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Darth Loner

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Posted in: Star wars Battlefront 3 - Better than SWB2?
 Darth Loner
04-16-2008, 6:51 AM
Anyone angry with LucasArts for making SWB2 (frankly speaking) a bit of a flop? It had its good points... but the fact that a big Star Destroyer couldn't blow a measly CP to bits is a bit ..... BONKERS!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battlefront 3 concept
 Darth Loner
04-16-2008, 6:14 AM
Well, a full-scale map would be really great, since you get to explore all of Coruscant. Maybe it could be split up into different maps or maybe cell loading could be introduced....  [Read More]
Posted in: Battlefront 3 concept
 Darth Loner
10-06-2007, 11:31 AM
I am sorry that i took a long time to reply, I have just had an appendectomy and was hospital-bound. As for full-scale Coruscant, I still think you should at least have 50-60 blocks....  [Read More]
Posted in: Battlefront 3 concept
 Darth Loner
08-25-2007, 5:27 AM
I think that Battlefront 3 should also include a full scale map of Coruscant....  [Read More]
Posted in: Battlefront 3 concept
 Darth Loner
08-19-2007, 1:53 PM
What i meant by: Space battles should not be focused around two C.S. There should be an entire battlefield of ships fighting ships. That way it is not simply picking up a bomber, destroying C.S. systems and woohoo you've won. is that you have got...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battlefront 3 concept
 Darth Loner
08-18-2007, 6:29 AM
I would suggest some type of space vehicle that could swoop down on land and kill everyone near a command post for example. This could make a command post capture easy, but it would make keeping it harder. The squad commands DEFINITELY need an upgr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Excellent Joystick Support!!!
 Darth Loner
12-26-2008, 10:17 AM
The sad thing is, the joystick sensitivity sucks horribly....  [Read More]
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