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Page: 95 of 104
Posted in: Wal Mart: The Evil Empire
07-21-2007, 2:47 AM
Mostly, the people who get displaced from mom and pop outfits and pop. As Jae pointed out, they probably aren't giving their employees any better a deal than a big company can anyway. There's no doubt, though, that the rich among us are arg...  [Read More]
Posted in: What If The World Ended Yesterday?
07-18-2007, 12:18 AM
Of course the question is, how will we know for certain. Given that we might be so technologically advanced where what we could do will appear magic to our ancestors, or that we'll have maybe discovered sentient life eslewhere in the universe, it's q...  [Read More]
Posted in: Should the Chambers and the Corner be merged?
07-18-2007, 12:31 AM
This just in.....due to global warming, Hell is now in for an unforseeably long heat wave... :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Should the Chambers and the Corner be merged?
07-16-2007, 9:54 PM
I'd agree that merging the two would be counterproductive. The styles of editorial management are very different between the two forums. The Senate is more of a free-for-all with people often stepping all over one another, and pretty nastily too. KC...  [Read More]
Posted in: Heightism, does it exist?
07-18-2007, 12:21 AM
Yeah, but at least you short guys would have a decent excuse. :p pardon me darling, but looking you in the eye gives me a terrible crick in my neck.....  [Read More]
Posted in: Heightism, does it exist?
07-16-2007, 5:30 AM
If you ask me Heightism does exist. I'm only 1.65cm (not sure what I am in inches but I guess It's something like 5'5?), 18 and male. Which is pretty short. . And I thought the "inch high" private eye(2.5cm) was short. :D Seriously, though...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rebuilding America: The Democratic Strategy
07-16-2007, 12:05 PM
Assuming that the pages are in fact blank (I haven't seen this book myself obviously), how much do they actually expect people to pay for it? I took the blank pages comment to be little more than sarcasm, but publishing can be pretty weird sometimes....  [Read More]
Members of the Aboriginal community in Australia are outraged over the European settlement, comparisons to Nazis are not uncommon. Acts such as the 'Stolen Generation' (where Aboriginal children were taken from their parents) and the recent laws that...  [Read More]
It also shows, Prime, that OBL has a poor understanding of how "democracies" work. As to the whole bit from the second commentator, sounds like baseless speculation. More importantly, though, it does seem to reflect that OBL/UBL adheres to...  [Read More]
Technically, the whole Vietnam/Iraq strain in this thread is a sidebar. Hence the subject matter is NOT as tightly focused as Achilles would wish. However, I tend to agree with some of his conclusions. Specifically, that given sufficient time and oth...  [Read More]
Are you implying that the Security Council refused the US to go into Iraq because of the said scam and the alleged bribery? Prove it. Innocent until proven guilty.Or are you implying that because the UN is corrupt, it should not be followed? What if...  [Read More]
Is that a mostly American phenomenon? Do you mean slanting the news or that there's a fight over who is doing it?...  [Read More]
Problem with slanting the news in either direction is that the formerly so-called "hard news" has now really become editorial in nature. Afterall, what is an op-ed piece but the assembling of facts and information to buttress a particular p...  [Read More]
Only problem, Mimartin, is that Congress seems to take more breaks than a teacher. If the US Congress actually worked as long as a school teacher (or at least the perception thereof), there'd be a lot less to complain about (ok, hell, maybe a lot mor...  [Read More]
:D And the SDK? SDK? Also, I know that a number of you like to throw the godwin law thingy around, but it seems to have as much relevance as Beavis or Butthead going "oh, he said ^$*@#, hehhehhehheh". I wonder if someone's come up w/a sim...  [Read More]
There's a certain element of the half full/half empty argument. One can always report the "facts" in such a way as to slant the news. You could take the example of WW2, as has been done, and apply it there (remembering that NO comparison is...  [Read More]
Posted in: Actually, what will push YOU to leave America?
07-11-2007, 9:11 AM
Don't know about hauling @ss to the PRC, SS. It might just be as big a slag pile as the US at that point, assuming you survive such a war. ;) I'm not sure that there's really anywhere else to go. Much would really depend on how it translates into yo...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Ethics of Time Travel
07-11-2007, 8:29 AM
To know whether it would be ethical or not, you'd have to know whether you'd actually be part of that timeline or just some chimera that could only observe things as they actually happened. If the first, it may be possible, assuming that the whole co...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gender Segregated World
07-06-2007, 1:54 PM
Well, how limited will their scientific knowkedge on the island be? They might uncover the whole "missing gender" themselves through scientific experimentation in genetics. Also, it's unlikely that the volunteers would be completely straigh...  [Read More]
Posted in: Smoking Banned in England
07-11-2007, 9:12 AM
Honestly, TK, even your parents have to sleep. ;)...  [Read More]
Another way to look at it might be that you could hire on more people for vital services that actually do something beyond entertain us at exorbitantly inflated values. Frankly, it always seemed stupid to me to pay someone $100+m for a multi- yeared...  [Read More]
Who cares whether they "deserve" it or not. As long as people are willing to spend their money to see movies and sporting events, and buy sports and movie memorabilia the athletes, stars, celebs, etc. WILL be paid that much. AS long as the...  [Read More]
Funny thing is, w/o the rise of free agency, we'd be discussing whether the owners deserved all that money rather than the players/actors/etc.. I'd still contend, though, that they are NOT worth the money. Simple reason being that many of them would...  [Read More]
Posted in: News Organizations and Political Bias
07-21-2007, 4:59 PM
It would actually depend on the how the polls handle mayor political affiliation if I would consider this bias. Some cities do not allow party affiliation for local government as they feel it will hurt them with conventions and grants. In that case I...  [Read More]
Posted in: News Organizations and Political Bias
07-21-2007, 3:36 AM
A recent example of bias:  [Read More]
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