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Posted in: where are you guys
11-10-2009, 6:55 PM
Best place to be playing online right now is at GameRanger. You could also try Voobly as well....  [Read More]
Posted in: Screenshots in Battlegrounds?
11-10-2009, 6:55 PM
Lets not forget the hidden one, CTRL+F12 It lets you take a screenshot of the whole map!...  [Read More]
Posted in: gungan underwater shelters
11-15-2009, 5:19 PM
I think its a gungan specific technology...  [Read More]
Posted in: Does the Rebublic get Stealth Jedi??
11-15-2009, 5:32 PM
Yes you are right. The tech you need for this is called Jedi Mind Trick....  [Read More]
Posted in: question
11-10-2009, 6:58 PM
Main splash damage projectiles come from grenaders, cannons, artilleries/cruisers and hvy assault mechs. If its a laser or light saber attack then the chances are its just a one target effect....  [Read More]
Posted in: Naboo
11-15-2009, 7:56 PM
i like republic more tbh...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enemy's weak point
11-15-2009, 8:00 PM
Not good for maps like Bounty Fest where you dont even use workers though....  [Read More]
Posted in: Shield Gens(SG)
11-15-2009, 8:02 PM
it would make battles last longer cause everyone's units would have more HP :P...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help Please...
11-15-2009, 7:56 PM
Nah don't do that, then we won't be able to post here 7 years later....  [Read More]
Posted in: How Many online players
11-10-2009, 7:28 PM
Zone? That place is long gone :P...  [Read More]
Posted in: Disadvantages and Advantages of Bothan Spynet
11-15-2009, 5:23 PM
A research technology is meant to make your side better off, not worser....  [Read More]
Posted in: Commands
11-15-2009, 5:26 PM
Don't forget about attack/defensive/stand ground stances - they can be essential when you are dealing with large groups of units. Its mainly useful switching between stand ground and defensive so they won't jump out too far if they are attacked. Key...  [Read More]
Posted in: cheat codes
11-10-2009, 6:34 PM
I'd guess no to that then....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cheating
11-10-2009, 6:33 PM
Hmm.. I agree lol the Zone was fun...  [Read More]
Posted in: Creating scenario - problems & problems
11-15-2009, 5:09 PM
Nova and ore can be added as stockpiles or deposits in the units/others section. They can only be placed under Gaia as well....  [Read More]
Posted in: SWBG Reinstall dont work!!!!! :( :(
11-10-2009, 6:28 PM
Sounds like you'll have to remove the game's previous program files and registry entries to be able to install again....  [Read More]
Posted in: Do You Still Play Galactic Battlegrounds?
11-10-2009, 6:51 PM
I play sometimes when there are good scenarios being hosted in the lobby....  [Read More]
Posting your same problem in multiple places will not get you a better/faster answer....  [Read More]
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC\ Thats where you need to look normally for the SWGB registry info....  [Read More]
Posted in: Starwars battlegrounds clonecampanes
11-10-2009, 6:11 PM
Mm nice and up-to-date I see ;) Good old days of 2004 Edit: I just registered to check your forum out - says ill need approving by staff first. I'm supprised there is only 1 vote in this poll as well :P....  [Read More]
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