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Jedi Master Alo

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This is my first every FIC so go easy on me suggestion will be apreciated. :king1: Chapter I - The vision – Jedi master Barra Vulker stood over his workbench as he tinkered with the pieces of metal in front of him he fitted a lens into the nearl...  [Read More]
Ok this is a rpg based on what happened in Revans life when he live in the outer rim this is based in the 3 years before the events of kotor I in a war time against the Rebel Alliance of mandalorians and bounty hunters and some 'grey' Jedi. Ok. I w...  [Read More]
Alo looked out of the starship window of the Defence. A oouter republic ship he was a member of there army fighting against the rebels. He gazed at the near by planets he could see and smiled. " As soon as this wars finished im going to every on...  [Read More]
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