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Posted in: lol tornado
08-08-2007, 9:41 PM
Is something similiar to that Tornado Ep. of King of the Hill gonna go down?...  [Read More]
Posted in: im back
08-07-2007, 6:28 PM
Why thank you Halo! For that, I serve you those delicious hand-made tacos on a plate. @Itchy/Cheez: Tell me where you live so I can throw tacos at your faces. Burning hot, like Tabby said. Thats the best way to enjoy them, aside from hot-sauce. You'...  [Read More]
Posted in: im back
08-06-2007, 7:50 PM
You were in Cali? You should have warned me so at some point on your break I could have thrown a delicious hand-made taco at your face....  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm very good at wasting money
08-08-2007, 8:50 PM
My kin isn't upset at all - the loved my tacos. They'd attest to it if they weren't six feet under....  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm very good at wasting money
08-06-2007, 8:00 PM
My tacos are delicious, I didn't use that cyanide/lemon vinaigrette afterall!...  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm very good at wasting money
08-05-2007, 3:33 PM
I hold regrets, I'll admit. From The Sims 2 (it doesnt work on my new PC), to all manner of shiny jewelry, there are several occasions my green could have been better spent. But do I learn?...  [Read More]
Seems cool, but Darth raises a valid point....  [Read More]
Posted in: WEDDING!!!!
08-08-2007, 8:46 PM
We never did give Jmac/Cheez a name ... how 'bout "Mac'nCheez"?...  [Read More]
Posted in: WEDDING!!!!
08-05-2007, 9:19 PM
Darth/Ross is so OTP. We should splice your names together ala Brangelina. Like Ravery, or Aveross or sumthin'. Man, your wedding is gonna kickass. I get to be a bridesmaid, and us bridesmaids should al be clad in dark hoods and weild flaming torche...  [Read More]
08-09-2007, 2:05 PM
Your lobster analogy made me tear up. It belongs on a Hallmark greeting card, or for it's wisdom to be spread via meme....  [Read More]
08-06-2007, 8:08 PM
Does anyone ever truly expect school relationships to be worthwhile? You should get into something to have fun, and maybe get some nice gifts out of. But dont expect something meaningful; it isn't the 50's anymore....  [Read More]
Posted in: Weird
08-08-2007, 9:29 PM
I do love Americone Dream - I'm just saying cinnamon sounds good. But I've never thought of ginger. What are your thoughts on it, Ross?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Weird
08-08-2007, 3:13 PM
And we go back to the cough syrups . . . On the other hand, cinnamon flavored icecream should exist by now. I'm waiting, Dreyers....  [Read More]
Posted in: Weird
08-05-2007, 3:51 PM
Yes, you promised me ice-cream. Bring some, I'm sure that dapper Chris Hansen will love some. It will make our meeting so much better. And yes, that guy really did kill himself ......  [Read More]
Posted in: Help me name my kitty!
08-05-2007, 9:04 PM
It honestly doesn't do much to you. Unless you're really 'frail', Benadryl wont even make you the least bit drowsy....  [Read More]
Posted in: Help me name my kitty!
08-05-2007, 3:38 PM
Yes, let Itchy be your role-model. And there are antihistamine tablets you can pop too....  [Read More]
Posted in: Help me name my kitty!
08-03-2007, 10:48 PM
you get used to them *shrugs*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help me name my kitty!
08-03-2007, 10:20 PM
You can just spray the cat with body-mist or after-shave or sumthin'....  [Read More]
Posted in: Help me name my kitty!
08-03-2007, 9:54 PM
Tabby, swing by monday and gimme the kitty - mkay? And is that why you cat smells? If you haven't noticed, you should plunge your nose into that cat's fuzzy stomach so maybe you can understand....  [Read More]
Posted in: A Toast to RD -- Our Final Memorandum
08-03-2007, 6:21 PM
Patty is the name a trucker's hillbilly daughter would have....  [Read More]
Posted in: hairy topic
08-09-2007, 2:02 PM
I cant wait till that episode airs. Did you give us (read: me) a shoutout?...  [Read More]
Posted in: hairy topic
08-08-2007, 8:55 PM
Positively delightful. What was your initial chat with him like?...  [Read More]
Posted in: hairy topic
08-06-2007, 7:54 PM
It also means 'to shy away from', that was it's intended context. Do realize Chris Hansen is reading our every word . . ....  [Read More]
Posted in: hairy topic
08-05-2007, 5:20 PM
I was planning on adding a spritz of cyanide/lemon vinaigrette but I will demure if it brings down the yum level....  [Read More]
Posted in: hairy topic
08-05-2007, 3:44 PM
#92 Does that suffice?...  [Read More]
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