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Yuuzhan Vong

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Posted in: totally nuts
 Yuuzhan Vong
01-13-2007, 11:46 PM
What the hell are you guys talking about?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The End
 Yuuzhan Vong
01-11-2007, 2:35 PM
I suppose. It's abit hashed together though. :( The reason behind it being all hashed together is because of the time they had to make the game....  [Read More]
Posted in: The End
 Yuuzhan Vong
01-10-2007, 7:02 PM
Yes, but it sets up a sequel....  [Read More]
Posted in: 10 Jan 07 Impressions
 Yuuzhan Vong
01-11-2007, 2:38 PM
Personally, I think the voice for Thrawn in FOC was perfect. I thought that Thrawn's voice was the same as Illidans from Warcraft III....  [Read More]
Posted in: 10 Jan 07 Impressions
 Yuuzhan Vong
01-10-2007, 7:06 PM
Personally, I think the Kedalbe should be removed from the game permanantly, as I don't see much of a use for it, and for a compromise, the devs should add more turbolaser hard points on the Aggressor Destroyers, and perhaps some Ion Cannon Hard poin...  [Read More]
Posted in: new addon for FOC?
 Yuuzhan Vong
01-18-2007, 3:34 PM
Calm down, there isn't a new add on that adds imp and rebel campaigns to FOC. I mean, for christs sake, the developers just finished FOC, why would they be talking about another add on at this stage, the boys at petroglyph are doing the unnanounced p...  [Read More]
Posted in: new addon for FOC?
 Yuuzhan Vong
01-11-2007, 2:33 PM
i hope there is 1 currently in the making & there should be the reb & emp campaigns like in the original game:) The reason why there was no Rebel or Empire campaign in FOC was because the petroglyph developers wanted to focus on one single le...  [Read More]
Posted in: Super Star Destroyer Eclipse
 Yuuzhan Vong
01-03-2007, 7:56 PM
I don't get the ending of it..... Zann went for the Eclipse but then decided to leave it? WTF? Sadly..... the Eclipse is only available in campain... as the two above me have already pointed out.... It would be cool to use in a regular space battle...  [Read More]
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