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Thanks, 707, I understand what you mean. I think that I'm perhaps my harshest critic. I'm just happy to see that someone likes it :) It's encouragement to keep going :)... [Read More]
*Author's Note: I have taken some creative liscense with several charcters from the EU. I hope this doesn't upset anyone too much, but I welcome and constructive criticism.* The Jedi Council chamber at the Yavin IV academy was set up in one of th... [Read More]
Thank you, the rest is on paper, and on the way. I'm kind of editing on the fly, and I don't have it sectioned into chapters so I wanted to get some reaction before I posted more.... [Read More]
Edit: I can't believe it's been three years since I wrote this, but I have edited and rewritten several portions of this story and have begun posting what will be it's final form -JA There is no emotion; there is peace There is no ignorance; there... [Read More]
The way in which copyright protection is secured is frequently misunderstood. No publication or registration or other action in the Copyright Office is required to secure copyright....Copyright is secured automatically when the work is created, and a... [Read More]
I will say that you have the details from the game down pretty well. Are you planning on sticking to the KOTOR plot, or perhaps taking this off in another direction?... [Read More]
I appreciate all the responses and the input. The story I'm working right now is still in pen and paper mode and hasn't found its way onto my computer. Once it does I'll be sure to post the first exceprts here. I look forward to having a welcoming gr... [Read More]
Thanks RH, that makes me feel better about what I've got written. I may eventually post it here, but I've always been a bit protective of my work, or perhaps a better description is afraid of criticism :)... [Read More]
I've seen some timelines and dates and such established by the books that have been written. When you folks write your stories do you try and stay within them or do you move outside them? I ask because I have a work in progress but according to sever... [Read More]