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Vengence of the Republic

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 The Doctor
02-08-2006, 6:55 PM
*Hold on,* said Chakotay. The Delta Flyer dissolved in a shimmer of blue lights, and the landing pad replaced it. *Well,* he said. *You got me here. Lead the way.*
02-08-2006, 9:30 PM
Kaedra ran lightly on her feet while producing no sound, a technique learned from her people,towards the speeder that R4 was with just outside the hangar and readied the engine. All could hear in her mind was Tergis's taunting words, I always have a back door my sweet. Do you think you can stop me or the gale that is coming?
02-09-2006, 7:34 AM
"Tergis is close, I can sense him."

Immeadiately, thoughts begin pouring into Kao's head, the same thoughts that happened to Jessie. Kao immeadiately let the thoughts slide out of his mind. Th voice of Tergis appears in his mind now.

"You are different. I can't sense you at all, like you have been stripped of your life. Ho-" Tergis was cut off.

"That's the point Tergis, you can't sense me, but I can sense you."

Kao looked over at HK.

"You find him?" asks Kao.

"Affirmation: Yes, Master. He is 400 meters north-west of here. He is trying to cool his body to reduce his heat. He was almost immpossible to detect of thermal scaning."

"Good, now lets get him."

Kao and HK run over to the group.

"Tergis is sout-west of here, about 400 meters. We can still get to him in time and stop him if we move."
02-09-2006, 11:36 AM
((Actually you aren't supposed to know too much about him. He operates from the shadows from the Evil spawned in the Unknown Regions. He only makes himself known when he wants to so all you see right now is what he makes you see. In fact, he could make himself be an unsuspecting poor settler. Kaedra reveals more about him as the story goes on))

Sensing that Kao was reaching out, Tergis projected a presence in an unsuspecting settler confusing the sensors he knew the droid would be using. He then left the enclave and headed towards his speeder but first leaving the fears of Jessie implanted into her mind. He was grinning as he taunted Kaedra, You can try to catch me but in the end I always win
 Nancy Allen``
02-09-2006, 4:14 PM
No! Jessie's mind screamed, I am stronger than this! But even thinking this was difficult due to the dark thoughts that bombarded her senses. Once, while she was working to become a commando, she was sent to investigate the aftermath of a Sith assault on a Jedi temple. The slaughter of the Jedi knights had been bad enough, and there were some rather disturbing and grusome finds such as those that had been found crucified, and then there were those who had been subjected to tortures and acts that made Jess wonder if even the Sith would seek action for them. Somehow she doubted it. What really turned her stomach was, well, there were children there. Jedi Younglings were blasted to smoking skeletal corpses or ripped asounder by Dark Jedi. That memory Jessie thought she had locked away deep, but whoever the scum was that was doing this had found it. There were other things, worse things, too horrible for her to imagine, making her reach breaking point. She reared back with her lightsaber, preparing to throw it at where she thought the threat was, but paused, the thought occuring to her even now that she could hit anyone. That may have been what the intent behind this attack was, but she never thought of it. Instead she dropped the saber and curled up into a ball, not realising that by now most of the settlers around had noticed what was going on and had run to help. With all the pain that was being inflicted on Jessie one dark thought came to her, and it wasn't from the mental torture inflicted on her. She looked at the saber, wondering if she was that desperate to end the pain, and had to admit she was sorely tempted.
02-09-2006, 4:45 PM
Your thoughts are disturbed and darkened. Do not obey the impulse Jessie. Listen to my voice and reach out with all your perceptions to find me. Follow the current towards me. Kaedra was reaching out through the Force. The damage had been done by Tergis but she was determined not to let him win. She continued as she guided the speeder towards the enclave, You have nothing to fear from me. I am coming to help you. Wipe the fear from your mind and let it become a scar that will protect the pain you felt when you saw the younglings. Wipe it away
 Nancy Allen``
02-10-2006, 5:27 AM
"Huh?" Jessie thought, wondering if the torture that was being inflicted upon her was making her go crazy. Knowing what was going on helped though, and she tried to shut out her mind. Being a woman of no small emotion however made the task virtually impossible. In desperation she tried to recall the Jedi code for comfort. "There emotion," she managed to get out, again reaching for her lightsaber, "there is peace." Her thoughts of suicide were gone for the moment, but Jess clutched the saber close so that in her fear she wouldn't use it on any of the settlers, or maybe Jedi that had come to her aid, yet still there should she need it.


There is something happening at the enclave. Juhani sensed this as she went past the Sandral estate. She didn't feel such a connection to Jessie that the Cathar could feel her through the Force, so there was no way to know it had anything to do with her. Something through the force made Juhani feel that it was something wrong, and seeing as how she was nearby she jumped off into a run to find out what was going on.
02-10-2006, 7:35 AM
Kao reached out into Jessie's mind, hearing all her thoughts of suicide. He noticed Kaedra was trying to stop her, but the damage was too great. The Kao felt another presence, Juhani. Juhani and Kao were students at the enclave, and knew each other well. He sensed she was near.

The Speeder rounded another corner, and there in the distance was a large group of settlers. Kao reached out one more time, sensing that Jessie's thought of suicide was about to take her over.

"Kaedra, I have a plan."

"What is-"

Before she finishes, Kao jumps foward, using the force to speed him in the air. He is directly over Jessie and using the force, pulls the lightsaber away from her. Kao lands behind the settlers, and the speeder pulls up. Kaedra and the rest of the party come over to Jessie. In the distance, Juhani comes running towards us.
02-10-2006, 10:25 AM
Kaedra had a look of concern on her face as she jumped out of the speeder and gazed at Jessie on the ground and tried to help her out. She was angry and she reflected it by sending a strongly worded thought to Tergis who actually had passed them in his speeder on his way to the Garang spaceport. She spoke softly in a voice tone that Chakotay and Kao hadn't heard before. It was almost musical, gentle, "Nela ti nehaden. Ni hara de nuen." (Don't be frightened. You are safe young one.)

Tergis had reached his ship when he felt the strongly worded thought from Kaedra. He smiled to himself knowing that things were going as planned. He contacted the fleet at the Panna colony and gave the order to declare martial law. He knew that Kaedra would follow him until he was stopped. He kept thinking Soon and very soon.
 Nancy Allen``
02-10-2006, 3:42 PM
Young one? Jessie felt her thoughts clearing, but the mental attack have left her utterly exhausted and on the verge of breaking down. It took a moment for Juhani to comprehend seeing the Republic commando like this, but she was soon at her side.
"Water," she managed to croak out, all the while wishing that all the voices would get out of her head. Juhani didn't need the force to know something was wrong, and she could feel the dark work of whatever took place here. There would be time for questions later however. She saw Kao there as well, but now was not the time to be catching up. Later, she thought, once it had been ascertained what was done to Jessie.
"Help me get her to the enclave immediately," she ordered.
02-10-2006, 4:21 PM
Kao lifted Jessie into the speeder, and Kaedra to the controls. HK sat in the back, watching for any sign of Tergis.
02-11-2006, 2:04 AM
"He is gone assassin machine," Kaedra said to HK.
Kaedra began to ponder over the thoughts she interacted with when she tried to stave off disaster. She saw the pain and the death of younglings. Quickly she wiped these thoughts to the deep recesses of her mind and began to recite the proverbs of her people. While she was doing that she would gaze at times at Jessie as if trying to figure out what to do. She pondered over the source of the dark power and thought she knew where it came from but chose to remain silent. The time will come when she would tell everything.
 Nancy Allen``
02-12-2006, 12:41 AM
Juhani looked at Jessie as she was taken to a room at the enclave, seeing that whatever was done to her had wiped her out, and more worrying that she seemed rather freaked out by it. In the time she had know her she cannot recall seeing her exhibit such emotions.
"What happened?" she asked, unsure of whether Jessie would be able to answer her.
"Get out." The comment didn't seem to be aimed at her, so Juhani didn't take offense to it at all. "Get out of my head." Her words made the Cathar guess what was done to Jessie, and she hoped she was wrong.
"I must give you my thanks," she said to Kao. "Do you think maybe this was the work of the Sith?"
02-12-2006, 2:02 AM
"Yes," Kaedra softly spoke, "but one not like any Sith you have known.
"The one who did this was one of my people. He wants to kill me but he craves the power, power from one such as this one," she pointed towards Jessie, "and he doesn't care who gets in his way. Not even you Cathar Jedi."
She then fell silent, waiting for the question she knew would come.

The Panna colony had been looted and the settlers were rounded up. Tergis was watching with such glee, confident that his plans would not fail. He knew she would come and she would keep coming because he held what she had been looking for.
 Nancy Allen``
02-12-2006, 4:46 AM
"You doubt us Cathar?" Juhani asked, striving for humor before she realised what she was saying. It was much something Jessie would say to throw others off balence, not something the Jedi thought she would do at all. By now they had reached Jessie's room, whom they would place in bed to rest. "The Sith are targeting Republic soldiers here to protect us?" Juhani asked, the flippent tone gone from her voice.
02-12-2006, 10:04 AM
Kao and HK-47 walked the opposite way that Kaedra, Jessie and Juhani were going. Hk stopped and looked at Kao.

"Query: Something puzzeling you, Master? Do you need killing to be done?"

"No, HK. I'm just...refelcting, that's all." Kao replied.

"Affirmation: Yes, Master."

Kao walked down another hallway towards what looked like dormatories, or what was left of them. After Malak's bombardment of the enclave, this part was caved in. Kao use the Force to move a set of rocks infront of a door. He then entered.

"Query: Master, this was your housing section, was it not?"

"You are correct HK, very much correct." Kao said, with a slight appreciation in his voice.

Kao walked over to a terminal, and entered his password. Immeadiately, a large Plasteel cylinder opens up, and Kao goes to retrieve the contents inside - A Green Cerimonial Mandalorian armor ( Kao donned the armor and removed an item from a side holster, a blue lightsaber, the infamous Mantle of the Force.
 Dylan Klay
02-12-2006, 10:31 AM
((Sorry for the lack of posting, I got a little busy with work. I'll go ahead and bow out gracefully from this one, since it seems to have moved too far foreward. I'll try to write with ya'll again.))
02-12-2006, 11:16 PM
Kaedra thought briefly before replying, "They would if one was strong in the Force and could turn away from becoming a Jedi."
Taking a pause she continued, "Could you think of a better way to get to the Jedi? If you could convert those that protect the Jedi and place them undercover, they are in a perfect position to strike; from the shadows they would." Kaedra wasn't sure if she had revealled too much. The last time had earned her a beating from smugglers soon after she was exiled, an experience she wasn't anxious to repeat and she clamped her mouth shut anxiously.
 Nancy Allen``
02-13-2006, 8:11 AM
Juhani nodded as she helped Jessie along, thinking about what she was told. To convert a Jedi to a Sith or a Sith to a Jedi was something she knew about, it was a topic commonly heard and discussed to the Cathar. There was no confusion over that. Where she did have questions was about the Sith attacking those who would defend the Jedi. Even that she understood, what made her think was the comment about those being strong in the Force being turned away from becoming a Jedi. Juhani wondered that Kaedra meant about that. She sensed however that maybe that topic was closed for the moment. Maybe it could be explained more fully with Jessie. The Jedi looked at the fallen soldier, who was moaning and mumbling to herself, but otherwise seemed fine. Juhani placed a hand on her shoulder, and it seemed as though Jessie calmed down, a little. With a little time she would be up to discussing what happened, or at least hearing the Jedi out about what she was told, Juhani hoped.
"We should probably discuss this with the Council," she suggested.
02-13-2006, 4:31 PM
Kao walked over to the other party member's room. He knocked on the door, and Kaedra opened it.

"The Council requests our presence." Kao says. "It's best if we go now, and not to keep them waiting."
02-13-2006, 4:34 PM
"Agreed," Kaedra replied, "but we do Jessie a disservice by not letting her speak before we speak to the council. I suggest meditation."

Tergis meanwhile was planning his next line of attack. He knew he caused enough damage to make them worry about the girl, the one he wanted to make his apprentice. The other, the one he served with was a course for his twisted pleasure in bringing death. All he could think was Soon my sweet. Soon
 Nancy Allen``
02-14-2006, 1:21 AM
"Eh?" Pretty much everything that was said went right over Jessie's head. The expectent loom on the Jedi's face however compelled her to share her thoughts. "Unless you're going to Korriban to smash the Sith into the ground, I don't want to hear it. Otherwise..." She tried to get up, but it was clear she was far from ready to do anything. "Argh, ohhh."
"You should rest," Juhani suggested.
"Yeah." Jessie waved the Jedi off. "As I was saying, if you are going to take the fight to them, have fun."
02-14-2006, 2:12 PM
"Rest," came Kaedra's voice from the corner of the room, "we cannot leave for your presence will be required on Korriban. Besides the council must know of such things."
Kaedra then became silent in a meditative posture that levitated her off the ground. She was waiting and resting.
02-14-2006, 4:30 PM
(Korriban? What? Are we Jedi or Sith? I was led to believe we were Jedi....)
 Nancy Allen``
02-14-2006, 4:44 PM
**OOC: I think maybe Jessie was taken up on the suggestion of burning the Sith to the ground.**

"Fine, suit yourself," Jessie said testily. She collapsed onto the bed. "When you're ready, wake me up and if I feel like it I'll see the council." Juhani was used to her gruff manner, but she felt as though she should say something about Jessie's lack of respect to the Jedi.
Perhaps I should not be so hard on her, the Cathar wondered, after what happened. Hoping her mood would improve after rest, she joined Kaedra in meditation.
02-15-2006, 10:47 AM
((I try to play off of what was said in earlier posts to make it flow more better))

Kaedra said nothing as she meditated but her thoughts were distracted to what she touched in Jessie's mind and from her own encounters. A temple in ruins. Jedi dead everywhere, younglings gruesomely killed. The image then switched to that of Tergis, smiling an evil grin watching worlds burn, his voice echoing in her head, 'Soon I will have my vengenance on her. My conquest will be ultimate!!' Then the plains of her homeworld were ringed by a dark shadow that threatened to consume all and then all went dark. She didn't wake from her meditation but rather contorted her head into a grimace, one that did not go unnoticed.
 Nancy Allen``
02-15-2006, 4:23 PM
Juhani was sensing the same dark feeling as Kaedra was, although she was not a master yet and wasn't able to tell what exactly they were, or even if they were from the visions Kaedra were having or the dark thoughts projected onto Jessie. She certainly was aware of some type of premonition, although she wasn't able to discern the details of it.
[I]Is this the work of the dark side?[I] she wondered. [I]Or is what I am sensing things to come?[I] Juhani didn't like it, not one bit, and ceased her meditation on the matter.
"I think I have experianced enough," she said, glancing at Jessie who had promptly fallen asleep. She seemed to be at ease, aside from the slight twitch that the Cathar thought was normal given the circumstances.
02-15-2006, 4:49 PM
Kaedra didn't respond as she was drawn into her thoughts deeply. She had layered her thoughts to mask her true feelings to make it seem as if there were almost two of her in her head. She continued to hover just above the cushion she had been sitting on with her face still in that contorted grimace. Suddenly her eyes shot wide open and jumping to her feet she shouted, "Sangtathut! (bloodtraitor)" to no one in particular and then walked fast and agitated out to the courtyard gardens and stood looking at the river for a long time.
 Nancy Allen``
02-16-2006, 6:47 AM
Juhani considered following Kaedra, but she didn't know where she might have gone and thought it would be better to allow her to clear her head like Jessie. She looked over the fallen soldier, trying to decide whether or not the way she twitched in her sleep was something to be concerned about. On the one hand there was little doubt in the Cathar's mind that Jessie would be thinking about what was done to her, whatever her mind was subjected to. That alone would be cause enough for Juhani to wake her, for it was certain to affect her especially given how proud she knew the commando to be. And yet the idea came to her that it may be better for her to deal with it now. Juhani wasn't able to see what Jessie might be thinking, so there was no way to be able to stop her if she needed to. Not knowing what else to do, Juhani left to seek the wisdom of the council.


It was truely a beautiful world, a tropical paradise. Somehow that made it all the more horrible, uncovering the remains of the fallen Jedi amidst the wilderness. Aside from the fact that it had been a Twi'lek the body had been blasted beyond all recognition. Jessie had crouched down to inspect the body, crying as she did so. She was well aware that this event was occuring throughout the galaxy, and she was able to come up with the Jedi's lightsaber. Maybe the council would be able to identify who it belonged to, if there was a council to take it back to. As she retrieved the weapon her mind was flodded by images of what happened. An ambush, there was no way the Jedi stood and chance and the warrior quickly fell, but that was not enough for the soldiers behind the attack. Calmly they walked up to the dead Twi'lek and proceeded to blast the body into oblivian. The scene horrified Jessie and made her sick to the stomach, and she tried to think of something else, anything else. Instead all she could see was a face that looked like death grinning and laughing at the slaughter.


"Oh Je..." Jessie sat bolt upright as the vision snapped her awake. The memories seemed so real, she wondered if it was signaling future events. She knew about the Dark Side of the Force, knew what it could do to a mind, yet it seemed so real. Suddenly she was glad that she bit back the blasphemous expression, and as her senses came to her she could tell that she was still tired, but not feeling like going to sleep. Deep down, although she would never admit it, she was afraid to. She also saw that after looking around for Juhani and the Jedi she was with that she was alone. "Where did they go?" she wondered out loud.
 The Doctor
02-16-2006, 9:56 AM
((Wow... I really don't know how to come back into this... I'll think of a post. If somebody could speak to him, or something like that, it would help.))
02-16-2006, 4:17 PM
((I had Chakotay follow Kaedra to the river.))
Kaedra didn't see him but Chakotay had followed her to the river where she was staring at the water. In fact she didn't have to see him for see always seemd to know when he was near. Softly she spoke, "The river seems smooth and steady but it is not. The river changes and is always flowing, much like time, the future, the past, old friends long gone." She continued to stare at the river and waited for his response.

Tergis was glancing at a map of the desert world Tatooine and another of the Utapu system. He was all too well aware that Kaedra had an increased sensitivity to the Force since her exile and was thinking of a way to get her attention while drawing his true goal closer to him. On the map of the Utapu system he pointed at a spot and commanded his several of his generals to attack there and ordered others to attack Tatooine. Just simple invade and loot, much like the Panna colony and kill those who resisted.
After that was planned he took his ship to Korriban. On the planets surface, he began to meditate and channel the spirits of the ancient Sith Lords.
02-16-2006, 4:28 PM
Kao returned to his room and began to meditate. He had told HK to wake him up when the others had finished talking to the council.
 Nancy Allen``
02-18-2006, 5:10 AM
As Jessie searched for Juhani she came across a group of Younglings training with Vibroswords. Trying to push the images she had aside she wondered where there master was and decided to head over to them.
"Hi there," she said by way of greeting, "you kids having fun?"
"Yes," most of them called out in reply. It was gratifying to know that even though they were undergoing Jedi training they were still children.
"You want to see something cool?" Jess asked. "This is something the Marines practice." She had the two Younglings with swords face each other. "Now you come in with a strike, slowly, so I can show you exactly what this is." The boy did as he was told, but the overhear blow still came too quickly for Jessie's liking. "Easy," she told him, crouching down and grabbing onto his hands. "Now you," she told the other youth, "wait for it," she brought the blade closer, "wait for it, now deflect it. Don't block it, try and pull it in...that's good." Jess got the two Younglings to stop so she could show what to do next. "Now you take one hand off the weapon and grab his arm. Yes, that's it, now step in, no, not out. Step in, you're in less danger doing it that way. Now pull the arm. Not too hard, this is just training. This technique is to disarm your opponent." Jessie didin't know why, but somehow teaching the Younglings and spending time with the children was good for her soul.
"Is this something that really does work?" one of them asked. Jess sighed inwardly.
Great, now the kids think I'm some sort of crackpot for daring to suggest using CQB against lightsabers. She buried her face in her hand and came up what she would have to honestly say was a pretty poor explanation.
"You might want to ask your instructor about it, but it works." Not wanting to discuss it any further she added "While I'm here, you haven't seen Juhani by any chance have you?" Several of them pointed to the enclave.
"She's meeting with the council." Jess nodded and got to her feet.
"Guess I'd better wait for her then."
02-18-2006, 3:15 PM
It seemed as if Chakotay were waiting for her to continue. Kaedra continued to indulge and she remembered that he liked to be well informed, "My tribe believes that to survive one must be steady like the river. The river isn't steady for it keeps flowing but people can't live like that. We all must make a choice. I made mine and was banished for it."
 The Doctor
02-19-2006, 9:10 AM
((Sorry guys, I completely forgot about this thread. Thanks for bringing me back in, JediMaster12))
Chakotay din't know how to respond. He stood beside her, staring at the river himself. *There are choices in life that must be made, no matter the consequences,* he said. *Even if those consequences.... are worse than you thought they would be. The worst part is... sometimes, there's no turning back.*
02-20-2006, 2:37 PM
((No prob :D))

Kaedra still stared at the river considering what Chakotay said before speaking again, "True such as with the Jedi Revan in his decision to aid the Reublic against Malak and a choice I made during the Mandalorian wars that got me banished and made Tergis fall."
Not wanting to confuse Chakotay she told of Tergis, "We were of the same tribe and we both chose to disobey the elders to aid the Republic. My reasons were to save the Republic while Tergis sought power and glory. We saw Malachor, what had happened and returned. Because we chose war we were exiled. We went our separate ways. I wandered the Outer Rim and he wandered the Unknown Regions and he fell. He was a good soldier and a good friend."
02-23-2006, 4:22 PM
((I'm currently kinda tied up, so when we go on, please include me. Thanks.))
 The Doctor
02-25-2006, 12:11 AM
*Yes, well... good friends don't always stay that way,* said Chakotay. *Friends... friends are only loyal if it serves them somehow. Nobody seeks friendship for its own sake - there's always a reason.*
02-25-2006, 1:11 AM
"Possibly, but this was different. Tergis well...he never mind. I suspect Jessie is ready to see the council now. We should go," and Kaedra turned and walked towards the inside of the enclave. She wasn't ready to share her secret.

Tergis was sitting in his chamber on his ship meditating. He was angry, he was emotional. His mind was full of emotions and memories of a time that he regretted deeply. He pushed it impatiently aside and told his lieutenant to plot a course for Korriban. He needed time to bask in the power of the ancient masters. He needed the power to break free.
 Nancy Allen``
02-25-2006, 7:35 AM
Jessie waited outside to see what Juhani made of what had occured. The Council might have had a better idea, but she was a soldier, not a Jedi. She respected them enough to not barge in demanding answers from them or the Jedi Knight she understood was with them. She could have sought out another Jedi, the pair who fought against Malek she was certain would know, if they were even on the planet and not, say, Curascant. Or maybe even that woman she came across, Jessie understood her being a Jedi. Yet even if she did know where to find answers she wasn't sure about seeking them out. She knew what many of the Jedi were like, their hypocrasy over being prideful when they were quite proud themselves rubbing her the wrong way. A few were diffirent, humble, Jess saw that in Juhani, but no. She figured the lecture would come soon enough. She'd have her answers.
 The Doctor
02-25-2006, 10:16 AM
Chakotay followed Kaedra to the enclave. What a strange woman she was... so naive. *I might have to chage that...* he muttered. *Show her what the galaxy is really like.*
02-26-2006, 9:09 PM
Not naive, Chakotay. I've seen much since the wars, including betrayal Kaedra sent through her mind as she went to find Jessie.

She found Jessie with the younglings who were training. Kaedra smiled, remembering the children of her tribe. She collected her thoughts as she walked up to Jessie and asked, "Are you alright? Did Juhani return from council chambers?"
 Nancy Allen``
03-15-2006, 3:04 AM
"Yup," Jessie replied, "and we had a rather animated discussion as well. Uh, me and Juhani, that is." She leaned back, looking over at something in the distance. "It helped, take my mind off what happened." Trying to ward off the dark thoughts that were forced on her, Jess asked about telling Kaedra about it, lauching off into it before she could answer.


"You have something for Twi'leks." Jessie was watching one train after giving up her search for Kaedra and turned towards the sound of the voice. "I can sense you feel something for them." Juhani wasn't sure if maybe she was overstepping her boundries in pointing out the feelings she sensed. Upon seeing her companion's eyes narrow, she thought maybe she had, and was about to apologise when Jessie spoke.
"It's that obvious?" She seemed to relax about it, glancing back at the alien Jedi she was watching. "It's crap, the treatment they're subjugated to. I can say crap, can't I?"
"I agree." Juhani chose not to lower her standereds to the Republic soldiers, but added "they are all the same. They persucute and enslave other species, these hu..."
"Mandalorians," Jessie interrupted. "Yeah, I can think of a couple of things the Jedi should have done if they didn't want to be involved in the war." Juhani guessed she probably didn't want to know the specifics.
"I was going to say humans. But you are right, of all of them it was the Mandalorians who are the worst."
"Besides the Sith, mercenaries, the Exchange..." Jessie paused. "Whoa, maybe I should find a Cathar or Twi'lek and hopefully try and start weeding out the human side in my family."
"Wha?" Juhani wondered, stunned. "You would what?"
"Like I said, mate with some alien and have my children do the same, until there's no real human aspect left." Juhani looked at Jessie as though she were mad. "Yes I am, Jessie said before Juhani could say anything. "Did you meet with the Council?" Juhani shook her head in wonderment of the commando, how she was able to come up with such thoughts, even now.
"Yes," she answered after a moment, "they wish to speak with the other Jedi who was there, Kaedra."
"That her name?" Jessie asked, giving a shrug. "Well we'd better find her then, before our friend here thinks I might try coming onto 'em."


"I was actually going to find you, but wasn't sure where to look." A shrug, then, "Figured if I wait here you'd find me. So, you're here, I'm here. You the Jedi, sooo..." Jessie trailed off, Kaedra no doubt knowing her obvious question.
03-15-2006, 9:30 PM
Kaedra looked at Jessie and answered, "I was a Jedi yes. I disobeyed the elders of my tribe and was exiled after the war with Malak. Tergis, the one who attacked you, left before facing judgment. He wants to kill me and conquer the galaxy and he doesn't care who gets in his way." Kaedra noticed that Chakotay had followed her back to the enclave to where Jessie was and Kao had come as well.
 Nancy Allen``
03-16-2006, 4:58 PM
"What do you expect of the Sith?" Jessie asked. She didn't particularly care that Kaedra was an exiled Jedi, what mattered was she was here now. "So somehow we hunt down this Tergis and slice him into patte." The prospect of hunting down the Sith both appealed and worried her, she didn't want to experiance what she had again. "Nah," she decided, digging at the ground with her foot, "bag that until at least we've spoken with the council. As much as I might like Revan I don't nessecarily want to go down that path and unwittingly turn into some Darth Lord." Looking up at Kaedra she added, "Should we be doing something about that?"
03-16-2006, 7:25 PM
"What Tergis did to you was a result of teachings, corrupted teachings of our people. It is similar to the memory technique of the Jedi but it alters one's reality. We believe that the vision journey allows us to determine what we fear, of what have you. We are to face it and it makes one stronger. Tergis knew the power of such visions and used them to terrorize people. In the end, they would do his bidding just to make the pain stop but they are never free. That is how he amassed such an army. To defeat him, we would have to see. I suspect that he would follow the Bushida way of honor, fight to the death but it is his game and we have to beat him at it," Kaedra paused to allow Jessie to absorb the information that she was given. She then continued, "I believe the council is ready for us all."

Tergis was meditating on Korriban. He was revelling in the dark power it gave and allowed himself to be consumed by it. He had a vision of one called Eomeros, one who was the first to rebell against his people. Eomeros said that if he succeeded in destroying the line of Koros, that he would be granted the powers that the ancient of Sith Lords barely penetrated. Eomeros then placed hs own spirit within Tergis' body and a tremedous change began to occur that left its mark for centuries to come.
 Nancy Allen``
03-16-2006, 7:57 PM
"Like Bastila," Jessie noted. She knew what the Jedi was subjected to at the hands of Malek, she'd seen it herself. "That's..." she paused, trying to come up with words to describe her feelings of Tergis. "It's monsterous." She wondered if it could be described as terrorism. A popular word in some worlds, even if what Kaedra had described to her did not level buildings it caused more horror than anyone who committed such acts could hope for. "Before we do see the council, if I may ask, why hadn't the Jedi done anything about this?" Before Kaedra could answer Jess thought she knew. "Wait, lemme guess. Because it goes against their ways, right?"
03-16-2006, 10:04 PM
Kaedra looked at her and replied, "No. The Avalonians follow code of honor. The Elite warriors follow Bushida (think like the samurai). Tergis can only make himself visible if he wishes. It is a gift of our people, we have an ability to 'disappear' into crowds, blend in. Unfortunately we were among the few that had learned to mask ourselves within the Force meaning that a Force user cannot sense us. The only reason I found you in trouble because he was calling me. My years haven't dulled my senses but rather amplified them to a degree that I can sense across greater distances than the most experienced of the masters on my world. It is not pleasant because I 'hear' the suffering and it hurts." Kaedra kept her lips together but wanted to say more. She sensed that Jessie needed time to absorb the information that she was divulging and she sensed that Kao and Chakotay needed to understand too.
 Nancy Allen``
03-25-2006, 6:45 PM
"Code of honor?" Jessie mused. "Have them stay on Manaan for a few weeks and we'll see how much they stick to it," she said knowingly. "So, we're right to...whatever it is we do? Seek wisdom from the council or however you put it? We do that now? Or should we see the others first?"
03-25-2006, 11:49 PM
"I would suspect that the council would wish to see all of us. The Force has brought us hear for a reason. I sense the council would explain it to us. What say all of you?" Kaedra asked.
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