [Read More]
My "WinXP" friend INSTALLED the game on his WinME partition and then the scripts worked for him. As the other one had problems with WinME I assume that the re-installation solved this problem. So backup your save game folder and flush the r...  [Read More]
Update: A friend of mine couldn't get dismemberment to work on his pc. I visited him, made sure he had an original of the game (another typical cause for problems) and used my pk3 and config files correctly, but no dismemberment at all, although real...  [Read More]
Download the small updated(!) 16Kb file from it contains an easy to use config file, which also explains why and how you get dismemberment with ease, but you still have to press a key after each game start or load. Please...  [Read More]
Yeah, when german language is selected you have several problems enabling dismemberment. Have a look at where I have created an easy to use config file without replacing your jk2config.cfg, and a new setup menu so you can...  [Read More]
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