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Posted in: Editing Tools Q&A
04-23-2002, 2:32 PM
Originally posted by Tee Twoshadows, the correct caulk shader is in the system dir, not common :) Yeah , it very well may be - but all my caulked surfaces showed up IN GAME as MISSING TEXTURES, UNTIL I FIXED RAVENS MISTAKE, by adding the caulk sha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Editing Tools Q&A
04-23-2002, 1:47 AM
Emon, soon you will learn the ways of the force, er Radiant. There is a snap T to grid and you can define the rotations. hit P for prefferences, find the rotation inc and set it to 1 - then set your GRID to &1 - and there you have it - 1 degree...  [Read More]
Posted in: bunny hopping
04-08-2002, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by SD_ALLSTAR Anyone else notice that this is possible in JK2? If your not from CS, bunny hopping is continuosly jumping. Somehow the physics in the game just keep getting your speed faster and faster. I can bunny hop accross entir...  [Read More]
Posted in: Auto-aiming
04-01-2002, 9:21 PM
Why don't you hook up a game pad and just play that way? Although, I'm sure that in a couple of weeks time, some jerk WILL make an autoaim hack and it WILL be abused Online...  [Read More]
Posted in: Worldcraft level Editor
04-01-2002, 9:03 PM
You're never going to be able to use the worldcraft editor for editing jk2 - as it is owned by Valve software. Just take the plunge and LEARN Radiant - I too was once a WorldCraft devotee, back in the Quake 1 days and to a lesser extent, for Half-Li...  [Read More]
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