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The Source

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Posted in: Question About Religion
 The Source
10-18-2006, 6:29 PM
Actually, I do believe there is something after death, since I believe in ghosts and spirits, I just don't believe in the Christian Heaven that's all... Oh Okay....  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
 The Source
10-18-2006, 5:46 PM
How do I know what His will for me is? How has he ever made this clear to me? And please don't answer the Bible because I consider that to be a fictional story, or at least most of it... In order to answer this question, you would have to open the B...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
 The Source
10-16-2006, 9:27 AM
I'm asking this sincerely, and I hope it doesn't come across as witchy, because that is not the tone I'm trying to take here. Anyway, here's my question: If one can believe in ghosts as departed souls, how does a person then deny the One who created...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
 The Source
10-16-2006, 9:15 AM
Which makes sense, Jesus was Jewish and maybe the best example for any person of the Jewish faith to follow... After remembering some stuff from Art History class, I can see how people would endup being baffled about religion. Christianity Beliefs...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
 The Source
10-16-2006, 8:27 AM
MacLeodGR, let me make it clear to you: I am not out to get you. I myself am Christian and have my own beliefs on faith and God. I just think that you need to stop going into debates half-cocked. You're speaking from your heart, which is good, becaus...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
 The Source
10-15-2006, 10:02 PM
For someone who insists on arguing based on Scripture, you sure don't paraphrase it correctly. The passage you are talking about comes from John, Chapter 8, and it has some very significant differences from your version. Look for yourself. (http://ww...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
 The Source
10-15-2006, 7:14 PM
I think people have worked together over the last centuries to make laws and morals the pillars of any civil society, it still has nothing to do with God IMO... How do you know for sure what the word of God is Jae? Because it's written down in the Bi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
 The Source
10-15-2006, 3:55 PM
^^^^ Amen. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
 The Source
10-15-2006, 2:57 PM
I fixed my post above. I found error in some of my statement....  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
 The Source
10-15-2006, 2:04 PM
Since I see another potential for these forums, I will raise the white flag on my end. Religion is a tough subject to talk about, and if treated the wrong way it does stir up emotions. Several of us may have over-reacted to some of the comments, self...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
 The Source
10-15-2006, 11:35 AM
I just received a PM warning from a moderator. In reality, this thread should have been closed a while back. In its nature, it was designed to get people upset. To be honest, I shouldn't have received the warning, the moderators should have received...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
 The Source
10-14-2006, 5:58 PM
Never heard of that second one... you sure about that? Yep. When I get the clear information, I will post you a link to it. I believe the king branched off from the Church, for he disagreed with the pope's policies....  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
 The Source
10-14-2006, 3:47 PM
I used the wrong word. Fixed now. I maybe getting mixed up here. Within these forums, there are two identical threads. One comes off very ignorant, and the other is based upon trying to find an answer. There are too many of these similar religion th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
 The Source
10-14-2006, 2:14 PM
Until you look beyond your own narrowminded views, I suggest you do the same and stop atacking me personally. I have posed very good points and arguments, and I know what I'm talking about, but you haven't answered them and decided to attack me, why?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question About Religion
 The Source
10-14-2006, 9:56 AM
Don't patronise me, I've been through six years of Catholic primary school and six years of Catholic high school, so I think I have a right to talk about the subject, and I think knowing that Jesus was Jewish and that he was nailed to the cross and a...  [Read More]
Posted in: String Theory or Quantum Gravity?
 The Source
10-14-2006, 8:59 PM
I believe that Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory are pretty close to where things should be. I was just writting a dictation on Quantum Mechanics for a class. The String Theory is pretty new to the Physics field. I think it needs to be chall...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Duel: A Legacy of the Force Story
 The Source
10-15-2006, 3:23 PM
Just a quick question on clarification because my brain is a bit fried today--do you mean the Dark Horizon is fending for itself, or the rift? I are confused. :) The Dark Horizon is taking off, and leaving the temporal rift behind. I am writting myse...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Duel: A Legacy of the Force Story
 The Source
10-15-2006, 3:00 PM
For some strange reason, the Dark Horizon traveled out of the system, and left the rift to fend for itself....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Duel: A Legacy of the Force Story
 The Source
10-14-2006, 2:19 PM
It would be cool to see a massive all out war. Here is hoping. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Duel: A Legacy of the Force Story
 The Source
10-14-2006, 9:26 AM
Hey Devon: I hope you understand what I have done to this game. If you make a character that is untouchable by the other players, the game ends in a stealmate. There has to be a way for you and Jae to collide in combat. Sith are not telepathic in a...  [Read More]
The file I downloaded doesn't have any .uti or .utc files. It has an appearance.2da and pics of the robes only. Did you get the module files?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium - Released
 The Source
10-20-2006, 11:26 AM
Matt came through. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium - Released
 The Source
10-15-2006, 10:08 PM
No harm done. You are just interested in our work, and the work of other modders. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium - Released
 The Source
10-14-2006, 5:36 PM
I'm starting to get a little sick of waiting for Lucasfiles to fix whatever its problem is, so I'm just going to stop visiting for a while. If anyone out there is feeling especially civic-minded, drop me a line at my address (----------------) when t...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium - Released
 The Source
10-14-2006, 9:07 AM
As far as I can recall right now these are the heads/oortrait/appearance 2das. I have several mods, that change the appearance of the NPCs and one, that makes Mission Vao selectable as PC. The other mods had all the TSL Patcher included, so it was no...  [Read More]
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