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Posted in: Would it be a problem
03-07-2003, 5:23 AM
Hey there, Alan (I assume it's you) I don't mind people sharing around the files (between ICQ and stuff like that) but I'd rather if it's not put on to any other servers. If that happens it's just one step away from websites hosting them themselves,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Last chance to audition for Beneath Monkey Island!
03-01-2003, 8:09 AM
Well, in a week's time the cast for Beneath Monkey Island will be announced and recording will begin. So you have until then for a last minute audition, if you haven't done already! I haven't found anyone for the role for Carla, the swordmaster of M...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight auditions - Beneath Monkey Island!
03-08-2003, 1:54 AM
I went to that git's website before I removed the URL. I get the impression that he's from the UK. :) And yes, what you say about Australian guys is true. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight auditions - Beneath Monkey Island!
03-07-2003, 5:25 AM
Speaking of typos, Daleks is spelt without the 'c' :( I've got good news regarding a Nightlight project. I think. Maybe. I'll be making an announcement Monday, maybe Teusday. The same day I announce the cast for Beneath Monkey Island....  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight auditions - Beneath Monkey Island!
03-05-2003, 8:12 AM
The announcement of who got what parts is going to be made on Monday. And it's going to be a pretty hard decision, there's fierce competition for the part of Guybrush. So you have until then. Hey, look at this! First time a thread in the forum has...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight auditions - Beneath Monkey Island!
02-28-2003, 6:54 AM
I think that the other people are putting them on any webspace they had. I got your audition, D. There was a very good DeCazador there. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight auditions - Beneath Monkey Island!
02-27-2003, 6:49 PM
Okay, Tom, I'm awaiting her audition. I haven't destroyed the scripts yet, I've saved the originals. But they're slowly being converted from Carla to a Jamaican guy named Carl (if it's needed)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight auditions - Beneath Monkey Island!
02-24-2003, 8:03 PM
Atalante, I'm sorry, but your accent is way too strong to pass for Carla. :( Because I've been unable to find a girl to play Carla, the script is now in the process of being changed. This could mean that the character of DeCazador will take Carla's...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight auditions - Beneath Monkey Island!
02-23-2003, 6:57 AM
You being a jerk doesn't count...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight auditions - Beneath Monkey Island!
02-21-2003, 5:26 PM
Nope, they're still open. I got a grand total of zero auditions for the role of Carla, which means I'm going to have to go back and rewrite parts of the script. Until then, auditions are still open....  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight auditions - Beneath Monkey Island!
02-18-2003, 2:41 AM
The audition ends when I get enough good voices to fill the parts - so at the moment, they're still open. Until I get ANY auditions for Carla, I'm not making a decision. Because without Carla, Beneath Monkey Island probably isn't going to work withou...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight auditions - Beneath Monkey Island!
02-16-2003, 7:09 PM
You feeling okay, Mercatfat? Why does Guybrush have an evil demonic laugh? I'm thinking that either your account has been hacked, or you're being a bit of a git. Either way, I'm not taking your audition seriously. And I was under the impression you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight auditions - Beneath Monkey Island!
02-16-2003, 6:34 PM
Hey there, 73! Welcome to the forums! Still downloading your voice samples now. Your Guybrush and LeChuck are quite good, I'm going to have to give all these sound samples a good listen to when I get home, I've got a fair few good Guybrushes from di...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight auditions - Beneath Monkey Island!
02-15-2003, 9:38 PM
You can do it in mp3 format or wav file. and I don't mind if you send it through e-mail or on the boards, as long as I get it. :) You have until Wednesday, sure. I plan to keep the auditions open until I'm happy with the voices. I've got eight audi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight auditions - Beneath Monkey Island!
02-14-2003, 9:56 AM
I don't think anyone has told Dominic, and I'm not sure if LucasArts would let him do the voices. If he would, it'd be great. At the moment, auditions are going to be open for a while. I've got four people to cast, and a grand total of zero submissi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight auditions - Beneath Monkey Island!
02-13-2003, 10:28 AM
This is the thread to discuss the proposed 'Beneath Monkey Island'. You can post your auditions up here as well for the community to hear and comment on (if you're brave enough)! If it turns out well, it might turn in to a regular occurance - I've g...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tierra 2 trailer
02-13-2003, 6:31 PM
I want too :( Send your voice samples over, Adventurer, You might think your bad, but everyone hates hearing their own voice....  [Read More]
Posted in: Tierra 2 trailer
02-13-2003, 10:25 AM
Anyone download it, have a listen? For those wondering, yes, Death and Miguel will both be in Tierra 2. They just weren't available when the trailer was recorded. And there's no gaurantee that it'll be done, either. There's no gaurantee until it's...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wahh.
01-31-2003, 10:39 AM
Remind me to keep away from message boards at 2:30am. These things should have some kind of child proof cap on it. I start typing without thinking. :( Through a long trail and error process, I found out that my net connections problem is being caus...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wahh.
01-31-2003, 10:16 AM
You're quite right, I've double checked. You won't be able to get the file by downloading it from the from page. There's a slight type in all the links. The capital 'L' in the LostcauseI folder should be lower case. It's now fixed. And I'm fully awa...  [Read More]
Posted in: thanx for answering
02-03-2003, 10:07 AM
Voices are the easy part, as if there ever was a Tierra animated show I'd get the actors who originally voiced the characters to do them again. Trust me, the hard part would be the animation. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: thanx for answering
01-27-2003, 8:03 AM
The picture of Number Two wearing glasses and being mostly bald? Yep, that's a cartoon drawing of Stanley, the guy who does his voice. :) And I'd love for Tierra to make an animated stage one day. Probably wishful thinking though!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey, Adventurer!
01-12-2003, 4:40 AM
Check your private messages...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nightlight's Christmas special
01-10-2003, 10:08 AM
It's just a tad late. This christmas special was ready in time for christmas. Every power possible conspired against me and stopped me from getting it online though. This was made in 1999. It's kinda based in Australian politics. All you have to kn...  [Read More]
Posted in: Happy New Year Harry!
01-24-2003, 7:03 PM
Hey there, Incredible. Welcome to the wonderful place that is LucasForums. :) Number Two isn't meant to be Spanish, or Italian, or anything for that matter, really. As for his name, well... generally, the character of Number Two was intended to be t...  [Read More]
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