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Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic : Outer Rim War. (Recruitment Post)

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 Jedi Master Alo
03-28-2006, 3:01 PM
Ok this is a rpg based on what happened in Revans life when he live in the outer rim this is based in the 3 years before the events of kotor I in a war time against the Rebel Alliance of mandalorians and bounty hunters and some 'grey' Jedi.


I would also liike some one to play as revan but make up the his.her false name.

Name: (duh)
Age: (duh)
Alighnment: ( Rebel or Outer Republic )
Class: ( Just to determine what your charecer is like combat wise)
Ranged Weapon : (optional)
Melee Weapon : (optional)



Name: Alo
Age: ??
Alighnment: OR
Class: Soldier
Ranged Weapon :
Scavenged Blaster pistol

This is a blaster pistol custommly built out of old model parts.
As strong as a normal blaster but with a shorter range this is a good weapon for people who cannot afford mutch.

Melee Weapon : Short Sword

History: Alo grew up in the sewers of TAris his parents had fought fo his life against racgouls but had died when he was 3 he was taken in by a up worlder who raised him like his own for a unknow amount of time until the war came and he joined Revan against the madalorians. Alo had snuck aboard a bounty hunters ship at that very day as he was alone and abbandoned and went to the world of asral there he met his freind Talm a Grey Jedi and started to learn basic combat. Over the years he gained a connection to the force which is yet to be tamed.
 Diego Varen
03-28-2006, 3:18 PM
There wasn't any Rebel Alliance in KOTOR times.
 Jedi Master Alo
03-28-2006, 3:22 PM
ummm.... This is a fan rpg in the outer rim deep in the outer rim basicly it un told information of the outer rim so in this rpg.. there is a rebel alliance in the ways of rebels who will not stay under the outer rim republic
03-28-2006, 6:18 PM
The rules said that the rpgs didn't need to be about kotor. Heck, i'm in an rp that's 63 years after the destruction of deathstar 2.
03-29-2006, 5:27 PM
I'll be Revan. HE's one of my best non made up characters.
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