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Posted in: Getting to know each other
09-01-2006, 6:03 AM
Sooo...... whats PWNS an acronym for, anyone?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-18-2006, 1:16 AM
Limbo was traditionally where souls went that weren't baptized (and probably all the souls prior to the Ressurection that didn't end up in hell). As to your second question, I guess you have to wonder if the condemned truly loves God or just can't ta...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-18-2006, 12:07 AM
TK: Hey, I don't get it either, so don't feel bad. I just can't deny His existence, and I can't really explain anything beyond that, nor do I feel obliged to even try. Anyone that says that they can is suffering from delusions of grandeur (a common...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-17-2006, 9:41 PM
TK-8252: It's pretty hard to compare an unborn fetus to living people who were murdered by their "lord." A better comparison would have a born child being killed by their parent, which is... illegal. No, it's a fair critique, even if you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-17-2006, 5:52 PM
So because god created life, then he has the right to take it away? That's bull****. My parents don't have the right to kill me just because they created me. Sorry, but have you heard of legalized abortion? Technically, your parents can legally k...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-16-2006, 3:15 AM
That's a little condescending, don't you think? True, but he did say loosely, indicating--at least in my mind--that he was quoting from memory, and that it probably isn't exact. Technically, no. She was going to be stoned for adultery....  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-15-2006, 11:47 PM
The version of the stoning I always heard was that Jesus merely challenged the crowd by suggesting that if anyone there was without sin, he should cast the first stone. As everyone eventually walked away, there was only Jesus and the whore. He basica...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-15-2006, 1:46 PM
I think that basically we have two threads going on here, with the tangential one eclipsing the original one. I don't believe the the first post was unduly provacative in nature, but the discussion did devolve into a pi**ing match about the nature of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-14-2006, 8:53 PM
Since you're "officially" not talking to me anymore, Sun (you never really addressed anything I said in the first place), just keep in mind that you should read everything carefully before you jump to conclusions. I wasn't addressing the qu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-14-2006, 12:15 PM
I find that the claim you went to "Catholic" schools for your elemnetary and secondary (1-12 here in the states) education, thus making you somehow qualified to discuss the flaws of Christianity, to be mostly irrelevant. You no doubt probal...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-13-2006, 2:23 AM
EmpDev, you seem to be a bit confused about the whole forgiveness process w/in Christianity. Theoretically, Tamerlane, Hitler and Stalin could go to Heaven, but there would be this purification process they'd have to endure in a place called purgator...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-13-2006, 12:57 AM
I do find it a little interesting that people are willing to accept that the big bang (or some other contemporary variant) is the answer to where we came from, but will virulently contest the possibility of a god or supreme being. Both possibilities...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-12-2006, 4:08 PM
Negative_Sun: Maybe, but I could bounce that ball right back and say, How can YOU be sure he has? Maybe you misinterpreted something as well, or maybe there really IS another explanation for *insert whatever thing God might do to prove He is with you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-11-2006, 7:51 PM
These kinds of topics are almost like accidents on the freeway, you know you should move on, but you can't help rubbernecking. Was Stingerhs condescending, or was NS reading TOO MUCH between the lines? In the absence of verbal or phyiscal cues, it's...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-11-2006, 5:34 PM
Christians should keep their big fat mouths shut cause they're all a bunch of hypocrits, people were slain by hundreds during the inquisition but it was all justfied because they were killing non-believers... The self-defense point is a good one, if...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-11-2006, 4:31 PM
Gotta admit, I don't get the hostility flung around by you, Negative Sun. Everyone is basically a hypocrite in some fashion or another. You seem to feel hostile toward people you seem to think are judging you somewhow, but have no problem labeling th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
10-11-2006, 1:11 AM
Actually, I ran into something similiar when I visited my brother in the deep south a number of years ago. One of these fundamentalist type Christians (who usually talk about having a personal relationship with Jeseus) claimed that shoplifting a piec...  [Read More]
Posted in: Not exactly sure where....
09-02-2006, 10:15 PM
Question: Is there some kind of function on this site that allows you to find any or all of your own posts? Was trying to remember a forum topic I wanted to look back at, but don't remember its title. I hoped to not have to do it the loooonnnnng way....  [Read More]
Posted in: question about appearance files
08-31-2006, 4:57 AM
How necessary is it to include the appearance file from a mod into the OR folder if you're installing multiple mods and 2 or more have an ap file? I ask this in part b/c I've noticed that when you use the stormtrooper and clone trooper mods, you shou...  [Read More]
Posted in: allforce/feat mod (KOTOR)
08-20-2006, 3:05 PM
downloaded a mod which allows you to acquire almost every feat/force power very early in game. Regrettably, not sure who the author is (checked the readme file and could only find reference to an alvin777t). I would only add to the caveat in his warn...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bush criticises Spanish US anthem
10-16-2006, 2:35 PM
Given that Spanish speaking people only currently consist of something like 13-15% of the US population, and that they aren't a monolithic block, it's doubful English will be eclipsed anytime soon. But as long as people want to come here legally, the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Homosexuality & Same-Sex Marriage
10-18-2006, 4:08 PM
Geez, ET, then don't forget about how the Nazis didn't include Jews, slavs, blacks and others as being not even human. Nor how liberals are quick to deny humans any rights till the doctor has removed them COMPLETELY from their mothers' wombs. But see...  [Read More]
Posted in: Homosexuality & Same-Sex Marriage
10-18-2006, 2:24 AM
Much of Kinsey's work has been discredited. The 10% figure is considered to be on the high end of estimates, with the more likely figure being around 2-3%: 'In the last three elections, the Voter News Service exit poll registered the gay vote betwee...  [Read More]
Posted in: Evolution - and how we know it's right
10-18-2006, 3:55 PM
han sala: I disagree. I think that a vast majority of the world doesn’t even know what Evolution is, and/or are not willing to open their minds to learn, and to try and comprehend Evolution. Most who don't believe in Evolution are narrow minded, an...  [Read More]
Posted in: Planets in KotOR III
10-05-2006, 1:10 AM
I'd prefer to chart out NEW territory (ie no repeat planets). However, whether alien or human, I'd like those worlds to be better fleshed out than the half hearted efforts in TSL. Eight to ten planets/destinations would be fine, but I'd want to see a...  [Read More]
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