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Posted in: modelling/shader tutorials please!
06-03-2003, 8:53 PM
Psynex posted a link to a tut on shaders in General Editing...  [Read More]
Posted in: Unleashed figures
06-04-2003, 6:51 PM
The unleased Vader is pale in comparision... Right thats it tomorrow im gonna post a pic!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Unleashed figures
06-04-2003, 3:55 PM
I never thought about checkin on the web... Shame about Vader being out of stock as it looks the most impressive out of them all. If you want Vader and cant find one I can tell you other places around London where I have seen them....  [Read More]
Posted in: Unleashed figures
06-04-2003, 10:35 AM
Lexx, I know they sell um at Forbidden Planet in Croydon which is south east London, SE25 I think. I dont know about the central London branch as I ve never been there. Depends which is closer. I could post some pics if you would like to see the sc...  [Read More]
Posted in: Unleashed figures
06-03-2003, 8:39 PM
Ok I the Kotobukiya Darth Vader! Got it around christmas and cost me Ј60 from Forbidden Planet. I think they are awesome almost twice the size of the unleashed figures. They come in pieces and you have to snap them together which is quite fun. I r...  [Read More]
Posted in: expensive things you wish you had or could afford
06-03-2003, 8:42 PM
Dunno but maybe they are older licences, ICON made replica sabers before MR There are sites around which so you how to make your own saber hilts from the movies for around $50... If ya strapped for cash you could always make your own :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Blondest thing you have enver done
06-04-2003, 4:23 PM
LOL I same thing happened to me more or less but the car mirror hit me in the thigh which totally took me out! Bloody hurt, had a dead leg for days...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Blondest thing you have enver done
06-04-2003, 4:10 PM
Cmon there has gotta be more blonde/stupid moments out there, I have more but dont want to hog the thread, plus you lot probably dont want to hear anymore of my blonde antics......  [Read More]
Posted in: The Blondest thing you have enver done
06-04-2003, 8:57 AM
No no wait that wasn't the stupidest thing I ve ever done! How could I forget... I ll set the scene... It was a warm September afternoon back in '99 and I had just enrolled for my second year of college. Now I was leaving with my mates as they were...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Blondest thing you have enver done
06-04-2003, 8:43 AM
Well a couple of years ago I was coming back from the gym with my mates and we decided to cycle home... Well I hadn't cycled since I fell in a rosebush 10yrs ago. Anyway we were messin around trying wheelies etc and tried to pull off a back wheelie s...  [Read More]
"Does this make me look fat", that old chesnut... I personally would tell a porky pie unless it was some pink lycra thing then I would really have to say something! Its just not worth the hassle (wouldn't want to hurt their feelings either...  [Read More]
I dont think girls are mess up in the head, although are known to have the odd jealous fit, or maybe I have only encountered normal ones......  [Read More]
Hmmm maybe you worry/think too much about it, I would have to agree with it happens when you least expect it. Take myself, Im 21 and at uni (still!), four years ago I decided take a year out before going to university and I had just split with one...  [Read More]
Posted in: stand up and pee like a man
06-04-2003, 6:48 PM
Originally posted by Nitro That's how I do it IRL. Both hands on the hose, and use my forehead to hold myself up. Yep have to agree, go into a cubical pop ya beer on top of the toilet roll holder thingy, place forehead onthe wall and hold on tigh...  [Read More]
Posted in: stand up and pee like a man
06-03-2003, 9:26 PM
46,256 Wiped out in 4th round...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Gollum
06-09-2003, 10:17 AM
Ok a little update... I have added eyes and a mouth to the head and will be adding a couple of teeth in a few moments...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Gollum
06-06-2003, 7:56 PM
Hellfire: I dont see y not I didnt really get the time to fully test Legolas so yeah *Hindy adds Hellfire to his list*...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Gollum
06-06-2003, 12:38 PM
Ok an update for ya... This a modified 3/4 view of Gollum in response to the feed back I received. A question though how would you recommend doing the eyes ans mouth? Use spheres for the eyes or flat polygons? A box for the inside of the mouth or j...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Gollum
06-06-2003, 8:27 AM
JP-30: Yep I ll weight the loincloth to his thighs otherwise it will clip when he runs, plus it ll look more realistic if it moves with him. inbredyokel: I never thought about that with regards to the hair, I suppose I could even add splines for th...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Gollum
06-05-2003, 6:43 PM
Hellfire Jedi: Dont get me wrong Im not trying to gain attention but Im new to modeling and the only way Im gonna get better is to be told where Im going wrong and what can be improved. With regards to the side view, I ll look into it as I was addi...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Gollum
06-05-2003, 8:33 AM
Hi JP I was thinking that a tranparency shader would work well with the loincloth as in the film it is ripped all over the place, I have modeled it as a block for that purpose which in turn keeps the poly count down. Like the idea about the cloaka...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Gollum
06-04-2003, 6:38 PM
As promised here is an updated pic, this time it is a full body model sheet. If its too small say so and I ll upload a bigger image Check out my homepage for more in depth notes o...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Gollum
06-04-2003, 4:19 PM
Here is the pic off the site if people would prefer to view it inside the thread... I think I will post pics like this in future now I have figured out how to do it... Im pretty happy...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Gollum
06-03-2003, 8:18 PM
Ok I joined tripod and made a site with their web creation tools, I didn't plan to do this but it ll do for the time being. I ll probably move back to Boomspeed once I sort my Paypal account. Ok back to Gollum, if navigate to the WIP: Gollum page I...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Gollum
06-02-2003, 12:06 PM
Cheers guys, the modeling is nearing completion but I still cant post images as boomspeed, whom I had a free account with, deleted my account and r not allowing anymore sign-ups. Any ideas for show free webspace?...  [Read More]
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