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how to get dismemberment to work?

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03-29-2002, 5:03 PM
i tried setting to yes in options, but nothing happens. i tried that "mod" from the main page, but had no idea where to put it(can't read whatever language that was); i just extracted to the base directory
04-07-2002, 9:45 AM
If you have the german version go to
and download the patch.
04-07-2002, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by jinky
i tried setting to yes in options, but nothing happens. i tried that "mod" from the main page, but had no idea where to put it(can't read whatever language that was); i just extracted to the base directory


+set g_dismemberProbabilities 1
+set g_dismemberment 3
+set helpusobi 1
+set g_saberRealisticCombat 1

There that should get any NORMAL version of JK2 into major dismemberment mode, unless you somehow tweaed your system and disabled certain animations.

By normal I mean not some special commie pinko version like Germany's or something.

NOTE: guns won't dismember people..........
04-07-2002, 11:41 AM
Have a look at the small 16Kb file from it contains an easy to use config file, which also explains how you get dismemberment with ease and why it has to be this way.
It doesn't modify any original game data, so you still have to press a key after each game start or load.
Just make sure you read the text file and config files.


The patch is meant for the european version (english, francais, deutsch).
I don't know if the u.s. version also resets g_dismemberment back to 0 when a game is started or loaded.
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