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Posted in: Will the Full version act the same as the demo?
07-09-2006, 11:01 PM
Well i am wrong, it still does it. i dont know what the trigger is. First iot did it at the laoding screen then it did it as it was in a battle, i cant believe a bug so horrbile would be on a game that is sold by lucasarts...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will the Full version act the same as the demo?
07-09-2006, 12:54 AM
Yeah i ddid that and installed the patches, it seems to be workin fine, but you never know, it might happen again in a manner of minutes. Only time will tell. Ill let you know in a few days....  [Read More]
Posted in: Will the Full version act the same as the demo?
07-07-2006, 7:45 AM
Wll i got the full version, it seemed to be working fine. then about an hour into the game.......I got the expcetion has occured error. This game starts gettiong fun and then that happens and i want to break the game in 2. And the email that support...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will the Full version act the same as the demo?
07-06-2006, 8:51 AM
Ok i think i did it, i didnt even have to uninstal the driver, i just installed it over the other one and it worked fine. It now says 6/1/2006. So now i need to install the driect x version......will do Thanks very much for the info...  [Read More]
Can you Walk me through setting up the new drivers, i have never done that before And i have no clue on how to do it, im afraid that i will completely screw the computer up, and i just had it fixed a few weeks ago. Im using windows Xp. I really app...  [Read More]
Ok Here it is. No i have not added anything. I have uninstalled and reinstalled in multiple times. Yet the same thing happens. The problem has to lie with the game, it is to big of a coincidence for this to be happening to many people. well take a l...  [Read More]
Honestly. This is the worst error ever. I mean im trying to enjoy the demo, and it keeps coming up after i get about 20-30 minutes into it. Something that you do has to trigger it.....but what?...  [Read More]
How do i post the dxdiag???...  [Read More]
If you cant even play - there must be something up with your PC. Its that simple. The game has issues but nothing to warrant the game not even starting. Take a look at what you might have installed recently (ie, dvd/cd burning tools, daemon tools) -...  [Read More]
With that dumb error that occurs, and it seems it is happening more frequently. Before i could play the game, now i cant even start it whatsoever it goes to loading then the error pops up. im talking about the Exception error. I have played the dem...  [Read More]
07-06-2006, 12:05 AM
I hope so. Maybe i will get lucky and the full version CD will be fine...........I HOPE...  [Read More]
07-05-2006, 6:55 PM
Well i have not edited any files whatsoever and i still get that message. I just sent in a supprot ticket, do you think it will help??...  [Read More]
07-05-2006, 1:59 AM
Does anyone know if the developers are working on a solution for this annoying problem?...  [Read More]
07-04-2006, 12:33 AM
I keep getting the error. But you post deosnt help me at all. I have not alterted anything. I currently have only the demo. But the full version is on its way. What do i need to do to fix this???...  [Read More]
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