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Posted in: Which KOTOR Tool version works with the x-box?
12-05-2007, 6:08 PM
I've been wanting to try modding my save files like they have over at the AR site codejunkies, giving myself weapons and other items, etc but the Kotor Savegame Editor doesn't allow that, only changing things like attributes. Is there a KOTOR Tool v...  [Read More]
Not to my knowledge. The reason for the limitation is due to the fact that the XBox uses a bunch of .sig files to authenticate the game files. 6 out of 7 of these .sig files were understood by yours truly and incorporated into KSE. Unfortunately, I n...  [Read More]
You cannot add or subtract items from the Xbox versions with KSE. There is no older version that is more compatible.OK, thanks. Any programs out there that will do this? I know it's somehow possible, just not how they did it....  [Read More]
How do I add items to characters' inventories for the X-box? I have some saved games from codejunkies that has items (like the Irrisai sabers) that I want to put on a new character I'm making, but KSE 3.3.3 doesn't seem to be able to. Is there an old...  [Read More]