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Posted in: The Search for Revan
02-02-2008, 2:21 PM
(Lol, didnt realise you can get warned for making posts too small, and about the KOTOR III line, I was only joking.) Natalie looked at the blaster pistol rather uncertainly, despite the fact she was slightly learning, she still felt a bit nervous an...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
01-31-2008, 4:06 PM
Natalie thought for a moment, and then answered. "Alright...." (Say 'KOTOR III' If you think this RP beats the storyline of other games :P) ~Let's keep an eye on our post length, shall we? With an average of about ten words a post, Nifty...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
01-26-2008, 1:50 PM
Natalie's eyes glanced all about the room, before finally meeting Dwain's. "It was pure reflex I guess, so who is this Reaper anyway?" She asked, obviously trying to change the subject....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
01-18-2008, 2:43 PM
Natalie looked over to see Dwain entered, and then sat up heavily. She wiped her forehead and looked up at Dwain more calmly "No Im fine... its not a bad time."...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
01-16-2008, 2:45 PM
Natalie slept sweating and with a aching mind. 'You fools... a you really think the True Sith is an armada? You really think the True Sith has as many men as you have foolishness?! You will see girl.. you are your friends' She suddenly shot up and...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
01-04-2008, 7:38 AM
"Ill be in the Crew Quarters then..." And with that she quickly walked off, she didnt feel happy knowing that the crew had no idea what they were dealing with, but atleast she knew that all the problems they had faced so far had been overco...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
01-02-2008, 10:32 AM
Natalie walked into the cockpit "So we're attacking and looking for an enemy no one has ever met? Do you really think the True Sith is an army or fleet?" She asked Zayne and anyone else present....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
12-27-2007, 2:44 PM
(Been a while, so Im posting) Natalie walked up the ramp of the ship, it felt so long that she had even forgotten the name of it. She walked into the compartment and slung all her things on the floor, just then she wondered - what made her suddenly...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
12-18-2007, 12:14 PM
Something didnt feel right, but Natalie kept her intentions hidden. "Im going to head back to the ship, I feel... tired, see you later." She said heading off. (Im not out of the RP, and whether the Troops stop her or not is up to you, she...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
12-15-2007, 7:50 AM
Natalie was already out of the room when the roof fell down, patiently leaning on the wall. '...chiss right?' She heard the words of zayne echo as they started to leave the room. "Do you know where to find these Chiss?" She asked....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
12-14-2007, 9:52 AM
Natalie noticed that the kretches had started to retreat back through the entrance, frightened of the slaughter being dealt upon them and at the same time noticing the roof problem, however, the queen was too big and too slow to get away in time......  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
12-07-2007, 5:37 PM
Natalie didnt aim for the roof, she was too busy fighting the sheer amount of kretches that came swarming through the breach behind the queen. She slashed through yet another with her sword and whipped out her pistol, firing several shots into a kre...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
12-04-2007, 6:01 PM
(Gah, dont you hate it when you do a really detailed post and the net suddenly goes offline for a few seconds?) Natalie sprinted through the exit, and looked in surprise when the Thermal went off. "What did I say?! A thermal might bring the ro...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
12-02-2007, 10:57 AM
(I meant unknown REGIONS, not reasons rofl) Natalie held her ground, staring at the Sith, despite being a little nerved by the fact, did he know? "Do not try and blackmail or pretend you know me, your precense is tolerated by the others, not m...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
11-30-2007, 12:11 PM
"The chiss are a species who live on the unknown reasons, they have a powerful military and have Red eyes and Blue skin." She lamented, she then decided to confront the Ex Sith Lord once again. "What made you turn away from the Sith?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
11-27-2007, 4:53 PM
Although knowing more about sith than she was letting on, Natalie had no comment to make regarding the newcomer. "If the computer seems to respond to the Noghri language, then why cannot it not understand basic?" She asked innocently, she...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
11-25-2007, 11:02 AM
Natalie turned to face the newcomer. "One does not simply turn away from the Dark side of the force, for when you stare at the dark side, it stares right back, what do you want?" She spoke in a demanding voice....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
11-24-2007, 10:29 AM
Natalie covertly eyed the group after Reaper had left, she noticed that her not-too bright companions did not chase any leads or hints regarding who Natalie is or what she is capable of. With this, she got ready to move....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
11-21-2007, 4:02 PM
Natalie slowly glanced back at the Sith, not being frightened at all. "I would make a fine apprentice, but Im going to have to decline" She slowly spoke back. "Foolish" Reaper retorted, still in a deadlock with the group....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
11-20-2007, 12:05 PM
"Only one" Natalie said, taking aim at Reaper, she fired a shot, however he deflected it straight back at her! In an eyeblink the bullet suddenly stopped in midair, and exploded as if it just impacted something, Natalie glanced around, and...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
11-19-2007, 12:34 PM
(Ok, and what if Natalie already has powers? :P) Natalie watched the room light up with the duels going on, she slowly stepped back with her Blaster ready. She aimed at the sith Zayne was fighting, she squeezed the trigger and the shot went flying...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
11-16-2007, 11:50 AM
(Sorry for being away, and no worries JK24) Natalie stepped out from the corner, and a smile broke across Reapers face. "We meet again girl... if only your friends... knew what you truly were" He gloated. Natalie looked at her party membe...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
11-08-2007, 4:02 PM
Natalie observed all of the tiles closley, and then looked at the surroundings. "Pattern of some sort?" She asked, she then glanced to the walls, looking for any sort of image or pattern to lead them away.......  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
11-06-2007, 12:44 PM
Natalie stood up, and took Dwains hand as she climbed through the hole. "We cant offord anymore careless mistakes, Thermal Detnators have extremily bad effects on buildings and foundations, if we're not careful anymore might collaspe it, this t...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Search for Revan
10-31-2007, 1:07 PM
"Stay strong guys" Natalie shouted, noticing Dwains slumped leadership and worry. She fired a volley of shots at a few kretches, and then took out a stun grenade. "Close your eyes!" She shouted as she rolled the *very* short fus...  [Read More]
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