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Page: 29 of 140
Posted in: [FIN] Teachings of a Mandalore
04-14-2008, 2:36 PM
Teachings of a Mandalore The main hold of the Ebon Hawk was bustling with quiet activity as its crew went about their various chores. It was a normal day so to speak with Mission telling Bastila to mind her own business or Joleeā€™s interjection wi...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIN] Teachings of a Mandalore
04-12-2008, 5:24 PM
A shortie piece from my dcc challenge collection for kfm. A Jedi and a Mandalorian spar each other with the Jedi learning some valuable lessons. All comments can be posted here (  [Read More]
Posted in: Last of the Humans
04-12-2008, 4:29 PM
Zephyr wasn't convinced of the bounty hunter's sincerity. His eyes were still clouded in his warrior stance. He said to the Human, "Bring your friend along. We can go together. More is better than one or two." They were interrupted when Ny...  [Read More]
Posted in: Last of the Humans
04-04-2008, 12:14 PM
"Point a rifle at me and you'll get more than you bargained for sentient," Zephyr replied facing the one pointing a rifle in his direction. His eyes lost the pupil and became a clouded white with the lids edged in back. It was a commoon tra...  [Read More]
Posted in: Last of the Humans
04-02-2008, 12:30 PM
Zephyr had shut his eyes at the last moment and let the Human believe he was unconcious. Nymphadora wasn't so lucky so he had to leave her behind. He bounded through the jungle following the scent of the Human. He caught sight of him making his way t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Last of the Humans
03-25-2008, 2:05 PM
((Alkonium: I was thinking Gul Balen as Sol Bekura's XO until they speak to the Elders and he is given his own ship)) "Some of us seek answers as well," Zephyr agreed, "Though you are a bit trusting in assuming that we wouldn't turn y...  [Read More]
Posted in: Last of the Humans
03-24-2008, 12:05 PM
Nymphadora, unaccustomed to sympathy from others and unaccustomed to giving it, replied rather rudely, "You know nothing of me. I suggest you go back to your ship and be gone." She then turned her back towards him to look at the ruins. Zeph...  [Read More]
Posted in: Last of the Humans
03-20-2008, 6:38 PM
((Has Davison actually seen an Ikrian or Anatolian before? I would think that it would be slightly strange or he wouldn't know she was Anatolian if he was coming from behind)) Nymphadora heard and felt the sentient before he spoke. She had warned Ze...  [Read More]
Posted in: Last of the Humans
03-19-2008, 1:03 PM
"Zephyr I don't know why you insisted on coming to Axius. The Tanarians don't even come around anymore except to feed their colony. It's nothing but old rock anyway." Zephyr, the ever patient Ikriat, sighed and stopped pushing at the foliag...  [Read More]
Posted in: Casting Call: Last of the Humans
03-20-2008, 7:39 PM
I am going to create a third character. This is one will be a Tanarian. Yeah I figure I should take on the bad guys. If it is ok I will do two Tanarians each opposite in personalities. Name: Sol Bekura Species: Tanarian Homeworld: Tanar Gender: Male...  [Read More]
Posted in: Casting Call: Last of the Humans
03-13-2008, 12:30 PM
Ok I needed clarification on that. I think I have an alien species. I originally created it for my Star Wars fic but haven't used it yet so I think it will help. I have also another type but never gave it a name so I can take two. Here they are: Nam...  [Read More]
Posted in: Casting Call: Last of the Humans
03-12-2008, 6:48 PM
This sounds a bit like a Star Trek thing. I just want to be sure if it was related to Star Wars or not before I develop a character....  [Read More]
Andros thought about it for a moment. First he had to pay a visit but also to teach. He said, "No. I go but only take one...your sister." He held his hands in a prayer like pose but seemed almost lost in thought....  [Read More]
"My sister will see to planetary defenses since the bulk will come from Belos," Andros replied. "Legal or not Avalon will uphold that what has been made. Some even held from the grave." He thought of his mother. She held even the...  [Read More]
"Your thoughts betray you Senator," Tyrannus warned. "I am old yes but no fool. I know you think I don't see what is in front of me. To be honest the Republic is a stagnant beast. Always was. The Empire was no different." Tyrannus...  [Read More]
"It should not stop at just speeches," Greea replied, "It may be out of our hands where the vote is concerned but we can still make a case." Tyrannus sensed the troubled mind of the senator lackey the moment he entered the room....  [Read More]
"The mind hides many things but the emotions are harder to keep hidden," Andros replied and said nothing more. Few understood that rare talent that began with Kirabaros and even the Jedi thought it improbable. Greea knew what he was talkng...  [Read More]
"They will mobilize even in p0laces least expected. It is the way of things," Andros replied. He sensed Komad's discomfiture in his thoughts. He was not one to pry but base emotions were like water flowing through a river. He couldn't ignor...  [Read More]
"Let's just say that Avalon has relationships that are thousands of years old and if you know Avalonians, they never forget," Captain Matton replied. "This is true," Jun-la suddenly appeared beside the captain, "It does not m...  [Read More]
"You repeat what we have known and fought over for milennia. Why do youthink there have been the waves of light and dark? The Republic and the Empire? Master Starlighter knows this enemy having faced them long ago," Janus replied, "You...  [Read More]
"There is no need to worry at the present moment. He will make his choice," Andros whispered to Komad before turning his attention to the holo image of a familiar face. He addressed it, "What news have you for us Janus?" The holo...  [Read More]
"None at all. As I mentioned before, I am aware of my husband's tendencies," Greea replied. She turned her attention to Komad as he said something to Andros. Andros listened to the message and replied, "What does the son of my uncle wi...  [Read More]
Posted in: World affairs - resources
03-12-2008, 12:40 PM
This is not a world affairs site but many of what is posted in the database are from researchers from around the world studying different events. The site I am referring to is the database known as EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier. Inside this datab...  [Read More]
Posted in: General Questions on Writing
04-16-2008, 2:39 PM
Just remember to give credit where credit is due. If you right a songfic make sure you give credit on the lyrics. Just protects you from someone who might want to do that....  [Read More]
Posted in: Name Problems- Need Help with a Name? Ask Here
04-03-2008, 12:09 PM
If you are looking for a good name, look at other languages as people have said or use conglomerations or bastardized versions of existing words. In my fics the word sangtahut means blood traitor with the root being sang which is Latin for blood. Oth...  [Read More]
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