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Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire: Discussion and Recruitment thread

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01-25-2006, 10:11 AM
Sorry i haven't answered, bu here it is :)

38 BBY- Oliver Van Impe was born on Dantooine.
24 BBY- Oliver Impe’s father dies by som criminal hunters.
23 BBY- He meets Fenric Khan, who tricks him to take to Naboo.
18 BBY- He meets Fenric Khan, who tricks him to take to Naboo. He meets a girl, he falls in love with.
17 BBY – The girl is arrested by Naboo police by smugling. That crushes Olivers life, and he begins to drink. He do find a job, thanks to his medics skill.
15 BBY – He is fired becuase he drinks to much. He is very lonely and dosen’t meet manye humans.
14 BBY – He gets a job on the ”Echo”. But he drinks a little to much on his room, and he dosen’t speak very much.

Nic White is a nice fellow. He did save Oliver from being a ”drinking hell”. But Oliver dosen’t speak with him very much. Oliver only wants to be alone, not with his captain.
Pilot- Goren (Steven)

Jana Vincent is one of the things, that do Oliver’s job nice. Oliver respects her to be a person, there treat Oliver, as he wants. But sometimes she it is like, that she keeps an eye on him. Like shw wants him to talk with the others in the crew.

Goren, the pilot, is not Oliver’s cocktail. He does always go away from Oliver, and when Oliver can see, that Goren has tanken some damage, Goren dosen’t never go to Oliver.

JasraLantil is a nice person, but damn she gets alot of damage! Oliver does like, that he can do something for her, but sometimes it is to much, and Oliver maybe says wrong things to her, because he can get tired of her.
01-25-2006, 1:11 PM
29 BBY- Jana begins attending TCTA.
27 BBY- Jana is awarded a Quitaan Scholarship for her high scores in turret gunning and contact combat.
22 BBY- Jana graduates from TCTA and returns to Corellia, lives there for a year.
21 BBY- Jana leaves Corellia and goes to Alderaan. A month later, she travels to Coruscant.
20 BBY- Jana runs out of money and begins working in various restaurants and bars on Coruscant.
01-25-2006, 2:08 PM
Hi guys i've added the bits to tthe timeline, so thanks for that and i also did a quick internal layout drawing of the ship-
Yeah i know it's not that good but it lets you know where all the rooms, Ladder, etc... are.
I also added the link to the 1st post.
01-25-2006, 2:24 PM
Hi guys i've added the bits to tthe timeline, so thanks for that and i also did a quick internal layout drawing of the ship-
Yeah i know it's not that good but it lets you know where all the rooms, Ladder, etc... are.
I also added the link to the 1st post.

Awesome! And I was just trying to work out the layout by hand drawing a map myself. *wads up paper and tosses it in the bin* Ta!
01-25-2006, 2:40 PM
"She's a fine ship, Captain," Jana said, observing the Echo. She chuckled. "Hope she stays together well... she'll need to for some of the stuff we do."
01-25-2006, 4:11 PM
Obviously the Sketch is rougth, The common room is an all purpose room with tables and chairs for relaxing and playing games. Also theres a kitchen unit in there to prep food and a large table where we can all eat. and you can do the descriptions of your Chars room while we play the RP (or now if you really want, It can give an insight in to your chars personality). You'll have to imagine the ship as that internal image is the extent of my artistic abilities. Again if someone does wish to do a better job than me on the plans you are more than welcome to do so. If you are highly skilled in art you can draw the out side of the ship or anything else you like. Once Ryshana joins the crew she will have the G1 room.
01-25-2006, 5:21 PM
30 BBY- Cloud Strife Was Born on Alderaan.
26 BBY- Cloud's father leaves Alderaan, goes to Naboo and joins Royal Guard.
17 BBY- Disassembles engine and puts it back together in 10th grade.
14 BBY- Joins crew of Echo after repair job.
13 BBY- Falls in love with Aerith and later she gets killed by Sephiroth.
12 BBY- Leaves crew for a while to seach for Sephiroth.
11 BBY- Returns to the crew of Echo.

How's that for a timeline?
01-26-2006, 7:50 AM
Thanks all for your input in making this prep for what i hope will be a good (possibly the best) series of RPs.

I'm going to give my character one last quirk...
Nic has an odd relationship with his blaster 'shotgun', It's a one of a kind weapon that he built himself the first year he became a Freelance merc. He beleives a Machine with a name has a soul and a machine with a soul works better than those without one. This is why he has called his blaster 'shotgun'... Betsy(it only works with a name like that otherwise it just becomes silly). He will often talk about the gun as if it was a living breathing person, "Betsy won't let me down." "I can always trust Betsy."

And with that i beleive that is all we need to get started. As i said i'll only start when all are happy so simply post to give me the go ahead... If you need to change somthing now is your last chance.. let us know if you do.
01-26-2006, 9:29 AM
"I'm good to go, chief," says Beryl. "Let's get this party started!"
01-26-2006, 10:50 AM
Jana nods and deadpans, "Yes, Cap'n, Betsy's always been there for you." Then, she shrugs and says, "So now that you've got that straightened out, let's get going!"
01-26-2006, 4:53 PM
Cloud looks up and looks at Nic. "Ready to go, captain."
01-26-2006, 5:30 PM
"I'm ready too. Let's get off this godforsaken rock." Said Jack and headed to the bridge.
01-26-2006, 9:23 PM
lets roll dude. ;)
01-27-2006, 7:43 AM
Well thats almost everyone... so let's BEGIN!!!!

We can still use this thread to discuss the events and story of the RP...

Here's the Link if you are to lasy to go look for it...
01-28-2006, 8:58 AM
I would just like to make it clear, that Oliver is almost alcoholic. He gets his alcohol in a curious way. The crew dosen't seen him outside the ship very much. (I don't think, that i have said that clearly).

And in the future, i would use a dictionary, because my english is limited.
 Master Kan-Maz
01-28-2006, 1:58 PM
Position:Turret gunner 2.
Appearance:Tall,red furred,wearing shorts.
Weapons/Equipment:None(like of ripping his enemies hands out.)
Bio:Kerhirr borned on the Kashyyyk, his mother instantly killed,for doing mistakes.He lived ordinary life,until the slavers came to the Kashyyyk.He fought,but was slaved.
How you were recruited:Nic White smuggled him out from the planet, and Kerhirr owed him.He left with him.

I'm new,please feel free to say what I did wrong.
01-28-2006, 2:05 PM
Sorry Master Kan-maz but the RP has already started.
 Master Kan-Maz
01-29-2006, 5:02 AM
01-29-2006, 8:26 AM
Ahh hey guys, long time no posts for me lol, major computer crash spent alot of time backing up some school stuff, still dont have my comp back, im on my old one so hopefully u guys dont need to take over my character like u did in the last one, o and since the rp already started can i get recruited while u guys are at a pitstop or somehting since it wouldnt make sense for me to suddenly appear.....

Position: Turret Gunner 2

Name: Kip Zaroke

Nickname: Kip

Species: Twilek

Sex: male

Age: 29

Allignment: Light

Appearance: Guy with the black head cover

Weapons/Equipment: Two blaster pistols
and a rocket launcher strapped to his back

Bio: Kip is John Zaroke's son who heard about the crew his dad was in and wanted to be in it just like him, but before he could join he was sent to the Republic to fight, he soon worked his way through the ranks and achived the rank of Commander, Commanding a squad of 16 men after the battle in space to destroy the death star on yavin, he lost only 1 man, his best friend who had helped him throughout the whole war but was last to a stray blaster shot that hit him directly in the eye as Kip was standing next to him. Now Kip is looking for something on the edge and more behind the scenes gig.

How you were recruited: The last time Kip;s father contacted him was right after the war and Kip brought up that he wanted to join "the crew" because everyone knew they were up to something but never knew what or why, John told him that he has to go to crowded planets and in cantinas because thats where the crew looked for fresh blood. Kip had searched 3 or 4 planets until he came to one planet, he saw the captain of the mercenary crew, his dad had described him, Kip ran up and greeted him, told him that he could blast some turrets and that he was John's son.
01-29-2006, 8:29 AM
Sorry but as i told Master Kan-Maz we have already started the RP and We're too far into it to Have more crew members in it.
02-01-2006, 7:48 AM
This is the PM concerning the jedi discovery...

Hi guys i thought i'd let you know my idea for the rest of the RP.

The prisoner will escape (surprise!) While everyone is pretty much asleep and he'll kill Wade. Then he'll come into Someones room (possibly mine) and a small fight will happen which will result in him taken someone hostage. He'll disable the hyperdrive and then try and escape in the headhunter... Before he gets there stringerhs character will save the hostage, and knock the prisoner into the air-lock in a way to cause some suspicion but not name her as a jedi. We Flush the prisoner. Then the imps come along claim they are aware of us having a jedi onboard, Jana puts 2 & 2 togeter works and works it out. Proberly another space battle. We come up with a logical conclusion that involves why the jedi becomes a permanant crew member.

Then i'm going to do what i was going to do with the first one and let others create stories for the crew. As i'm doing it the only fair way, Wildjedi was the first to join so she can do the second story (if you want).

Let me know what you think of the idea.

As previously stated each following story will be done by someone else The order is the order you joined this thread and is as follows.

Discussion about the future (possibly the last one)

I'll Proberly do a short one either side of stingerhs one which will be a character development one for all.
If you don't want to do a story let me know and i'll do one (but make your character the main guy.)
Your story does not have to make you the main character if you don't want it to.
I think it would be nice if we started each episode with a short prologue as told from your characters POV a bit like how i started the first but this isn't essential.
02-03-2006, 3:11 PM
Just so you know, Starmark, this little bit I'm currently doing with JasraLantill and the stranger 'Riebe' will come a bit more into play in my story... For now, it'll just be sorta left where it is :)
02-03-2006, 3:45 PM
Thats cool Wild, I expected as much.

@Wildjedi- I think it won't be much longer than a week before we go on to yours so if you want any aditional planning for your story and need to know more about other characters history you have untill you start the thread

@ ALL-one last note to all, when doing your story to save typing Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire we can use the acronym 'MC:AotE:' <insert Title> you dont need a title just put chapter or episode then the number it is.

@stingerhs- At the end we are oing to discover the imps are waiting for us near alderaan so can your character say somthing like 'you can drop me off at the next world.' and my character will invite you along for the ride. If this is o.k for you, It's the only logical way i can come up with. If you have any better ideas let me know
02-03-2006, 4:55 PM
Sorry but as i told Master Kan-Maz we have already started the RP and We're too far into it to Have more crew members in it.

I have an idea on how we can add him in. It goes along with your plan. We land on the other side of Aldeeran where my mechanic shop/spaceport is. KWH's charecter is at the starport waiting for a shuttle to come get him and we see him. One of us can go up to him and see if he wants to join the crew. Or we meet him on the next planet. What do you say, S2K?
02-03-2006, 5:03 PM
No it's too late now, i think we're already pushing it with the number of participants.
02-03-2006, 5:54 PM
Just so you know, Starmark, when Ryshana takes care of Tasser, he'll be forced to let go of Jana rather abruptly, I imagine. Nic should be close enough to catch her and prevent her from falling... and she'll not want to let go of him for a little bit... she was a bit more afraid than she thought :)
02-03-2006, 5:57 PM
o.k that sounds good. And stephen before you flush Tasser out the air-lock i want to say a couple of things through the inner door to him.
02-04-2006, 4:22 AM
Starmark: Sorry, but i don't think, taht I could handle a story. Because of me limited english and lots of homework from my school.
02-04-2006, 4:29 AM
o.k. I'm sorry to hear that.

as XoRRoX is writing himself out we have a couple of options

1) We leave it and continue without a Medic
2) If Ryshana has any healing abilities it will make it a better reason for her to stay on the ship.
3) or we recruit a new player to take a medic position (i'll ask killwithhonor)

I'll let stingers decide if the second option is acceptable to him if not we will go for 1 or 3 on a vote.
02-04-2006, 11:34 AM
Starmark, I'm hoping that Stingerhs will take the place of the medic. It would make perfect sense. (I'm assuming that Capt. Nic would be dropping of Oliver on Alderaan though in order to keep continuity?)

But if Stingerhs decides not to take that route with Ryshana, I'll cast my vote for option 3, as a medic might come in handy later on. (And if that falls through, I'll offer to take over Oliver's character, if there are no objections.)
02-04-2006, 12:00 PM
I agree with JasraLantill.
02-04-2006, 2:06 PM
that works fine for me. it would make some sense story-wise, anyways.
02-04-2006, 3:44 PM
O.k someone is going to have to get injured for Ryshana to heal... As their will be another small space fight it can happen then... so any volunteers.
02-04-2006, 3:44 PM
Well Jana's already in place to get stabbed :p
02-04-2006, 3:47 PM
not now...
02-04-2006, 3:51 PM
heh... nope, that's fine :) Somebody else can get stabbed... Jana's been through enough today anyway :p
02-04-2006, 3:52 PM
as i said somthing can blow up in the space battle and injure someone, I think it should be me as it will add an 'i owe you' element to it. You heal me and by this point we'll know you are a jedi so you can use the Force. I let you stay on board.
02-04-2006, 3:55 PM
sounds like a plan to me. :)
02-04-2006, 4:05 PM
O.k it'll happen at the beginning of the Battle so Extream can take the turret in the fight. (if you want). So here is where we are in the ten points.
7) Me and Jana go to the cockpit and discuss what happened while cloud fixes the hyperspace.
8) Imperials came and say they know we have a jedi on board, Jana puts two and two together.
9) We get into a small fight Where Nic gets injured and Ryshana heals him when they escape.
10) We discover the Imps are waiting for us outside alderaan and agree to take Ryshana on as crew to keep her safe providing she helps us as a medic.
02-05-2006, 4:02 AM

Now i don't understand a thing. I think you all can see, that my english is to limited to make a story. But that's your to decide. You have already maked plans, without saying something to me.

If it is so importent, then i can make a story? Okay?
02-05-2006, 4:13 AM
Ah... I think we misunderstood XoRRoX... if I'm reading this right, he still wants to be involved, but doesn't think his English is quite good enough to be the lead character of a story.
02-05-2006, 4:15 AM
O.k. i think i got confused by what you said, i thought you were leaving the RP... In that case we'll try somthing else... any ideas.
02-05-2006, 4:18 AM
I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. That is my fault. I must practise more with my english

But i will make a story then.
02-05-2006, 4:20 AM
Well, we still only have one turret gunner... if Ryshana's any good at that sort of thing, she might find a permanent place there :) Other than that, maybe she can help Impe in the infirmary... and possibly straighten out his drinking problem :p
02-05-2006, 5:56 AM
I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. That is my fault. I must practise more with my english

But i will make a story then.

No it's my fault, I got confused as it seemed like you were going to shoot yourself in a post in the actual thread... only it now appears you weren't. If you don't want to do a story you don't have to... If you do and want help i'm sure we'll all help.

So sorry. As for the reason why Ryshana stays on board i've got two ideas.

1)Jana persuades Nic to let her stay, as Ryshana saved her life agains Tasser.
2) When the fight starts Ryshana pushes Nic out of the way of an explosion, saving his life. (the after effect of this could be that Ryshana gets injured making it "she would have sacrificed her own life to save mine... <twi'lek swear> I owe someone else.")
02-05-2006, 6:02 AM
Well, that detail was made for, that Oliver is rather clumsy with guns :p

I actually have an idea for a story - but not like the on-going story. I will tell it later, when i have some details ready.
02-06-2006, 7:48 AM
@stinger or Wildjedi. Can one of you make a decission from my last post as it will be needed soon.
02-06-2006, 8:46 AM
it wouldn't be too difficult to go with the second one. just have to set things up, that's all. ;)
02-06-2006, 3:50 PM
There's a strong chance the current RP will end tomorrow or wednesday... Once we've entered hyperspace, We can do a 'one hour later' Where ryshana is all better and i say she can stay on board.

@ Wildjedi- Now is the time to do any group prep that may be needed for your story.
02-08-2006, 10:45 AM
okay, the first thread is done, so what about the next one?? ;)
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