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Page: 45 of 53
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-04-2006, 7:53 PM
It was good to see Jana smile a bit. "Vel was still an instructor when I grad...wait a minute?" Beryl frowned. "Her hair was brown?!" Beryl raised her eyebrows, then she laughed. "Oh, that sneaky little.... I knew she wasn't...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-04-2006, 7:28 PM
Beryl grinned at Jana. “Well, of course I did. What do you think I am, some kind of numpty?” She suddenly held up a hand. “Wait. Don’t answer that,” she said quickly. “Anyway, this ‘Riebe,’ like your ‘Riebe,’ also fought alongside...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-04-2006, 6:54 PM
Beryl put an arm around Jana’s shoulders. “Hey, just take deep breaths and relax,” she said soothingly. “Inhale…exhale…that’s it.” Beryl waited for a moment, listening as Jana’s breaths became more steady. “There’s no need for y...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-04-2006, 6:17 PM
Beryl had no intention of leaving Jana on her own. She trailed slightly behind her, carefully observing the first mate for any delayed signs of shock. Otherwise, like it or not, Jana would be going to med bay, even if that meant Beryl had to drag her...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-04-2006, 5:56 PM
“Will do,” Beryl said to Riebe, and she disconnected the sim. Quickly removing her visor, gauntlets, and belt, she hurriedly shoved the entire sim unit and all its bits and pieces under the bed. She trotted out into the corridor only to see Jan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-04-2006, 5:22 PM
“Right, Riebe, I’ve got to go,” Beryl said, as the incident played out to a close on her screen. She figured that Jana might need some moral support now that it was over--support that she didn't want Nic to know she needed. After all, there was...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-04-2006, 3:57 PM
Beryl didn’t have the time to explain, however… she did know of a way to describe the scene to Riebe in a few short words. ”…with the blade held here at this angle, just at the edge of the cheek bone, the hostage taker has total control,”...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-04-2006, 2:42 PM
"Crap!" Beryl exclaimed, as she witnessed Nic laying down Betsy, then another exchange of words, and then Tasser looking like he was going to stab Jana anyway. "C'mon, Nic! Rush him! Now!" she yelled at the image on her floating s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-04-2006, 10:55 AM
"Yes!" Beryl whooped. She had seen Nic's eyes flicker toward the cannon for just a brief milisecond when she had moved it. She let out a sigh of relief. At least he knew she was watching. "C'mon, you slimy taffer," she said impat...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-04-2006, 10:33 AM
“Coincidence? I’ll say it is,” Beryl said to Riebe. “So, you fought alongside the Jedi, huh?” Beryl snorted. “You’re lucky to have survived then. Never did understand them. Always acting like they were superior to everyone else with the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-03-2006, 8:37 PM
So, it was Tarla Vel. Beryl remembered the ‘age’ discussion well. And the writer’s cramp she had gotten when Vel had made her handwrite ‘Outward appearance is not a measure of a person’s intelligence or their ability to impart their knowled...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-03-2006, 7:48 PM
“An instructor?” Beryl laughed out loud. Come to think of it, Riebe’s voice did sound slightly familiar. “You know, Riebe, as much as I want to ask what your name was, I think I’d rather keep your true identity as a mystery. Especially if...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-03-2006, 7:08 PM
"Wrong? Well, sort of. It's nothing really," Beryl said as she typed in programming code to link up to the Headhunter's exterior targeting cameras to a window in her sim. "Just our captain walking the corridors with a blaster...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-03-2006, 6:36 PM
"Erm...well...Jana's a bit...preoccupied at the moment," Beryl responded to Riebe as her fingers hurriedly tapped responses into the simulated computer in her simulated Headhunter, which was linked up to the real one in the hanger. She was...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-03-2006, 6:12 PM
In Jana's room, Beryl heard the scuffle in the corridor, and being curious, she naturally opened the door. Her eyes widened, as she saw Jana's torso disappearing down the ladder, the Galaxy Killer's knife at her throat and Nic brandishing Betsy in th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-03-2006, 1:15 PM
Riebe was right about only having a minute of the simulation left. It didn't take long for Beryl, Jana, and the mysterious Riebe to take out the remaining TIEs. And even the sim Empire cruiser. "Scenario 6, completed," said the nebulous co...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire
02-03-2006, 10:35 AM
Riebe directed her ship at an odd angle away from Beryl's and, in the process, ploughed straight through one of the Imperial fighters without taking more damage than a slight dent to its nose. Beryl did a double-take. "Whoa...." she said i...  [Read More]
Starmark, I'm hoping that Stingerhs will take the place of the medic. It would make perfect sense. (I'm assuming that Capt. Nic would be dropping of Oliver on Alderaan though in order to keep continuity?) But if Stingerhs decides not to take that ro...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
02-04-2006, 7:41 PM
“He arrived on the Ebon Hawk,” said one Selkath to the other as he examined Revan’s bloodied corpse on the outer causeway. “I recognise him,” said the other Selkath. “Revan. He is a Jedi.” “A Jedi?” Selkath number one was quiet. ...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
02-04-2006, 3:34 PM
Jasra suddenly realised her mouth was open. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. He didn’t want to kill her. He wanted to train her. Actually train her. She cast a wary glance over her shoulder at the Ebon Hawk group. At Crystal. Then at...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
02-04-2006, 8:50 AM
Jasra froze when she heard a hushed voice whisper in her ear. She didn’t have to turn around. The memory of Brax’s voice was very fresh in her mind. Her eyes flicked from side to side. The cantina was crowded. A confrontation here would most like...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
02-03-2006, 9:09 PM
Jasra was a bit worried about Crystal. But she wasn’t certain if this was the appropriate time to ask her more about the shard or about her last visit to Manaan. Well, not now at least. Not in front of the others. “I’ll be back in a few minut...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
02-03-2006, 8:01 PM
Jasra relaxed a bit when Crystal sauntered into the cantina. It comforted her to have her near her. “It feels like someone’s watching me,” she blurted to Crystal through her thoughts. “Or trying to read my thoughts. I’m not sure if it’s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
02-03-2006, 7:23 PM
Jasra felt like there were eyes burning a hole in the back of her head. She assumed it might be Karda, but she wasn’t sure. Either way, she didn’t dare to turn to confront him. Where’s Crystal? she worried. She’d be able to tell me who’s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
02-03-2006, 2:42 AM
Jasra snorted in answer to the Doctor's question regarding Revan's whereabouts. "He's a Jedi. He's 'meditating.' Probably in the turrets like last time. Jedi do that a lot." She cast a quick look at Karda, then just as quickly looked away....  [Read More]
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