Note: LucasForums Archive Project
The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

This project is meant for research purposes only.


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Posted in: PFHC02 Female Head Replacement
01-09-2016, 9:36 PM
Only two of taibhrigh's works have been preserved: Note: These skins are for TSL....  [Read More]
Posted in: 90SK Retexture Project Stuff
10-01-2015, 4:00 AM
Exciting stuff! Looking forward to it....  [Read More]
Hmmm the download initiates on my end. What country are you downloading from?...  [Read More]
That doesn't work PM me your email address, and I can send the file to you....  [Read More]
lorda0001, Here is Music Enhancement for K1: Also, that mod you linked to on the Russian site contains stolen mods from authors who never game their permission to the uploader. I sugg...  [Read More]
Skip Peragus:  [Read More]
BomburPL, Here you go:  [Read More]
There's a bunch of mods hosted on this site: Try searching there. A lot are from KotOR Files....  [Read More]
Skip Peragus: Skip Telos: Completely Skip Telos: Got a couple choices there....  [Read More]
Nice work djh269....  [Read More]
SaberDuelist: Check the "Commas" and "RobeCollarFix" listings. Mods: ChAiNz.2da has given permission to post the link to his archive. If you need proof, contact me....  [Read More]
None that I'm aware of....  [Read More]
Here you go:  [Read More]
Can you provide the authors' names, so I can help you? Not sure what the exact rules are regarding sending other people's mods, but just send via PM to be safe....  [Read More]
Wow that is a really cool armor and mask! Unfortunately, I can't locate it anywhere. My suggestion is to PM the people in that thread and hope that one of them still has the mod. The problem is many of those people, including the authors, haven't si...  [Read More]
Try sending Marius Fett a PM to see if he still has it....  [Read More]
Thanks guys! Was getting ready to do my usual copy/paste job lol...  [Read More]
Only thing I could find is that it's included in the All in One Force Powers mod by Darth333: Download: Info:  [Read More]
This one?  [Read More]
You can download this mod from Gamefront:  [Read More]
Goto's Yacht Window Upgrade, Cyan and Silver Lightsaber Fix, VP's Kreia Green Fix, and Disappearing Rubat Crystal Fix are already included in TSLRCM. I can send you Hi-Res Muzzle Flash and Footlocker by Jesse1066 via PM on Deadly Stream. EDIT: Chec...  [Read More]
"Ambience and Music Improvement mods for Kotor 2" Are these the ones by PastramiX? If so, he commented a few years back to not use those anymore. I used to install them all the time, but he is the author so gotta go with what he says. Her...  [Read More]
Try searching here:  [Read More]
I can send it to you August 15th....  [Read More]
LancerChronics, The only mod that comes to mind is Force Fashion II by jonathan7. It gives unique stats to those clothing items you mention.  [Read More]