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Well I liked the gameplay and the graphics weren't too shabby. just what really killed it was, yes, the Gorog level and also the fact that it was too short. If they make a TF3, I may get it, or it least play it at a friends house.... [Read More]
Let me guess, you were using the "loaded" Cheat? because thats what happened to me my first time around. when you use that, you get the sniper, and it picks it up automaticly as ammo.... [Read More]
yea, get one with an Nvidia interface. its weird, i have a 7 year old laptop that runs high bumpmapping just fine. but with my card, i cant run unrealed on high or medium seems that the older cards worked the best... [Read More]
love the shotty, and is it me, or does the concussion rifle not really work too well? i never found a use for it except against large groups of normal B droids... [Read More]
i do mostly DC17 blaster...... Droidekas:knife until shields are down trnados: shotgun all the way. SBDs: grenades/AA do you have RC for xbox or pc?... [Read More]