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Posted in:  Darkness 2.0
03-16-2007, 3:23 PM
DARKNESS 2.0 by akuma7802 This is mod is an upgrade from my first mod Installation : just drop all files into the overdrive file uninstallation: just delete all files heads.2da: compatible with other mods portaits.2ds: compatible with other mods...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Akuma's Weapons
03-10-2007, 2:30 AM
http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.file...s_Weapons;76627 Akuma's Wepons -------------------- created by akuma7802 Email: Check the readme -------------------------- This mod give u 2 new swords, 4 new sabers, 4 new crystals and 1 new upgrade crystal...  [Read More]
Posted in: modeling problem
01-10-2007, 6:02 PM
i am modeling medevil mace and well i am done with the model just the skining part is getting mad. i read the detached , uvwmap and uvw unwrap and made the box and all and it turned out fine but the model i am woking on is not doing so fine. plz help...  [Read More]
Posted in: sith armour .mdl
12-19-2006, 1:26 AM
i am trying to find the mdl and the mdx for the sith armour in kotor 1. from kotor tools so i can make other armour or change the color of the armour from that model...  [Read More]
Posted in: Akuma's WIP
09-11-2006, 8:21 PM
here r some Mods that i have been working on there r not done yet. i will let u know when they are. Akuma's Sabers for the darkside and lightside  [Read More]
Posted in: Transparent?
08-29-2006, 9:24 PM
how do u make an specific part of an item transparent or not appear int he game with photoshop (revan's hood example or the mask ect.)...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Darkness K1
08-23-2006, 4:06 PM
DARKNESS by akuma7802 This is my first mod so its all good. Installation : just drop all files into the overdrive file uninstallation: just delete all files heads.2da: compatible with other mods portaits.2ds: compatible with other mods Descriptio...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Darkside for K1
08-22-2006, 8:23 AM
tell me what u think or what i can do different. i am new at the whole retexturing so tell me what u really think about them. if good i will release them to public. http://i48.photobu...  [Read More]
Posted in: compatible
08-21-2006, 10:37 AM
wondering if someone can help me make the appearance.2da from Holowan_Plug-in2 and the appearance.2da from MECKProject-EnterJabbaspalace1-11 compatible with each other....  [Read More]
Posted in: reskin head
08-14-2006, 3:01 AM
just wonder if there is a tutorial for reskining heads with Adobe photoshop? i am having a little difficulty reskining faces of the charaters for kotor 1...  [Read More]
Posted in: skin textures
07-16-2006, 8:23 PM
i was wondering what would be the best pattern or texture if uses adobe photoshop to use if u want to change say darth maul's face from the black and red skin tone to a normal skin tone. i am having a little trouble finding the right texture to reski...  [Read More]
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