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Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire

Page: 4 of 5
02-01-2006, 7:39 AM
((Sent you the PM from Starmark :) ))
02-01-2006, 7:46 AM
(OOC: 1. No, I don't. 2. I didn't get a PM from Starmark.)

((occ I'm sorry This is partly my fault, But stinger has stated that Uti is not her real last name so you wouldn't get a bounty sheet for her anyway... I was onl sending PMs to those who need to knoww the things so i wouldn't be spamming... I agree with wild i'll begin to use the Discussion thread from now on i'll start by post the PM i sent Sting and wild. Extream a decission must be made by stingerhs, If he dose not mind you knowing his chars a jedi you you will have to edit your post so you discover it in a differant fashon, If he does mind you will have to remove any knowledge of The jedi.

Again i am aware this is partly my thought and i apoligise to all for this confusion. ))
02-01-2006, 12:03 PM
"Well - i'm going to medbay now" Oliver mumbled, while he leaved the common room. He was totally quiet, when he entered medbay.
02-01-2006, 3:02 PM
((what we can do for the time being is have it so that the bounty sheet is just a bit of suspicion for the crew. i'll have it so that Ryshana will just dismiss the claim as a coincidence. some of the crew can choose to be suspicious or not, but its not going to be revealed until later.))
02-01-2006, 3:56 PM
((OOC: I don't want Beryl to be an obstacle to any 'future plans' so I've edited my post. She'll be in her own room for the time being.))


Beryl smiled. “Thanks, Cloud! I knew you’d come through for me!” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, then left the common room for hers.

Just before entering, she paused, looking first to her right at the door to Jack’s room, then to the left at the one that was now assigned to Ryshana. Oh, I really hope the T’wliek isn’t a snorer, she thought. I’d rather sleep in one of the gun turrets than be sandwiched between two of them.

Once inside her room, she pulled her Azcom Flight Sim Ultra-Pro Plus® module out from the storage box underneath her neatly made bed. Carefully sweeping a clear space on the desk amongst the numerous holo-images—some of friends, some of her and her brothers, some of the test models she had flown, and a special one of her, her mom, and Dad on her graduation day from the TCTA—she set the flight sim module down. From the drawer, she reverently removed a small cloth-wrapped bundle—her first set of tools. In a few moments, she had the faulty transversal ring gasket replaced. Now, to test it out.

After tidying her desk and returning the holo-images to their exact previous places, she removed her blaster & holster belt and hung it on the hook beside the bed. Then she strapped the remote unit securely around her waist, attached the sensors to the appropriate places on her body, then donned the sim gloves. She flexed her fingers in the mechanised gauntlets, then grinned. She loved the feel of them.

She plugged the module into a power port and turned it on. The appropriate lights flashed. The hum sounded right. Time for a test flight.

She sat down on her bed, with her back pressed up against the wall, put the occlusion visor over her eyes, then hit the power on button on the waist unit.

Immediately, she found herself in the cockpit of a Headhunter Z-95T, complete with Incom Gbk-435 hyperdrive motivator, twin Bak KX-5 laser cannons, twin Krupx MG5 concussion missile launchers, a Fabritech ANq 2.4 tracking computer and an SI 5g8 "Quickscan" vector imaging system with a PG-7u P-TAG.

“Please prepare for launch,” said a nebulous voice in her head. She entered launch instructions, then jammed down the thruster button. She even felt a realistic G-force sensation flatten her body against the seat as she shot out from the ‘space dock’ and into space.

“Enemy targets in five… four… three… two….”

Beryl grinned. Targets of her own choosing. Unlimited fuel. State-of-the-art weaponry. No chance of death or injury.


Beryl was in flight sim heaven.
02-02-2006, 7:33 AM
((@ Extremejedi- Can you please edit your post so we can continue, Please remove any referance to the name Oliaya and the jedi as there is no way you could possibly find out these things. Instead you can have somthing like there is no evidance of Ryshana Uti actually existing before a couple of years previous... This way it can insight suspicion but will still allow us to go with previous plans. This is the only fair solution to this problem. If you do not edit your post, it will come to a stand-still and Die. I don't think anyone wants that.
Thank You.))
02-02-2006, 7:45 AM
(OK. I was busy thinking on a way to edit it a way to favor your plans.)
02-02-2006, 1:02 PM
((OOC. Now everything has been edited this is how it will go in ten easy points...
1) Nic and Cloud will have a breif conversation about Uti (Others can join.)
2) we'll be in hyperspace and we power down the ship for 'sleep time'.
3) The prisoner escapes and kills wade, He disables the hyperdrive which wakes Nic up.
4) Nic Walks out his room and sees the prisoner, Nic and prisoner fight. This wakes up Jana.
5) Jana gets grabbed and has a knife against her throat, The prisoner now goes down to the Headhunter.
6) Ryshana saves Jana, We flush the prisoner out the air-lock.
7) Me and Jana go to the cockpit and discuss what happened while cloud fixes the hyperspace.
8) Imperials came and say they know we have a jedi on board, Jana puts two and two together.
9) We get into a small fight and escape.
10) We discover the Imps are waiting for us outside alderaan and agree to take Ryshana on as crew to keep her safe providing she helps us.))

Nic looks up at cloud and nods "O.K." He said as he stood up and walked out of the common room into the hanger. "What's the problem Cloud? If its got somthing to do with parts talk to Jana."
02-02-2006, 5:07 PM
"Well, I found out 2 things." Cloud said. 1. Jawa Beer makes me curious. 2. For some reason, under the influence of my Jawa Beer, I searched up Ryshana's name on the Galactic Database and didn't find anyone with the same name."
02-02-2006, 5:46 PM
((Can I be the one who flushes him out of the airlock))

After putting the ship into hyperspace, Jack turned around and shut and locked the door behind him. Out of boredem Jack accessed the Echo's computer and began accesing files on the computer. While browsing the computers he noticed Beryl's sim. With nothing better to do we watched the sim.
02-02-2006, 6:02 PM
Deeply involved in her sim game, Beryl's sooped-up Headhunter was skimming the atmosphere of a simulated planet, upside down of course, preparing for a strafing run on a small squadron of TIEs while launching one of her missles at a nearby Emp cruiser.

With her finger itching on the trigger, and just as the missle was about to hit the target, a light flashed on the console in front of her. Someone was monitoring her system. She grinned. She knew who it was.

"You know, Jack," she said into her simulated com link as the missile exploded into the side of the cruiser and she shot an array at the oncoming fighters. "You're always welcome to link up and join me. If you can stand the G's." And with that she dove down through the atmosphere, doing a tight barrel roll as she fired into the doomed squadron of the enemy.
02-02-2006, 6:30 PM
A small, strange-looking fighter entered the fray, blasting Imperials away. It wasnt any of the crew... in fact, there was no fighter like that in the ship's systems. The call name given was SithHunter. Seconds later, another headhunter entered the sim. Jana. She noticed the new fighter immediately.

"Beryl," she called. "Who's SithHunter?"

Text flashed up on the screen. None of you know me... I'm flying not far from you and detected your sim. My ship's too small to do much while in hyperpace. Hope you don't mind me jumping in here.

"Would like it better if I knew who you were," Jana answered. "And do you have a voice?"

Laughter sounded over the comm in Jana's simulated headhunter. "Yes, I have a voice. I just haven't used it much recently... not really anyone to talk to."

"You sound young-ish," Jana observed. "19? 20?"

"Older," the voice answered. "But I'm here for a firefight against Imperials, not a chat."

The strange fighter with SithHunter aboard zipped into the fray, following Beryl closely... almost too closely. Jana was about to order the stranger to pull back a little when her voice came back over the comm.

"I sense your concerns, Headhunter Two," she said. "Relax. I've had plenty of practice with this. Headhunter One, don't worry, if you pull back, you won't run into me."

The strange fighter slid smoothly under Beryl's Headhunter inverted and the ships continued to fly belly to belly. SithHunter matched Beryl's moves exactly.

"Beryl, did you add a friendly fighter to make this more interesting?" Jana asked, impressed.

"Beryl did nothing of the sort," the stranger said. "That's a pretty name, by the way."

"What's yours?" Jana shot back.

"You first," the stranger challenged.

"You're the stranger, you first," Jana snapped. "And how the hell are you hacking our signal?"

"My name's Riebe," the stranger answered. "And I'm really good with computers and the like."

"I'm Jana and I'm not much sure I like just how good you are with computers," Jana said.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Jana," Riebe said. "I'll be gone when the sim's over... I just wanted something to keep me occupied for a few minutes... I'm sure you understand."

"Beryl," Jana called on a private line. "Is there a way to filter this stranger's signal out?"

But Riebe heard it. "Do you see this little fighter I'm using in the sim?" she demanded. "That's exactly what I'm flying in real life. Just let me play. I'll be gone at the end. I promise."

Jana sighed heavily. "Alright. Beryl, I'll want to talk with you when this is over."
02-02-2006, 7:15 PM
"Beryl, did you add a friendly fighter to make this more interesting?" Jana asked, impressed.

Beryl was about to answer, when the stranger cut in.

"Beryl did nothing of the sort," the stranger said. "That's a pretty name, by the way."

Beryl rolled her eyes. Then rolled her eyes again as they exchanged ‘firsts’.

"My name's Riebe," the stranger answered. "And I'm really good with computers and the like."

Pretty good with flying, too, thought Beryl. Good, but not great.

"I'm Jana and I'm not much sure I like just how good you are with computers," Jana said.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Jana," Riebe said. "I'll be gone when the sim's over... I just wanted something to keep me occupied for a few minutes... I'm sure you understand."

Oh, I understand, Beryl thought. And I think I can keep you occupied for a while. Beryl grinned.

"Beryl," Jana called on a private line. "Is there a way to filter this stranger's signal out?"

But Riebe heard it. "Do you see this little fighter I'm using in the sim?" she demanded. "That's exactly what I'm flying in real life. Just let me play. I'll be gone at the end. I promise."

Jana sighed heavily. "Alright. Beryl, I'll want to talk with you when this is over."

“Yeah, sure,” said Beryl, angling her eyes towards the ship, and then upwards towards the sim planet’s atmosphere. “It’ll bring back memories of that nerf-herding Captain Salvo’s class at the TCTA. You remember Captain Salvo, don’t you?” Beryl hoped she did. She was trying to warn Jana that she was about to make a dangerous manoeuvre. The Quitaan Curl. The same move that she had performed at graduation. Her trainer, Captain Salvo, had been most displeased. Especially since he had been in the control tower at the time her exhaust blew out the windows. Oops.

I truly love simming! Beryl thought, grinning. Even if the Curl didn't work and they crashed, it would be a spectular end to the game. Well, here goes nothing….
02-02-2006, 9:08 PM
"Damn, I'm glad he's not here," Jana muttered. And so very glad this is just a sim...

Much to the surprise of both Beryl and Jana, the stranger called Riebe directed her ship at an odd angle away from Beryl's and, in the process, ploughed straight through one of the Imperial fighters without taking more damage than a slight dent to its nose.

"Correct me if I'm wrong," Riebe's voice came over the comm, "but I believe you're taking more than a mild dislike to my presence here."

"Well..." Jana said, hesitant to answer.

"I'm not an idiot," Riebe interrupted. "And that was quite an impressive trick, Beryl... had I not seen something like it before, it would have worked."

"What do you want?" Jana demanded, now angry.

"The game's almost over," Riebe answered. "A minute left, if my system has read yours correctly. Shoot the Imps, I'll shoot the Imps, and then we'll go our separate ways and likely never hear from one another again."

"Fine," Jana was fuming now, but she said nothing further.
02-02-2006, 9:25 PM
Sensing that Cloud was feeling a bit unsure about her, Ryshana went over to where Nic and Cloud were. "Hey, I heard somebody mention my name. Is something wrong?" Ryshana asked innocently. It was a lie, of course; she hadn't actually heard Cloud say anything.
02-03-2006, 7:24 AM
"Yeah, something's wrong. Every person's birth is recorded in the Galactic Database. For some reason, I couldn't find your name. And I wouldn't have done that is it were't for my 'Jawa Beer buzz'.
02-03-2006, 7:37 AM
Nic loked at Ryshana enter and listened to cloud, "Look there can be any number of reasons why her name isn't on the database, her record was corrupted, her parents didn't register her birth, She mayt have changed her name." Nic looked up at Ryshana "I'm sorry it's none of our buisness."

Nic looks at his watch then Cloud. "We're almost at down time, get some sleep, We'll talk when the effects of jawa beer have completly worn off."
02-03-2006, 7:59 AM
"Alright, but all I'm saying is that I'm suspicous." Cloud said. He then went to his room and went to sleep.
02-03-2006, 10:33 AM
Ryshana sighed to herself. She knew the real reason why her 'name' wasn't in the database. "Well, I'm going to get some rest, and hopefully everyone else here will get some as well. For some reason, I have a funny feeling that we're all going to need it," Ryshana stated intuitively. "Pleasant dreams, Captain."

With that, Ryshana turned around and headed for her cabin. Once inside, she locked the door and stripped down. Getting inside the bed, Ryshana laid down on her back and closed her eyes. Concentrating, she entered a Force-induced sleep that would rest her as quickly as possible.
02-03-2006, 10:35 AM
Riebe directed her ship at an odd angle away from Beryl's and, in the process, ploughed straight through one of the Imperial fighters without taking more damage than a slight dent to its nose.

Beryl did a double-take. "Whoa...." she said in an awed whisper.

"Correct me if I'm wrong," Riebe's voice came over the comm, "but I believe you're taking more than a mild dislike to my presence here."

"Well..." Jana said, hesitant to answer.

"No, not at all...," Beryl started to say. Whoever she was, this mystery pilot's skills were impressive. And so was her ship. Beryl wanted to know more.

"I'm not an idiot," Riebe interrupted. "And that was quite an impressive trick, Beryl... had I not seen something like it before, it would have worked."

"Erm...thanks," said Beryl. "So...."

"What do you want?" Jana demanded, now angry.

"The game's almost over," Riebe answered. "A minute left, if my system has read yours correctly. Shoot the Imps, I'll shoot the Imps, and then we'll go our separate ways and likely never hear from one another again."

"Fine," Jana was fuming now, but she said nothing further.

"No, wait!" Beryl said excitedly. "Forget about Jana! Can't you hang around for another game? I like having a little competition!" And she meant what she said. "This is the best flight sim I've had in ages!"
02-03-2006, 12:47 PM
"Beryl, once this simulation is over, we need to talk," Jana snapped.

"Don't worry, Beryl," Riebe said pleasantly. "If Jana's alright with it, I'll stick around until you're finished with her."

Jana sighed. "We'll see."
02-03-2006, 1:15 PM
Riebe was right about only having a minute of the simulation left. It didn't take long for Beryl, Jana, and the mysterious Riebe to take out the remaining TIEs. And even the sim Empire cruiser.

"Scenario 6, completed," said the nebulous computer voice. "End program."

"Aw!" Beryl took of the occlusion visors and ripped off her gauntlets. "I was enjoying that!"

She sighed as she stored the sim unit under her bed again. Now for something not so enjoyable. Being chastised by Jana. Yeah, alright, so she probably stepped out a line a bit when she told Riebe to forget about Jana and stay. After all, Jana was second in command. And she didn't really know who Riebe was. Or how she had hacked into their systems. Or why she was so close by. Still, Beryl thought, Jana needed to lighten up a bit. Have some fun once in a while instead of allowing herself to be bogged down all the time with all of the administrative stuff Nic left to her to handle. Take some risks. Do something exciting once in a while.

Beryl left her room and went to seek Jana. Oh, how she was dreading this...
02-03-2006, 1:23 PM
"I didn't much like that," Jana said quietly when Beryl found her. "A complete stranger enters our sim?"

She shook her head. "Another thing I didn't like... I knew a Riebe... but she spent time with Jedi, so she's likely dead. But that sounded an aweful lot like her..."

She went to a computer console and typed in 'Riebe Sothe'.

"Corrupted file," Jana muttered. She looked over at Beryl. "All I can read is 'Sith Hunter' and 'presumed dead'." She closed out of the console and turned to fully face Beryl. "I'll let you go back and sim with her again... just be careful. We don't know who she is or what she's capable of."
02-03-2006, 1:25 PM
((OCC- as we are close to the end i'm putting things in the discussion thread. so check it out

Nic watched Ryshana enter her room, It was strange that she wasn't on the database, surely there should be somthing. He decided to go to his room and take his own advice he had a few too many Corellian Ales himself. On entering his room he he removed his shoes, socks and shirt, he laid on his bed (which was still un-maid from the previous two nights). He quickly fell asleep.
02-03-2006, 4:58 PM
After the simulation had ended, Jack began to look at the computers. While search he noticed something wrong with the ship. "This can't be right." He began reading more data "Great. Looks like we have some damaged systems. How did Cloud miss this?"

Jack activated the intercom and spoke to Nick "Hey Captain. Come here a second. Theres something you may want to look at"

((This could be the point where the prisoner attacks you and takes you hostage or not.))
02-03-2006, 5:31 PM
((you've brought it forward a bit. but o.k i'll start this post a bit before your post.))

Tasser Goum sat in his cell quietly for the right moment, He had escaped from every cell he had ever been incarcerated in. The fight would have been a good time to escape but he couldn't fly and fire weapons at the same time.

He had already took off his cuffs and threw them on the floor, He looked around the room for anything he could use to get out... and found it. A slightly loose screw out of the bunk came in handy. Tasser pulled it out and walked over to the door, He pulled off the disabled internal door control cover. after taking two wires out he conected the screw to the reserve power and the emergancy release. The door swung open and the door shield short circuited.

Wade was outside with his back to the wall he heard the doors open and looked around. Tasser reached out and grabbed Wade, He threw him onto the floor and placed his hand on wades mouth so he couldn't scream. Tasser grabbed his disgaurded cuffs and used it to slice into Wades throat.

Tasser walked out of his cell and sealed the door behind him, now it was time to escape the ship. He knew a headhunter was on board from the comm-chater over the ships intercom during the tie attack. Tasser walked into engineering.
__________________________________________________ __

"Hey Captain. Come here a second. Theres something you may want to look at"

Nics Eyes widened quickly as he heard Jacks comm. "i'm on my way." Nic said as he stood up and pulled a shirt on. Suddenly Nic felt the ship shudder, they had dropped out of hyperspace. but Why. Nic thought this was too suspicious and grabbed his Knife.

He stepped of his room and looked to the left, He saw Tasser standing there looking at him. Tasser began to run at Nic. Nic threw his knife strait towards tesser impacting himin the right shoulder. Nic smiled as tesser Screamed in pain and staggered backwards a few steps.
"You didn't think i'd be carrying a knife now, did ya" Nic said in a cocky fashon
Tasser then pulled the knife out of his oun body and grinned brandishing it in a threatening mannor."now i have the knife."
Nics expression quickly changed "Yeah, I didn't think that through." Nic said as Tasser ran at him, Nic ran into his room.

Nic grabbed Betsy and swung around as tesser stood in his door way. "so what now?"

((now would be the tine jana gets grabbed.))
02-03-2006, 5:37 PM
Jana heard the scream and looked up. Then, she glanced over at Beryl. "Stay here a bit... I'll see what that was about."

She opened the door and stepped out, closing it behind her. She saw Nic and turned toward him. "Everything alright?" she asked, unaware of the fact that the Galaxy Killer, Tasser Goum was standing behind her, bloody knife in hand.
02-03-2006, 5:42 PM
"Jana Move!" Nic shouted but it was pointless, Tessar had already moved forward. Teeser grabbed Jana and stuck the knife by her throat.

"Try anything and i'll Ј$%@;:# ghost her." he shouted. "Come on honey, you're coming with me ."

Tesser then began to walk forward towards the ladder.
02-03-2006, 5:47 PM
"Oh... this makes things interesting..." Jana muttered. Tasser ordered her to shut up and then forced her down the ladder with him. Just great... she told herself. Jana Vincent becomes another statistic related to the Galaxy Killer...

She wasn't scared... just angry at being so foolish as to have been taken as a hostage... a hostage she was sure wouldn't live. The Galaxy Killer never left people alive, not after they were of no use to him.
02-03-2006, 5:51 PM
Nic followed from a distance, He knew that Tasser would not kill Jana as long as he had a gun pointing at him. After all he was a psycho but not stupid. "you hurt one hair on her body and i swear i'll scatter your ashes in to the cosmos."

Tasser simply laughed at this comment and continued moving.
02-03-2006, 6:12 PM
In Jana's room, Beryl heard the scuffle in the corridor, and being curious, she naturally opened the door. Her eyes widened, as she saw Jana's torso disappearing down the ladder, the Galaxy Killer's knife at her throat and Nic brandishing Betsy in the corridor.

"Uh-oh." She froze in the doorway, not moving, not wanting to add to the threat. No telling what the Galaxy Killer would do if he felt even more threatened.

It looked like they were heading to the hanger though...

Beryl grinned slyly. If that slimy yelt rat thought for one moment he was taking her Headhunter, he had another thing coming.

As soon as they were out of view, she slipped into her room and connected up her sim to the main computers. And interfaced with the Headhunter.
02-03-2006, 6:19 PM
Cloud woke up when he heard a noise. He looked around and looked out his door. He oiled it so it wouldn't make a sound. When he opened it, he saw the Galaxy Killer. "Oh S*$%!" Cloud thought. "How could He have gotten out? That cell should've been foolproof."
02-03-2006, 6:20 PM
Inside the sim, Riebe's voice sounded again.

"I'm surprised to see you again," she told Beryl. "I thought Jana would have told you not to get back online until you were sure I was gone."
02-03-2006, 6:36 PM
"Erm...well...Jana's a bit...preoccupied at the moment," Beryl responded to Riebe as her fingers hurriedly tapped responses into the simulated computer in her simulated Headhunter, which was linked up to the real one in the hanger. She was a bit worried about Jana. Nic could probably handle the situation, but in case the Galaxy Killer did make it to the Headhunter, there was no way that space slug was going to get off this ship alive. Not if she could help it.

Primary drive? Off line.
Targeting systems? Off line.
Weapons? Off line.
Life support? Beryl raised an eyebrow. Oh yes. Definitely off line! If the Galaxy Killer somehow managed to get the Headhunter launched, he'd find it rather difficult to fly without breathing.

"But I'm glad you're still about, Riebe. Might have time for another game...erm...after. Say," she said, changing the subject, "I'm curious,where did you see that manoevre I did? Not many people know how to do it."
02-03-2006, 6:42 PM
"Actually, I've watched you do it before, to be perfectly honest," Riebe answered. "I was at the TCTA graduation ceremony where you did that..."

There was a short pause and then Riebe said, "After what? Your ship pulled out of hyperspace... something wrong?"
02-03-2006, 7:08 PM
"Wrong? Well, sort of. It's nothing really," Beryl said as she typed in programming code to link up to the Headhunter's exterior targeting cameras to a window in her sim. "Just our captain walking the corridors with a blaster shotgun. Of course, that's not unusual. But doing that while stalking a maniacal killer who's just killed their guard and then taken the first mate hostage, well, that's the kind of thing that makes you pause and take notice, you know?" she said with a calmness that surprised even her. "So, you're a TCTA grad, eh, Riebe? Tell you what then. I'll bet you twenty creds that our captain can take care of the whole situation without even firing a shot."

But just in case...

The window popped up to the side of her. At least now she could see if anything happened in the hanger bay.
02-03-2006, 7:13 PM
Riebe was silent for a long while. "That's definitely a sticky situation..." She sounded thoughtful. "First mate? Jana? Oh, I see. Yes, that would be the kind of thing to take notice of... too bad Jana wasn't more careful with what went on around her, yeah?"

"Oh," she went on. "And I never said I was a TCTA graduate. I was there when you graduated is what I said. Actually taught there for a year... though under a different name."
02-03-2006, 7:48 PM
“An instructor?” Beryl laughed out loud. Come to think of it, Riebe’s voice did sound slightly familiar.

“You know, Riebe, as much as I want to ask what your name was, I think I’d rather keep your true identity as a mystery. Especially if I was ever in one of your classes!”

Beryl had been a good student, excelling in all of her classes, especially flight control and mechanics, but had often been sent to the Head Prefects office by her instructors for ‘disruptive behaviour’, otherwise known as having fun, or ‘disagreements’, otherwise known as arguments/brawls. But being as her father was a major financial contributor to the academy, she had never really been worried about dismissal.

“Oh,” she added, “and that whole thing with the refreshers flooding in Dorm C? That was totally blown out of proportion. I mean, it was just a little water.”
02-03-2006, 7:52 PM
Riebe chuckled. "Yes, Beryl, you were in one of my classes." Her voice sounded terribly amused. "And you made it very clear to me that there was no way I could possibly be the instructor for the class. I asked why and you told me I was too young... then again, my age is another mystery, which is what I recall telling you at that point."

"And don't try talking your way out of the refresher incident," she went on. "I saw the water... there was more than you'd like us to think."

((As a TCTA instructor, Riebe was called Tarla Vel. :) ))
02-03-2006, 8:37 PM
So, it was Tarla Vel. Beryl remembered the ‘age’ discussion well. And the writer’s cramp she had gotten when Vel had made her handwrite ‘Outward appearance is not a measure of a person’s intelligence or their ability to impart their knowledge to others’ a thousand times.

Beryl snorted. “It only covered the floor of the west wing!” she protested in jest. “Well, and part of the rec area. Oh, and the lobby.” Beryl paused. “Okay,” she admitted, “so it covered a lot of the ground floor. But it was less than a meter deep. Barely enough to take a swim. And no one drowned. Besides it was an accident.”

It had been, although no one would believe her. She had been tasked to remove the ‘inflammatory emblem’ she and some of her friends from Dorm A had painted on the floor of Dorm C, right before the end of term field competitions. How was she supposed to know that the internal plumbing couldn’t cope with a pressure washer?

"So, I'm assuming that you didn't come all this way to make me write lines for something you discovered I did after I graduated. Are you at liberty to tell me why you're visiting in this region of space?"
02-03-2006, 11:24 PM
Ryshana woke up suddenly. A small disturbance had disrupted the Force causing her to suddenly wake up. As soon as her eyes opened, she could feel something wrong. Quickly throwing on her robes, she opened her door and headed down the corridor. Moving past the cell door, she saw Wade lying in a pool of blood. She felt his lifelessness and knew that this 'Galaxy Killer' was loose.

Heading towards the common area, she stopped when she saw Jana being held hostage. Talking straight to Tasser, Ryshana said, "Hey now, everything is going to be just fine. Let her go, and you can go."
02-04-2006, 2:33 AM
Riebe laughed. "After I left the TCTA teaching position, I went to the Jedi," she said. "When Palpatine revealed himself as a Sith Lord and named himself Emperor, I played along just long enough to get away unnoticed. For now, I'm just wandering the galaxy..."

She sighed. "It's nice to hear a familiar voice, really... a remarkable coincidence, this. Us running into one another in hyperspace? It's hard to believe, isn't it?"


What the hell is she doing? Jana thought to herself, noticing Ryshana's approach.
02-04-2006, 4:27 AM
Nic could only watch as Tasser pulled Jana back towards the headhunter hanger. His weapon was still raised and pointing at Tasser. He knew using the weapon now would kill Jana, it was mearly insurance. The arrival of their guest, Ryshana, caused Nic to get extra prepared, She could easily disrupt things and cause all mannor of trouble.
02-04-2006, 4:41 AM
Oliver did fall to sleep in medbay. he coulden't hear the "fight" outside medbay, but Oliver did sleep with a little blaster. "I don't trust one of our crew members. If they gonna take my juma juice, then...".

"Hey now, everything is going to be just fine. Let her go, and you can go"

Suddenly Oliver waked up again. By instinct he could hear, that something was totally wrong. When he was younger, he was always there, where the odd things was happening. Oliver opened the door very fast, with the blaster covered behind his suit.

"Hey wha..." he whispered to himself, when he saw, that Jana was taken to hostage by Tasser. He did take his blaster up, but turned it the wrong way.
02-04-2006, 9:45 AM
Ryshana spoke as calmly as she could while slowly approaching Tasser and Jana. "There's no need to hurt anybody. Just let her go," Ryshana stated. She was now within 2 meters of Tasser and Jana.
02-04-2006, 10:33 AM
“Coincidence? I’ll say it is,” Beryl said to Riebe. “So, you fought alongside the Jedi, huh?” Beryl snorted. “You’re lucky to have survived then. Never did understand them. Always acting like they were superior to everyone else with their ‘ways of the Force.’ Load of bantha fodder, if you ask me. I mean, look where it got them? Nowhere. My father was right to tell them to bugger off when I was tested for…”

Tesser and Jana suddenly came into view on her screen, Tesser still holding the knife to Jana’s throat as he carefully backed his way into the hanger bay.

“Hold on,” she said to Riebe. “Something’s happening.”

Nic then came into view as well, advancing carefully while keeping Betsy levelled at the Galaxy Killer and his hostage. And then…

“Oh, now isn’t this cozy.” Beryl sighed as Ryshana came into view just behind Nic. “Just what Nic needs.” A distraction, or at worst, a potential extra hostage.

Beryl thoughts raced, trying to figure out if there was a way she could help. She did have control of the Headhunter’s weapons. But they were much larger than Betsy was, and not nearly as accurate at close range. And, she couldn’t exactly see Nic being grateful if she shot the Galaxy Killer but took out Jana at the same time. No, probably not a good career move. But, maybe if she just let Nic know that the Headhunter was under remote control, that would put him more at ease.

She flipped a single switch, then wiggled the control stick.


On the real Headhunter in the hanger bay, the laser cannon on the port side extended slowly, then retracted, then extended again.
02-04-2006, 10:44 AM
"You must think me a fool, Twi'lek." Tasser said moving the knife closer to Jana's throat. "If i let this Schutta go, the knife throwing Captain will blast me with that gun of his."

Nic watched the galaxy killer slowly back up and noticed in the background the headhunters weapons move. 'Beryl'. He knew that he had installed a remote unit for the headhunter but it hadn't been used since they got pilot for it.
02-04-2006, 10:48 AM
Stopping where she was, Ryshana thought for a second. "Alright, that's just fine. We don't want anyone getting hurt," Ryshana replied calmly. "As a measure of faith, Captain Nic here is going to put down his blaster, right Captain?"
02-04-2006, 10:52 AM
"Miss Uti you're new here so there are two things you should know, Number one: the gun has a name, Betsy and two: no one tells me what to do on my ship." Nic protested not taking his sights off the psychopath and his hostage.
02-04-2006, 10:55 AM
"Yes!" Beryl whooped. She had seen Nic's eyes flicker toward the cannon for just a brief milisecond when she had moved it. She let out a sigh of relief. At least he knew she was watching.

"C'mon, you slimy taffer," she said impatiently to the image of the Galaxy Killer as he exchanged unheard words with Nic and Ryshana. Just let Jana go and board the ship, she thought. You know you want to. I know I want you to. She grinned wryly with malevolent anticipation. And then we can have some real fun.
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