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Posted in: Republic Commando's Ending *spoilers*
03-07-2005, 2:06 AM
Yea I completely agree with all of you guys, the ending was quite a bit of a letdown, it just felt like they kinda ran out of gas or something at the end. On another note on the ending I'm really confused on what is happening. I even played the epil...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pcgamer magazine review, 62%
03-07-2005, 1:29 AM
I think that PCGamer had a fair estimate of the game, I mean although the game was fun, I definitly would've been disappointed if I put down 50 bucks for this game. (I rented it for XBox) I would have given it about a 70% (it's a fun game, but nothin...  [Read More]